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Compatible Support Forums


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About kmoed

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  1. kmoed


    If microsoft and other companies actually SUPPORTED the people that buy there products there might be less pirating going on.Ever try to get a answer from Ms support about blue screens that keep re-acccuring.HA! I for one am sick and tired of dishing out the cash for software and once purchased having to comb through message boards for support issues(thank god for boards like this one)because the software vendor doesent care about your problems.I cant remeber one instance in the last 5 years where I actually had a problem solved by tech support of a software vendor.I have always had to look to the experts on the net for answers. There's no exscuse for theft but when you piss the people of that are supporting your company your asking for it.
  2. kmoed

    Let's face it

    Win2k hands down best gaming OS ever!