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Everything posted by Precision

  1. Precision

    Disable Version Checks?

    Hey everyone, There are a ton of programs and driver installations that should work fine in Win2k, if they would just STOP checking the Windows version and dismissing Win2k just like they would BeOS or a Dos. My question is this... Is there a program or method to making a setup program think that I'm running NT or Win98? I tried Hex editing, and it simply doesn't work with this particular one. Bad library errors. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance, everyone!
  2. Precision

    DirectCD in Win2k

    Okay, there seems to be some mixed feelings on whether or not this thing works. In the text below, someone mentioned a Win2k compatibility patch... I looked, and I swear I couldn't find one. I tried installing the update to DirectCD, but it said it was already up-to-date. However, it still has Win2k believing that the CD-RW is a read only device. The weird thing is, is that this only does this when trying to move files. I can save from programs just fine. Anyone know where I can dig up this patch, or can anyone ICQ it to me (3707431)? Thanks! "DirectCD runs on Windows 2000. You need to install first the latest ASPI32 driver from Adaptec, the compatibility patch for Win2000, Adaptec Easy-CD-Creator 3.5c and then DirectCD. After the restart you get a blue screen. To fix this select after the reboot "debug" and "last know good configuration"."
  3. Precision

    DirectCD in Win2k

    Does abCD by Prassi work like DirectCD with CD-RW's? I don't have the deluxe version of the software, so I can't upgrade to 3.0. I'm at the current version, have the ASPI drivers, just not any compatibility patch. Using a ZipCD drive, but that shouldn't make a difference. Thanks for the replies so far! Just wish it worked. Difficult to back up MP3's without having to make a permanent copy.