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About Zwine

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  1. Zwine

    desktop themes under windows XP

    Well atleast Windowsblinds works
  2. Yes very annoying. Have you tried using a wallpaper with most of it white ? Only thing you can see in the icon txt is shadows. How can I use for example black text with my wallpapers ? Or blue? PS: This must be the most annoying feature in WinXP I have found so far.
  3. Zwine

    Shutting Down

    How 'bout installing the NT/Apm legacy support ? Solved the problem for me. Install it through the Add Hardware wizard.
  4. Zwine

    Setting refresh rate above 60Hz in Opengl?

    I tried the nvreffix again and it worked. Now I can finally play CS with 100Hz (800x600) Thx for the posts.
  5. Zwine

    Setting refresh rate above 60Hz in Opengl?

    I can't seem to change refresh rate with Powerstrip. The resolution is changed too and when I start for example Half-Life, the´refresh rate is still the annoying 60. Yes, nvreffix starts and acts normally but it doesn't change the refresh rate. Here's what it says on the nvreffix homepage: "ATTENTION Windows XP (Whistler) users: Currently, WinXP support is disabled due to issues with the program incorrectly detecting the hardware. WinXP support will be re-enabled in the next version of the program." Help me !
  6. Yes, how is this possible? In w2k I can do it with nvreffix or by regedt32 but nvreffix doesn't support WinXP yet and it's no longer possible with regedt32. I have to boot to w2k to play opengl games with >60Hz. Thanks in advance. Zwine
  7. Zwine

    Powerstrip problem

    Forgot to say that I have Windows 2000 final build (2195). ------------------ Abit BH6 rev. 1.0 Celeron 300@464 96Mb SDRAM Asus v3400TNT IBM Deskstar 10.1GB Toshiba SDM-1212 Sounblaster 64PCI Asuscom PCI isdn-adapter Realtek PCI networkcard Hollywood+ MPEG2-decocer
  8. Zwine

    Powerstrip problem

    I get a BSOD when I try to start the new version of Powerstrip 2.64.1 The BSOD contains the following: An attempt was made to write to read-only memory. This driver may be at fault :PStrip.sys I didn't get any bsods while using earlier versions and i would really like to use this version since offers better Win2k compatibility and other neat stuff. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Zwine

    3.66 Drivers

    Actually I have AGP enabled in win2k. I use the 3.55 drivers. You can get them from http://www.xs4all.nl/~bmsmit/HTML/detonator/detonatorw2k.html
  10. Zwine

    About ISDN cards

    I have a Asucom PCI and it works perfectly. I use the Asuscoms win2k-drivers and no problems whatsoever. Try Asuscom.
  11. Zwine

    TNT drivers

    Well thanks anyways
  12. Zwine

    TNT drivers

    How can i get those Direct3d controls, Opengl controls, gamma etc. I really would like to tweak those as I could under win98. There isn't any Nvidia corporation in registry... I have 3.65 drivers. They work fine, but i just don't get those controls under Display settings.