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Everything posted by mr_ripper

  1. mr_ripper

    Intel PRO/DSL 2100 Win2K install???

    I cant get my dsl modem to work. has anyone been able to get the DSL modem to work in win2k?? has anyone tied to modify the NT4 install inf???
  2. mr_ripper

    NTFS Question

    NTFS98 can R/W to NTFS, but u need reg copy. i may be able to help..
  3. mr_ripper

    Intel PRO/DSL 2100 Win2K install???

    its internal. and its the only thing holding me back on win2k. guess ill have to deal for a awhile.....DAMNIT.... thanx all...
  4. mr_ripper

    Mouse Sampling in Win2000

    you can also change the sampling in win2k. im not on by 2k box, but if i recall right its mouse props, then advanced, but ill check when i get home.
  5. mr_ripper

    Intel PRO/DSL 2100 Win2K install???

    btw i use US West(Worst) for my line. they send the InlelPRO/DSL 2100. I cant find any other support for the modem except from uswest. anyone?????
  6. mr_ripper

    !Riva-Tnt Problem!

    give the guy a little break. just want some info, doesnt need to a new hole ripped in 'em
  7. mr_ripper

    AGP Support: Not Available! Eh?

    thanx Ekstreme, I'll try them....
  8. mr_ripper

    AGP Support: Not Available! Eh?

    i have 2k gold and im gettin the samething. i have a TNT2U WTF