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  1. MAC

    superbike 2001 refuses to run in 2k/98

    Well (i hope i dont get shot for saying this) If your using the ***** Version (sorry,wash my mouth out with soap and water) then i had the same probs even in win 98 it would crash out so i whent into the folder where i installed the game, looked for the MILES folder the deleted the FULL contents of this folder but make sure you keep the folder there. now try it It will will work like a dream or YOUR money back Trust me ------------------ MAC
  2. MAC

    Some of the same some new

    Not Gona comment on the SCSI subject but i have just brought a SB Live 1024 with the Desktop Theater 5.1 Digital speaker system and it works great, although i did buy the Digital I/O 2 card as well so i am going through the Digital DIN socket. I will say that there is a few featues missing from the Win 2000 Live!Ware which was in the win98 version, but we cant have it all, And if any of ya was thinking about purchasing the Desktop Theater 5.1 Digital it comes HIGHLY recomended by me. The matrix DVD is just out of this world when played through it. WIN WHISTLE YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT IT! ------------------ MAC
  3. Well i have had Windows Whistle 2257 on my comp for 3 days now and am very impressed very well presented. Before the upgrade i was using Windows ME due to WIN 2k not playing Fifa 2000 (and i need fifa 2000 support) I will just say PLS STAY WELL CLEAR ON ME it is the worst peice of software ever made. BUT the good news is Fifa 2000 DOES Work with Windows Whistle and plays very well just like all the games i have tried. And quickly on the Firewall subject I have just purchased Lockdown 2000 PROFESSIONAL and it works 100% under Whistle and i will say its a great firewall too well worth the $150 i paid for it. SO HAPPY GAMING PEOPLE GET WHISTLE AT ALL COSTS ------------------ MAC
  4. MAC

    Another game company saying no to Win2k

    Grand Prix 3 works fantasticaly on Windows 2000 very smooth in fact alot smoother than Windows ME which i have on a dual boot with 2k so go out and buy it you will not regret it. by the way that is with a voodoo 5 5500 but my mate tested it on his voodoo 3 3000 and was great also. ------------------ MAC
  5. MAC

    W2K, IE, and Java Problem

    Hi mate that sounds like an identical problem i had it was really pissing me off i could not view any thing which was to do with java chat windows etc etc anyway the last resort for me was to reinsatll over the top of old installation and it fixed it no probs atall now. only takes 40 mins or so so i think it is worth it hope i have helped cya mate ------------------ MAC
  6. MAC

    Soldier of Fortune

    Well I Have got a P3 500 (intel ovioiusly) and SOF runs amazing i have windows 2000 and win ME beta 2525 in dual boot and it runs a hell of alot better on 2000 than ME i recently installed wicked GL i have to admit it made a difference crisper etc but it ran superb anyway GREAT GAME as well cheers MAC
  7. MAC

    EA S****

    Well guys i dont know about you but i am NEVER gonna buy anouther game from EA again UNLESS we start getting some support here, yes i will play EA games i am a massive fan of the fifa series but instead of buying the games, FUC* YOU EA i am gonna download em yip download the whole godd damm game from warez sites i have just finished downloading Superbikes 2000 (Which i have to play on Windows 98) and did not have to pay EA a ******* Penny so srew you EA. If we all either stop buying EA games and or download them then they will have to do something about all this ,come on guys lets show em who is boss. E - Mail me for links to download the games P.S i would have no problem in buying EA games if we got support to go with them dont get me wrong i am not the type to download everything, just software from companys that piss me off. Thats it i have said my bit cheers guys. ------------------ MAC
  8. Hey Mate just Download 3D Mark 2000 mate it works fine under Windows 2000, It is much better than 99 anyway cheers ------------------ MAC
  9. MAC

    Piracy, 2

    I cannot say Piracy is o.k but the fact is nearly everyone does it say a neighbour buys a new PC with windows 98 installed on it, and next door go around and see this PC oh they say (it is a nice story bare with me) you have got windows 98 can we pls borrow it to put on our computer, of course you can they say, so there you have it a ordinary family have committed Piracy they have broke the law whether they just lend it out or copy it same thing they are criminals who cares Microsoft have bigger fish to fry like multi million dollar companys ripping Microsoft off for £1000's of pounds they dont really care about this. Well i actually downloaded windows 2000 FINAL from the net but now i have actually brought it o.k i have not paid £400 etc for it i paid £99 and yes it is all above board manuals authenticity etc got it from a mate with his own computer business and it is the FULL 1 not the upgrade so there you have it we are all criminals oh yeah i have made 3 or 4 copies of it already but hey who cares! ------------------ MAC
  10. I just downloaded the transparency program looks great and it does not make any noticeable difference in terms of slowing my system down although i have just gone to a Dual P3 500 and it makes a big difference but yeah great program. ------------------ MAC
  11. Sorry mate was in a bit of a rush right i had an 8gb hard drive right. then i whent out and brought a new 27 gb HD and replaced my 8 gb one i installed win 98 on it and everything was fine the 3 drives i had was © hard drive (d) CD ROM and (E) CD writer Right then i decided to put my old 8gb hard drive back in so i plugged it up and it is detected at startup as secondry master then it is also displayed in my computer as drive (E) and my CD writer is now (F) right i wanted to then put win 98 on this new drive (E) but when i try to install 98 is says you cannot install 98 on this drive, so i tried reformatting it and it says you cannot format a network drive.???? i have not got that network thing enabled either mate i dont know what i did (if anything) to make this a network drive again any help much appreciated if you need more info pls tell me as i really need to get this sorted. as my aim is to have Windows 2000 on the 27gb drive and 98 on the 8 gb drive thanks. ------------------ MAC
  12. Come on pls someone give us a bit of advice it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance ------------------ MAC
  13. Right i have a 27gb hard drive which i brought not long ago it has windows 98 and everything is fine. i then put my 8gb hard drive back in it is detected at startup and apears in "my computer" but i cannot reformat it or install windows as it says it is a network drive how do i change it to just a normal drive as i want to put windows 98 on it? any help would be much appreciated. and yes i tried the search but i was not really sure what it came under. ------------------ MAC
  14. MAC

    Fifa 2000 patch is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FU*K EA they are by far the worst games developer company about, they ripp us off time and time again releasing the same game every year (or 3 times a year) with a new name or an extra number Fifa 99 Fifa 2000 etc etc o.k i have just played superbike world Championship 2000 and yes it looks stunning and plays stunning but could EA be arrsed to make in win 2k compatible no of course they could not that would go against the **** off the gamers tradition and will EA release a patch for windows 2000 that works no of course not they will make us wait and pay for Fifa 2001 and superbike 2001 well bolocks EA give that f**king license to another company and let them make a game we all know is possible with a bit of feedback from us the gamers and we also will maybe get the support we deserve after paying £30 for the god damm game well thats it i cannot end this letter with i am not going to buty anouther EA game ever again as i want that license and no other game can compete with that but what i am gonna say is until EA make a game i think is worthy of me paying £30 for (Football) then i will download the FUC*ING game and ripp them bast**ds off. bye guys ------------------ MAC
  15. MAC

    Fifa 2000 patch is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi mate i i see what you are saying but my mate knows the poeple at EA well and he got it direct from them, he has tried it and said it works for him under win 2000 i did not have as much luck as you can see above but it is direct from EA it says EA canada all over the patch mate. ------------------ MAC