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Everything posted by Jehova

  1. Jehova

    Asus Beta 2K driver (6600), no TV OUT?

    I have the same problem. Guess it's not implemented yet. grrrr.
  2. Jehova

    Sticky keys on Rogue Spear

    Not as long this bug is around. It affects the majority of my games and thereby makes them unplayable under win2k. Let's hope MS fixes this really soon.
  3. Jehova

    hp 8250i

    Anybody running the hp 8250i cd-writer succesfully out there? Does it work with Adaptec CD Creator and CDRWin?
  4. Jehova

    Asus V6600 Deluxe

    Are all the fancy stuff like Tv-out and 3D-glasses acutally working with the latest Asus drivers under NT 4.0?
  5. Jehova

    Asus V6600 Deluxe

    Acutally, the 3D-glasses work. But tv-out has yet to come. [This message has been edited by Jehova (edited 23 February 2000).]
  6. Jehova

    Mouse still sticks!

    I still have the sticky keys problem too!! I have had it for months, so i'm pretty damn tired of it now. It appears in AvsP, Descent3 and Rogue Spear.
  7. Jehova


    Somehow, I've lost my boot.ini file, and during startup win2k says it will use some default one instead. How can I fix this? Where does the boot.ini file usually reside?
  8. Jehova

    MX300 in W2K: Which drivers?

    Yeah, Mx300 works fine with the inbuild drivers. But the drivers from diamond (which have been beta since february last year!!!) still doesnt give you all the fancy stuff like equalizer (same situation as NT here). Again in total contrast to the propaganda on the box.
  9. Jehova

    BP6 + Win2k +SMP + Quake3 + TNT/GeForce - Anyone have this c

    You should be able to run Q3 in OpenGL with build 2128. If you download Nvidia's 3.65 drivers, D3D will be an option too.
  10. Jehova

    Yo listen up TNT Users!

    I want to check my TV-out too on my Asus V6600 Deluxe, but no drivers Not even for NT - which the box promises. I hate that. Can I get my money back then? I would like to try it just to piss them off so that the next time they release a card with lots of propaganda on the box, the drivers will be there too.
  11. Jehova

    Q3A SMP results with GeForce 256!

    It might not be related, but I had succes with eleminating lagging by increasing the size of my swap-file.
  12. Jehova

    Planescape: Torment

    Although I haven't tried it under NT, I see no reason why it should'nt. Baldur's Gate did (same engine), and Torment is just 2D (at ugly 640x480). [This message has been edited by Jehova (edited 29 December 1999).]
  13. Jehova

    Geforce 256 & OpenGL in W2K

    3.65 adds support for D3D. What really pisses me off is that Asus haven't got their own NT & win2k drivers in place at this time so long after the card hit the market. This is in total contrast to the propagande on the box.
  14. Jehova

    Goofy Mouse Prob...

    I still have the "sticky" mouse problem with build 2194.
  15. Jehova

    There has got to be a way..............

    What registry patch? Which card is it?
  16. Jehova

    Anyone found a fix for keys sticking?

    Yeah, roque spear has it too here. And I can add Shogo, Descent3 and Alien vs Predator to the list ( A fix would REALLY be a lifesaver
  17. Jehova

    Performance - geForce and UT

    I have some performance and visual quality problems while running UT and Unreal-based games with an Asus geForce under build 2194. Performance is good if I've been around a certain area a long time, but if I f.ex enter a new room it freezes for a second - just like it's caching models and textures from disc. I just don't understand that such a simple task could force a geForce (with 32mb ram) to its knees. I must be missing some important setting (AGP texture size?) or something. I have 160Mb RAM, which makes it even more strange. Another thing is the textures themselves: They look very blurry, like they're 8-bit. And lightning looks very odd - like the sphere is to obvious. This seems strange too. Anybody experiencing the same? Another thing: My geForce is the Deluxe version with TV-out. Will I need special drivers to make it work? The manual is very sparse on this issue. I use Nvidia's driver becaue Asus's own don't support D3D.
  18. Jehova

    Performance - geForce and UT

    I somehow fixed the problem myself by fiffling around with my system settings. By setting the swap-file to the double size of my physical RAM all the lagging problems dissapeared.
  19. Jehova

    Mouse keys stick in games?

    It's simply amazing how we have been assimilated. All of a sudden the mouse doesn't work. Nobody knows why. But then the error "goes away" with time and upgrades - and nobody still knows why. And now we don't care because it works. I had the same problem after upgrading to RC3, and the problem disapeared after upgrading to 2194. Alien versur Predator still has the problem though. Last night i installed a new graphics card. The result in behavior: when i fastforward in Windows media player it crashed, and shutdowns now take 5 minutes.. pfff. Good thing they don't make cars or spaceshuttles.