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Everything posted by Snoop

  1. Hi ! When i have Win98 and a util like Tweak IT you can enable Plus Icons (not themes) (the Icons on Desktop and Folder Icons become better looking (but same sort of Icon). When i upgrade Win98 to 2000 this option is enabled in Win2k too. When i have a clean Win2k installation the option is not enabled (Tweak it does not run in Win2k) Now the Question: How can i enable this Option in Win2k ?!?! Thanks Snoop ------------------ win2k build 2195 ASUS P2B bios revision 1.12 2 x 4 GB, 1 x 18 GB DDYS 128 ram TNT2 Maxi Game Xentor 16 Adaptec 29160 SB Live Value Realtek ethernet PCI Teles ISDN 16.3
  2. Hi ! Sometime i get this Bluescreen Error: IRQLESS or NOT EQUAL n??.exe Do you know this error ??? What can i do to prevent this error ? Snoop ------------------ win2k build 2195 ASUS P2B bios revision 1.12 2 x 4 GB, 1 x 18 GB DDYS 128 ram TNT2 Maxi Game Xentor 16 Adaptec 29160 SB Live Value Realtek ethernet PCI Teles ISDN 16.3
  3. Snoop

    SOF and Det 2 FIX here !!!

    found this: Those of you out there who are experiencing crashes in Opengl games such as Soldier of Fortune (e.g. GLimp_EndFrame() - SwapBuffers() failed!) after installing the Detonator 2 drivers for Windows 2000 will need to fix it using this procedure. 1. Click, Start, Run. 2. Type in regedit & hit Enter. 3. Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers]. Delete the RIVATNT subkey. 4. Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers] & make a New String Value entitled nvoglnt. Thanks to the nVidia newsgroup (unknown_error in particular) for mentioning the basic fix. hope it helps ...
  4. Snoop

    SOF and Det 2 FIX here !!!

    Okey ... i must do something wrong i think ... no opengl game will work know ... write back the rivatnt subkey an all woks normal again ... except sof ... please report me your result ... to see what i made wrong ... PS: got 1. post from official SOF Message Board. ------------------ win2k build 2195 ASUS P2B bios revision 1.12 2 x 4 GB, 1 x 18 GB DDYS 128 ram TNT2 Maxi Game Xentor 16 Adaptec 29160 SB Live Value Realtek ethernet PCI Teles ISDN 16.3 [This message has been edited by Snoop (edited 05 June 2000).]
  5. Snoop

    SOF and Det 2 FIX here !!!

    Does it work ??? i get a sof the message that the soft made a error and it will be close ... but its possible becaus i don´t know to to do this: 4. Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers] & make a New String Value entitled nvoglnt. what does it means: STRING VALUE ... (have german win2k) which option is it ... is it the folder name on the left ???
  6. Hi ! After installation of Detonator 2 Driver (5.22) from the Nvidia Site SOF gives me this error message on startup: GLimp_End Frame-Swap Buffer Failed ????!?? MDK2 runs fine .... hope you can help ... Snoop ------------------ win2k build 2195 ASUS P2B bios revision 1.12 2 x 4 GB, 1 x 18 GB DDYS 128 ram TNT2 Maxi Game Xentor 16 Adaptec 29160 SB Live Value Realtek ethernet PCI Teles ISDN 16.3
  7. Hi ! Is anybody out there get running 5.22 and SOF ??? I want to know it if its possible ... on my machine it doesn´t run. If there is someone running this combination i want to reinstall Win2k .. c ya Snoop ... also read older posting ------------------ win2k build 2195 ASUS P2B bios revision 1.12 2 x 4 GB, 1 x 18 GB DDYS 128 ram TNT2 Maxi Game Xentor 16 Adaptec 29160 SB Live Value Realtek ethernet PCI Teles ISDN 16.3
  8. Snoop

    Soldier of Fortune and Nvdia 5.22 (det 2)

    Want to add this : AGP is ENABLED !
  9. Snoop

    Soldier of Fortune and Nvdia 5.22 (det 2)

    Hi ! installed Quake 3 ... runs fine and without any problems... Is here somebody who installed official Det2 driver and can play SOF ??? Snoop
  10. Snoop

    NV7.0 Mcaffe 4.5

    Hi ! Which program is recommend Norton Antivirus 7.0 WS or MCaffe 4.5 ... I have installed McAffe 4.5 but it seem that it can not check E-Mails from Outlook Express (option is there but not active) What do you think ??? Snoop ------------------ win2k build 2195 ASUS P2B bios revision 1.12 2 x 4 GB, 1 x 18 GB DDYS 128 ram TNT2 Maxi Game Xentor 16 Adaptec 29160 SB Live Value Realtek ethernet PCI Teles ISDN 16.3
  11. Snoop

    Home internet PC COM+ ?!?!

    Hi ! I just have a Home PC with Internet. Which Service can i disable (no links to other Site please). I Just have sometime a Network gaming session... so which Services that i have disabled i have to enable when i want to start the Network again. Can i disable the COm+ ?!?! What it does ------------------ win2k build 2195 ASUS P2B bios revision 1.12 2 x 4 GB, 1 x 18 GB DDYS 128 ram TNT2 Maxi Game Xentor 16 Adaptec 29160 SB Live Value Realtek ethernet PCI Teles ISDN 16.3
  12. Hi ! Win2k does not allow normal user (without admin right) to burn CDs. He says the user has not the rights to do that. I use Nero 5.0.3 and Easy CD Creator 4.02 ... i think its possible to burn cd as normal user ... but how ?!?! Please Help THANX .... Snoop
  13. Snoop

    Powerstrip overclocking

    Hi ! I have a RivaTNT2 and NVidia ref. Driver 3.78 installed. The Overclocking Tab in Powerstrip 2.65 and 2.66 is not avaible (grey). I can not activate or modify it. Can you help me ? Thanx ------------------ win2k build 2195 ASUS P2B bios revision 1.12 2 x 4 GB, 1 x 18 GB DDYS 128 ram TNT2 Maxi Game Xentor 16 Adaptec 29160 SB Live Value Realtek ethernet PCI Teles ISDN 16.3
  14. Snoop

    Plus Icons hope you can help

    Thanx ... that was not the option i mean ... the icons look a little better. But not so how i mean it. The Desktop Icon becomes like 3D or so .. don´t know how the discribe it. But it most be a registry entry or so ... c ya Snoop ------------------ win2k build 2195 ASUS P2B bios revision 1.12 2 x 4 GB, 1 x 18 GB DDYS 128 ram TNT2 Maxi Game Xentor 16 Adaptec 29160 SB Live Value Realtek ethernet PCI Teles ISDN 16.3
  15. Snoop

    Burning without admin rights ?!?!

    i installed both with admin rights. After Installation with user without admin right 1.Nero just say i must have admin rights. 2.Easy CD Creator brings up a Error message that he can´t write somthing to the registry ... but then it starts. But when i want to burn a CD it says there is no CD Recorder. When i give the User admin right back, there is no problem. ?!?!?! What to do now ? [This message has been edited by Snoop (edited 14 May 2000).]
  16. Snoop

    Slow parallel zip why ?!?

    Hi ! My Iomega parallel port zip drive ist even slower as in Windows98 ... how can i make it faster ?!?! Is there a parallel port accelerator like in Win98 ? c ya Snoop
  17. Snoop


    hI 1 How can i get plus pack Icons in Win2k ... c ya Snoop
  18. Hi ! Win2k takes a lot of MB (700 MB here). Are there files or directory, which can be deleted ?!? Or there other thing to make it smaller ??? Thanx SNooP
  19. Snoop

    Ultima 9 won't work

    I Have a TNT 2 and a PII 450 ... Ultima runs very fine here under Win2k ... no problems. V. 1.18 c ya Snoop
  20. Snoop

    ACPI after Nero

    Hi ! I installed Nero CD think thats the right version (dl yesterday). Now i have no hibernation support ... eg. Win2k say it has problems with the Adaptec Controller ? Why ??? Befor Nero it works fine c ya Snoop ------------------ win2k build 2195 ASUS P2B bios revision 1.11 2x 4 GB 128 ram TNT2 Maxi Game Xentor 16 Adaptec 2940 SCSI2 SB Live Value Realtek ethernet PCI Teles ISDN 16.3 [This message has been edited by Snoop (edited 03 February 2000).]
  21. Snoop

    IomegaWare 2.1

    Iomega Ware 2.1 for NT does not support Windows 2000 message apears on installation. c ya Snoop
  22. Snoop

    Teles ISDN Monitor

    Hi ! I have the probleme that the Teles ISDN Monitor only starts in Administration mode .. all other user have no ISDN Monitor .. what can i do that all user see it ? (without to give everyone Admin rights) Teles beta Win2k Driver [This message has been edited by Snoop (edited 10 January 2000).]
  23. Snoop

    Teles S0/16 ISA and win2k ?!?!

    Hi ! Is it possible to run Windows 2000 with the Teles S0/16 ISA Card ??? (the beta drivers don´t work i think [on this card]) any experiences ?!?! c ya Snoop
  24. Snoop

    Teles S0/16 ISA and win2k ?!?!

    Quote: Originally posted by Aphid: Hi, i curently use teles ISA 16.3/pnp and it works wierd with 3.36 beta drivers (upstream Some other pplz have no trouble what so ever with non pnp teles cards so i guess wait for final set of drivers to be released before upgrading to win2k Hi ! Sorry .. i forgot to say that i have the S0/16.0 <- Card .... This Card isn not supportet by the Beta DRiver ... I THINK ... or is it possible to run it ??? c ya Snoop