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Everything posted by Reaper_uk

  1. A very strange bug or something has once again cursed my computer! months and months ago i upgraded to windowsXP from win2000 because of this very problem. I've since returned to win2000 and have been fine for about 3weeks, but now its happening again and its very frustrating. When i open Outlook express6 it takes about 2mins before the program opens, after i click the icon. Internet explorer6 locks up for around a minute when i type information into a form, or on a search engine, then carries on fine. Netmeeting trys to load but just hangs at the welcome to netmeeting splash screen. Has anyone heard anything like this before and if so, what can i do??? I've ruled out a virus, well used norton 2002 and that found nothing. I've tried reverting back to IE/OE5 but that didn't help. I've also reinstalled SP2. I believe this must be some kind of weird software conflict or something but once its here i can't seem to get rid of it, reformatting would solve my problem but surely theres another easier method. Could it have something to do with the explorer shell? Sorry to go on, and i hope that enough information for you all. Cheers, My system: AMD athlon 1.4 Abit KG7-RAID 256ddr ram 30gb ibm GXP75 10gb Maxtor Teac 4x4x32 cd-rw Sony 16/48 DVD 100mb zip drive Voodoo 5500 Soundblaster live!1024 player Hollywood+ decoder card Internet PCI modem Dlink 10/100 NIC Windows 2000 SP2 installed and latest updates.
  2. Reaper_uk

    has anyone hummingbird socks client 7.0?

    i've got hummingbird wank v7 if you want it. i think i'm limited to only sending via icq though because of the totally crap firewall setup i'm behind. icq: 50501959
  3. Reaper_uk

    Creative Dxr3 and H+ drivers, no go?

    Hi, can i just ask what version H+ drivers you used, and what (if any) changes u needed to make the dxr3. So how did you get XP to install them?? Does everything work properly? can u use zone selector and all that? cheers
  4. Reaper_uk

    Highpoint, Abit Athlon and XP - not so good

    sorry guys but i think i most be on of the lucky ones. just installed 2486, my main HDD is one the HPT IDE and everything is up and working fine. i just downloaded the latest HPT drivers for win2k before formatting and used those during install. I'm using the VIA 4in1 v4.31 aswell. The only i can say, is my bootup and boot down seems atad bit slower than before, which i thnik someone said could be my HPT slowing things down, but in XP its not noticable. oh, i'm also using the TY bios and the latest HPT bios, 1.03b i think. So i'm a happy chappy running XP very nicely off my KA7-100, pity my sound is still abit ****ed, hope they sort that out soon!
  5. Reaper_uk

    svchost.exe question

    If you want less of these things, u need to and turn some of your services off. i believe they are mostly critical services, but you can turn some of them. its kinda hit or miss for awhile because in the services they aren't under svchost but other names. so just go around turning 1 service off at a time, to see if it gets rid of any of your svchosts. but i think at least 3 of them are critical and can't be turned off without ****ing the OS. hope this helped, sorry but i can't explain things very well so u may have to read post twice to see what i'm getting at.
  6. Reaper_uk

    Highpoint, Abit Athlon and XP - not so good

    there have been some much newer bios update for our board, just not offically through abit and HPT. i've forgotten the link now, but do a search for silcon dreamz and maybe pauls KA7-100 faq. if i find the link i'll let you know
  7. Reaper_uk

    build 2474 and stuttering mp3s

    I've just installed XP build 2474, a clean install, from 2462. everything is running and back to normal + my hollywood+ works now . My problem is that i have winamp running in the background playing mp3s basically all the time. and it just keeps on stuttering for not apparent reason. the cpu is idling along, no programs have to be open for it to happen, nothing. theres a couple of things i think it might be but i dunno. my system spec. (ask if u need to know more) amd athlon 850 (clocked. clocked or not has no effect by the way) Abit KA7-100 mobo SBlive! 1024 using win2k liveware3 IBM GXP75 30gb (in hpt udma100 IDE port) Maxtor 10gb (old, in normal IDE port) I've never had any problems with my SBlive before, full hardware acceleration always, never a problem. I've tried running it at Basic acceleration, still same problem. I've applied the VIA pci latency patch, still same problem. i've used the newest SBlive drivers, still no worky. the other thing i notice, is whenever it stutters the HDD LED on case lights up (my mp3s are stored on my old 10gb) and i did have a problem when i installed the VIA 4in1 latest drivers, 4in131a i believe, i couldn't install the IDE busmaster properly. so in the end, cos i remember a while back people saying win2k doesn't the busmaster, i just uninstalled, what had been installed, from the device manager. could that have anything to do with it? or is it simply some weird problem with build 2474?
  8. Reaper_uk

    build 2474 and stuttering mp3s

    cheers fir the information. yeah, i did try those bus mastering drivers and at the end of the installation i got a BSOD, and the computer wouldn't boot up anymore. it just stopped at the startup logo bit. (so i had to boot using last know good config) anyway, cheers. i hope VIA or Ms or Creative figure out this problem. (so why didn't i get the is problem in build 2462? or ever in win2k?)
  9. Reaper_uk

    DX8final + Voodoo4/5 dx8 driver = Still problems?

    I had the same problem with tony hawks2 major graphics problems, after i put the latest 3dfx voodoo5 drivers on and directx8. So i was about to e-mail 3dfx complaining, but i decided to put my previous 3dfx drivers on first, because i really wanted to play tony hawks2. however the graphics were/are still screwed up! so, i was under the impression that it was directx8 and not the 3dfx drivers? anyone tried the latest 3dfx drivers without directx8 to see if the games are still screwed then??
  10. Reaper_uk

    Voodoo5 Vs. Geforce2 Ultra

    just up the res and so FSAA doesn't matter. i think not, even if you put the to 1600X1200 1024X768@4xFSAA, looks a hell of alot better, think i would even prefer 1024x768@2xFSAA. do be honest i play most games in 2xFSAA and not 4xFSAA, although 4x would make the image loads nicer, because it does it 4x and also because it does it using a different method at 4x i believe, but the fps impact in alot of games is just abit to much. i mean, in win2k 1024x768@2xFSAA with 16bit colour, 32bit texture quality, everything else on full. 52fps on demo1 is very playable and looks very very nice. not the fastest in the world but looks a hell of alot better than any other card. Also 1024x768@4xFSAA in motorcross madness2, oooooh thats just so sweet. i can push it up to 1280x1024 but thats down to about 20fps, although i wouldn't know if i didn't have the indicator on becuase it runs smooth as a babies bottom. (sorry for going on abit)
  11. Reaper_uk

    Voodoo5 Vs. Geforce2 Ultra

    i have a voodoo5 5500agp and am extremely pleased with my purchase. FSAA is great, no its not as fast as a geforceDDR or GTS2, IN SOME GAMES, but its still bloody fast. to the person who said they would prefer 1600x1200 over FSAA at lower res, i think not. FSAA is just such a ****ing nice feature. if you don't have it or haven't played on a machine with it you can't really say anyting about it, becuase its whens its turned on you don't really notice it the games just runs along luvly, its when you turn it off you notice it ARGH please turn it back on, NOW!! If you want brute speed in all games go for the GTS or ULTRA for stupidly fast gaming. If you want luvly graphics quality, stable, fast games go for the voodoo5 5500. It may not last you as long as the GTS2 but hey, i'd still go for it its that sweet. (by the way, if anyone comes up and says yeah the geforce can do FSAA aswel, yes it can but the geforce on its highest level of FSAA isn't as good as the voodoos 2xFSAA. you just can't compare the 2, its like trying to perform a unbiased benchmark using quake3 and 3dmark 2000, it ain't going to happen) Anyway, spend some time reading/listen/learning and decide for yourself what cards better suits your needs.
  12. Just thought i'd let people know before they install the drivers and have the game. i'm talking about the new voodoo4/5 drivers released on the 9th november. I have directx8 on now also, but that wasn't teh cause because i had it on before i put on the new drivers and the game still worked fine. what these new drivers do is cause the textures to go all weird and ****ed up basically, which is very annoying. the first menu screen of the game works, and all the "options" menus, but as soon as you go to any of the skate options the textures started tearing and going weird, game justs gets worse. Its a shame becuase all my otehrs games seemed to see a improvement in fps over the other drivers. Anyone, with directx8 and the new voodoo4/5 drivers with tony hawks2 and don't have a problem, please let me know. Cheers
  13. Reaper_uk

    EA Premiership all stars

    Just brought the game (premiership all stars) and my usb MS sidewinder didn't work properly, tried it in motorcross madness2 worked fine still. hmmm i thought, bloody EA. i went to control panel>game controllers it popped up with "Installation failed" error, but my control seemed fine and was responding fine, so dunno what that erroe is (never used to happen) wen into yahoo chat and someone said that yeah it couldn't handle controller inputs in win2k (or something to that affect) but that there wa a patch out. been looking around ea.com and easports.com etc can't see anything. So, has anyone else had any trouble with this game in win2k pro?? cheers
  14. Reaper_uk

    EA Premiership all stars

    Anyone?? Seeing as fifa2000 works under whistler do you think whistler would solve this problem to?? Does anyone know where i can get a copy of whistler?? come on someone answer, its all lonely here
  15. Reaper_uk

    age of empires 2 w/ win2k

    don't think its win2k, because mine, and friends work. i would say update nvidia drivers those are most likely to be the cause, check windows update and make sure you got those games compat. patches. might be wrong though
  16. At the moment i dual boot win2k pro and win98se. Becuase, i can't be bothered to wait a couple of mins to shutdown and boot into win98 just to play my games i've installed them under win2k and am trying to play all my games in win2k. So far it seems to be ok except rally masters which is just far too slow and juddery. which got me thinking if rally masters got such a big fps hit then my games are likely to be taking some kind of a hit. So, if you know of any game tweaks for UT, quake3, rally masters, motorcross madness, deux Ex, or any others then i would appricate it. my system is: athlon 700@900 (using GFD) Abit ka7-100 (via 4in1 4.24) 192mb pc100 Voodoo5 5500 19" monitor SB live!1024 (same as US xgamer i believe) IBM deskstar 75GXP 30gb Maxtor 10.8gb toshiba 8x DVD Teac 4x4x32 cd-rw zip drive 100mb internal Creative DTS 2500 5.1 speakers
  17. Using win2k pro my Ms sidewinder gamepad pro was working fine until the day i put msn gaming zone software on my machine, so i could play age of empires II online, after i put software on i tried to play rugby 2000/1 and my gamepad just wouldn't respond. i went into game controller menu and it appeared there and said was ok, so i went to the test feature and it just wouldn't repsond. weird i thought. i uninstalled msn gaming zone software, tried again still no luck. So after afew days fiddling around i took the pad over a friends house just to check it was still working and it worked fine. So seeing as my win2k was getting abit sloppy i decided to format. so after a format i put back my dual 98se/win2k setup and tested the pad in win98, worked. great i thought. when i tried it in win2k, installed fine but no respone again! now i'm pissed off! any ideas, need more info? any feedback would be great
  18. Reaper_uk

    Hollywood + and Zone selector

    Hi, i got a toshiba dvd drive, if i flash the rom to make it region free in device manager its blanks out my options to change the region, should it be doing this? so does it mean i only have to change the region code in dvd station?
  19. Hi, i'm considering upgrading my voodoo3 and was wondering which of those cards you would prefer to have? My system is athlon 700@800 KA7-100 (KX133) 192RAM pc100 (cas2) 19" monitor SB Live!1024 30.7gb IBM ATA100 I have heard the GTS2 has problems with my motherboard at the moment, how is it with win2k generally? any weird stuff i could except? i assume the voodoo5 is like the voodoo3 in the fact tha you just put it in and your off no hassle. Any feedback would be great, cheers
  20. Reaper_uk

    voodoo5 Vs GTS2, which is better for win2k??

    What system do you have and what res/FSAA do you use in games like UT, desus EX? And the big thing what type of fps do you get?
  21. Reaper_uk

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    190mb!! how are people with normal 56k connections meant to download that when its released?
  22. Reaper_uk

    A word of Advice for owners of DXR3 and Hollywood Plus under

    a bit off topic, but has anyone managed to get 4speakers support with an sblive and hollywood+ card?? i've got 2speakers in front jack and 2speakers in rear (upgrading to some 5.1 dolby digital soon but for now) i can only get my front speakers to work. If i use the tip, from a FAQ at sigma design website, to get USB speakers to work properly, i can get all 4 speakers to work, but the DVD station software becomes unstable. any ideas anyone?
  23. Reaper_uk

    Toca2 in Win2k

    i got the same problem as you guys. i can get past the first problem, you change a setting in the registry, but then the games comes up all garbled. I want the person who said they got the game to work, and put it on the compatiblity list here at ntcompatible to tell us what else they did, because i really want to play toca2. what version do you guys have? i've got the uk version with the patch.
  24. Reaper_uk

    Rally Masters and Win 2000

    i got unarc to work, with NFS5: PPU. it did take me like 4 or 5 attempts but it did work.
  25. Reaper_uk

    sblive and SoF problem

    ok, i just got my sblive!1024 player afew days ago, and it installed fine had no probs with the liveware from the creative site. But, i've noticed sometime in SoF (haven't really played many other games as much so don't if it happens in them aswel) the sound goes all weird. I can still hear the bullets wizzing past me at full sound and that type of effect but i can't hear footsteps or my bullets and other main sound effects. This only happends sometimes though, which is the weird bit. at other times its fine. any ideas anyone?