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Everything posted by 5t3ph3n

  1. 5t3ph3n

    Windows 98!

    Quote: Originally posted by EddiE314: Unkoon2000 - You let me know if you want a copy of Windows for Workgroups. Okay people. Read this post, its a prime example of a dumbass that doesn't know how to use an operating system. If you don't like it. Don't come here to b1tch and complain. Have a Nice Day. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 16 March 2000).] I am really amazed why this problematic (and probably full of complexes;as someone else in the past noticed) bully "Eddie-IQ50" hasn't yet been kicked out from this forum and everybody is still tolerating him. A person (unkoon2000) just voiced/typed his/her opinion (and he/she has every right to do so in a democratic world) and this e-fascist bully replied in that manner. If you do not agee with an opinion (like me) either post a reply in which you explain your reasons for not ageeing or do not reply at all.
  2. 5t3ph3n

    New Abit BE6 BIOS

  3. 5t3ph3n

    Nero 4.083 + Win 2k Pro. = Rebooting System

    nope. that was not neither. Anyone yet found a solution to this very annoying problem??----------------------------------- ABIT BH6 1.0/FU SB PCI64, 128MB SDRAM PC100, HITACHI DVD 2500BX, RICOH MP7040A 1.40, QUANTUM EL 6.4GB, HOLLYWOOD REAL MAGIC+ DECODER W/ BETA DRIVERS FROM SIGMA DESIGNS, CANOPUS SPECTRA 2500 RIVA TNT ALL DRIVERS ARE WIN2K DEFAULT EXCEPT SIGMA BETA DRIVERS gozilla 3.5 + mcafee VS 4.5 RC running -------------------
  4. 5t3ph3n

    File Recovery / Undelete for Win2000

    you can try file rescue from www.softwareshelf.com which is win2k comp.
  5. 5t3ph3n

    Red Light on tower / Harddrive Activation ?

    what programs are you running in startup/task manager?? in case you have Mcafee VS 4.0.3 like i did, it keeps scanning in background so therefore--> hard disk activity...
  6. 5t3ph3n

    Nero 4.083 + Win 2k Pro. = Rebooting System

    ...and of course i forgot latest ASPI 4.60 from Seltzar or 3dwin.de + all compatibility updates but with no luck...
  7. 5t3ph3n

    Nero 4.083 + Win 2k Pro. = Rebooting System

    ok, nero after clean win2k 2195 install on execution i get blue screen says: "STOP: 0x0000001E (0XC0000005, 0X8041F541,0X00000000,0X00000008) KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED ADDRESS 8041F541 BASE AT 80400000, DATE STAMP: 384d9b17 - ntoskrnl.exe beggining dump of physical memory etc. ----------------------------------- ABIT BH6 1.0/FU SB PCI64, 128MB SDRAM PC100, HITACHI DVD 2500BX, RICOH MP7040A 1.40, QUANTUM EL 6.4GB, HOLLYWOOD REAL MAGIC+ DECODER W/ BETA DRIVERS FROM SIGMA DESIGNS, CANOPUS SPECTRA 2500 RIVA TNT ALL DRIVERS ARE WIN2K DEFAULT EXCEPT SIGMA BETA DRIVERS gozilla 3.5 + mcafee VS 4.5 RC running -> i also get "volume mounting" issue but it's ok after in properties
  8. 5t3ph3n

    "Critical Update" on winupdate site!!! Very strang

    Quote: Originally posted by ZiZooM: Hi guys ! Maybe i m The only one that didn't update the bios of the ABIT BH6 MBoard ... But All i can tell is that everything works great (hibernate too) So if there is a way to go back to the first Bios try it ! Oups before trying anything look if your Hardware is compatible with this bios ! (Celeron300@450, 128 Sdram100, Voodoo2, TrioSV3 miro, Sblive 1024 OEM) hey, ZiZoom, please tell us which version of ABIT BH-6 mobo you have (1.0 or 1.1) and what version of BIOS. I also didn't update it and stayed in "FU". And please tell us what exactly did you do in win2k 2195 setup so you can have full APM support (hybernation etc.)...
  9. sorry if this is a bit general windows problem but i would really appreciate any help on that...is there any way i could disable listening to all these clicks when e.g. going to a previous/next page in explorer and a the same time listening to my favorite mp3s in Winamp? thanks...
  10. 5t3ph3n

    "Critical Update" on winupdate site!!! Very strang

    Rulle, it's Abit BH-6 1.0 problem. i also have one and i don't have hybernation . also, when i had ACPI enabled in bios (mine is FU) i could not even power down! so i have acpi disabled. Abit is not so win2k acpi compliant as you can see even if it says "ACPI compliant"... --------------------- ABIT BH-6 1.0 / FU P2-350/128SDRAM PC-100/etc
  11. 5t3ph3n

    clicks when listening to a song...

    thanx a lot! but hmmmm, do you know by chance if there is a way to disable ALL windows sounds except winamp playing?? (e.g now an error message when i was writing tapes from mp3s... but thanks very much anyway [This message has been edited by 5t3ph3n (edited 05 March 2000).]
  12. 5t3ph3n

    Nero 4.083 + Win 2k Pro. = Rebooting System

    Quote: Originally posted by ajaxdude: What worries me is that Nero worked PERFECTLY for 2-3 weeks, and then, now, at launch, it reboots the PC in just a few seconds. tha goes for me too... paranoic: Nero w/o registration (after some time) in purpose give you coasters (that goes for me also with in about half of cd->buffer underrun) or BSOD! (hehehe ) ---------------------------------- Win2k 2195,mcafee 4.5 beta 2 (disabled),gozilla,no screensavers etc. Abit BH6 1.0/FU, Hitachi DVDROM GD2500BX, Ricoh MP7040A 1.40, Canopus Spectra 2500 RIVA TNt,SB PCI 64,Quantun Fireball EL 6.4,128MB RAM PC 100 etc. ALL drivers are the default in win2k... PS no direct cd installed,EZ CD 4.00 installed, ASPI 4.60 (1021) *working* PS> did anyone noticed any kind of "you have xx days left.please register" in Nero full demo?? i didn't... and i'm not blind/drunk
  13. 5t3ph3n

    Given up - need help with AX59pro

    yup, i must agree...i was a huge fan of Abit but after the ACPI problems (no hybernation in my BH6-and it says it's ACPI compliant...) i would vote for ASUS...
  14. 5t3ph3n

    Anotehr APM/Shutdown problem (please don't kill me!)

    crazee: maybe win2k needs to me reinstalled to embed the new mode (standard PC) instead of ACPI. (i know it's crazy but you neverknow ). also you can experiment with ACPI settings in ASUS BIOS (my ABit BH6 works with ACPI disabled and nevermind APM is checked or not)
  15. 5t3ph3n

    Nero 4.083 + Win 2k Pro. = Rebooting System

    nero seem to cause trouble=BSOD on initialization (me included). you can try the update from ftp.ahead.com
  16. 5t3ph3n

    Start-menu Messed up

    in IE it's different; disable t from tools-->interenet options-->advanced options
  17. 5t3ph3n

    Logitech drivers

    since i installed logitech's win2k drivers, i noticed a significant delay in right click (about 3sec). i uninstalled mousware 9.00-->reboot-->uninstalled mouse from CP-->reboot--> win2k asks me to locate a .dll from Logitech installation. So does anybody knows how to clean uninstall Logitech's win2k drivers? [This message has been edited by 5t3ph3n (edited 23 February 2000).]
  18. 5t3ph3n

    Logitech drivers

    thanx for answering but i'm afraid that didn't cure anything (installed tweakui-->menu speed fastest-->same thing). the strange thing is that this is happening in IE5 ONLY (delay 3sec). i still think that it's the logitech drivers (maybe i'm wrong).
  19. 5t3ph3n

    Looking for an antivirus program ..........

    you can try mcafee av for win2k beta2: http://www.mcafeeb2b.com/beta/tvdbeta/vsc/download.asp
  20. 5t3ph3n

    Problem with NVidia Drivers 3.78 Win2k

    many people seem to have problems with nvidia drivers (hard locks)-me included. try to stick with these that work for you until nvidia release (official) working ones. ------------- abit bh6 v1.0/bios FU canopus spectra 2500 riva tnt p2 350/128sdram pc100
  21. 5t3ph3n

    Switching back to good ol' win98

    well, LSD think about this: the main difference between getting BSOD in win2k and win9x is that in a matter of fact we are still trying (forcing) to use software that was basically written for win9x in win2k. further, BSOD/illegal ops(mainly kernel32.dll) in win2k are caused by programs in contrast with win9x in whick are caused by the same op system. Win9x has an older code than win2k (like e.g Windows v.1.xx vs Windows v.2.0 stable). Last but not least you should see that for every common problem in win2k a solution has already been found -working- or an alternative program will do the job. Finally it's really your personal opinion to stay with whichever OS you like. [This message has been edited by 5t3ph3n (edited 21 February 2000).]
  22. if you have the original cd try ftp.ahead.de .they have update. now i'm with that version and it's stable.
  23. same problems with me. Nero BSOD on execution. win2k final. tried to unistall it + install it but the same problems...
  24. 5t3ph3n

    DVD-ROM Drives

    I recently bought (1 month ago) the EIDE Hitachi GD2500BX nainly for 3 reasons: 1. astonishing audio extraction (>11kb/s) so you can do on-the-fly recording even with a 8x cd-r 2. region unlocked (watch that out since now very few drives are still hardware unlocked) 3. releatively slow price - the dvd picture with powerdvd 2.5 was acceptable even with my TNT1 card but i wanted tv-out so i also bought Real Magic Hollywood+ decoder because of what i saw on this site about drivers support in Win2k. After all, you can buy first the dvd drive and if you're not satisfied with the picture (i believe you will be) go for the decoder card. [This message has been edited by 5t3ph3n (edited 18 February 2000).]
  25. 5t3ph3n

    ahead vs. adaptec

    someting really pisses me off: i like nero a lot but also directCD (don't care bout resources). I DON'T want to mess with EZCD but direct CD is (on purpose?)incompatible with NERO! s$#t