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Everything posted by radx

  1. radx

    Filesharing in Windows XP

    *bows* I'm very greatful for all the replies! I disabled the guest account and it works flawlessly! Thanks for the help! Funny i didn't think of this myself though Weird things is though starting to happen to my Windows XP here. My always-been-faithful 3com nic is starting to not work sometimes.. and winxp tries to install a driver for it and it says it cant find a suitable driver and when i try to use a fresh one from 3com it says it doesn't match the hardware. And then when i try to uninstall / scan for hardware changes for a few times it works. But when XP init the nic again it says it has problems starting the device but does not specify futher.. umm well now i moved the nic to another pci slot and it works great for (now). But now it's called "Local Area Connection 2". It was like this in good ol' w2k also but you could just go into the control panel and remove the old ghost nic in the remove hardware. Though in XP it seems to have been removed. Unless you guys knows how to work the magic?
  2. Neither sucks but, personally i get the feeling that XP looks and feels like a "kid"-OS. Something i'd give my future kids, and when i use it for a while i cant help but to feel that it's slower. All kinds of slowness. When i start a program it starts slower the menu system in the program itself feels slower. And another very annoying thing with XP (in my case only) i have a KG7-RAID motherboard and when i do a fresh install of XP; all files copied to my RAID gets corrupt. I need to install the drivers from the highpoint's homepage. That however 'fixes' the problem. In case you're curious about REAL numbers here take a look at this! http://www.redsheriff.com/cgi-bin/news20.cgi/Show?_id=d9c6 USA 1. Windows 98 28.28% 2. Windows 2000 28.22% 3. Windows XP 13.54% (kinda figures huh!?) 4. Windows ME 7.80% (RIP AMEN) 5. MAC OS 3.15% *grin* At my work we bannished XP a long time ago. We saw nothing that would contribute to our bussiness by using this OS nor was it faster or better than what we already had choosed! By the way, we bannished Office XP as well lol I reckon we'll bannish a lot more of crap too that costs a lot and does not make us more efficient in our work in the future I'm the kind of guy who likes to be in control of my computer and when i use XP and i see the harddrive starts reading for no real excuse i just dont get that warm nice feeling of safetly which is the case with W2k. Win2k + Fast + Memory efficient + Very stable + Driver support - No problem (compared to XP) - Doesn't get all the nice fancy pancy things from M$ no more! WinXP + Lots of new features where a few of them actually are 'worthy' - Computer hangs randomly after a few hours (in my case only) - Eats memory even when all the fancy pancy sh^t is off (why would you want XP if you turn it off anyways?) - Costs way too much to justify a buy ! Respect!
  3. New system specs: Abit KG7-RAID AMD761 6PCI 1AGP 4DDR-DIMM UDMA100 RAID SocketA ATX AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1400MHz/1.4GHz 256Kb 266MHz 0.18 bulk SocketA Original 256Mb DDR PC2100 184pin 266MHz cas2! (AMD OK) Geforce DDR 32MB Old system specs: Intel 850mhz (not overclocked) 3x 128PC133 SDRAM ASUS p3v4x Geforce DDR 32MB Benchmarks i did was in: SiSoft Sandra 2001te Professional 3DMark2001 In Sisoft sandra my system scored great after this upgrade. However there was no graphic benchmark in this program so i took, what everyone else use, 3DMark2001. I left everything in 3DMark 2001 set to Default, didn't change any settings. Here are my results: Intel 850 - Total Score: 2262 Amd 1533mhz(oced) - Total Score: 1612 A dropdown by 650!! As you can see the new system preformed miserably poor! What's up with this AMD deal anyways? Could it be my DDR-memory? There is an option in the bios called SDram timing something.. where you can choose between ULTRA - TURBO - FAST - NORMAL - AUTO. When i choose anything else than AUTO or NORMAL windows 2000 wont boot, blue screens. And no, it doesn't help to set down the cpu to standard. I run the cpu at 133 x 11.5 = 1529.5mhz@1.750cvolt. (standard) Used Geforce 12.41 drivers & the enviroment is windows 2000. Any ideas..? Updates? Amd patches? Is this normal?
  4. I can say that samsung CAS 2.5 works better than that TwinMos CAS 2 memory. 886 323 1 222 = works, 770mb/sec 886 222 1 222 = CRASH with TwinMos memory Samsung it hands out 850mb/sec Benchmark program: SiSoft Sandra. And i even paid more for those sucky worthless piece of no good junk £$@£$@£€€! TwinMos memory.. Samsung is my brand from now on just next to http://www.mushkin.com/ mushkin ROCKS! Stability way go! a bit expensive though..but moma knows my friend has some pc133 mushkin memories he bought a long time ago kickin in at 650mb/sec when normal pc133 rates somewhere around 280mb/sec +/- 100megs. I'm not saying i am right here.. this is just my interpretation of this whole memory deal.
  5. I just checked out amd's website.. and i found lots of drivers.. and i downloaded this called Driver pack 1.30.. and it actually increased preformence greatly! i thought there were something wrong with it all. And yeah, i did update my via drivers quite often. viahardware's website. Thanks for repying. Still i'm worried about these so called CAS2 memories.. i dont think they are worth calling cas two.. a pair of samsung cas 2.5 whups their but. :|
  6. The new Via Busmaster drivers does not support raid under win2k. I got two IBM 46Gigs 75GXP, no good.. you get LDM Errors when you try to partition them. I dont know about you others though.. For you who dont know what i'm talking about: SOFTWARE RAID! radx
  7. I got a 34GXP as a boot drive. And two 75GXP as slaves on the secondary controller. I am using the softraid as i type now, BUT i am not using the via controller drivers. So yes of course i am awhere you need atleast three drives.
  8. who cares what you got? this is not about what you got! this is a driver issue and not a brag issue you moron! i'm merely informing people that they do not work with software!
  9. I got a HP Omnibook 4150 with the IBM DADA-26480 6.4GB harddrive. Now when i look at hp's webpage there is a bios especially made for win2000, that is installed. After i did a clean installation of win2000. Now i cant get anyother transfer mode than pio mode from this disk. Question, does it support DMA mode? Now i looked at IBMs webpage http://www.storage.ibm.com/techsup/hddtech/dada/dadades.htm It told me this: Interface transfer rate (MB/sec) 33.3 MB/sec Ultra DMA mode-2 16.6 MB/sec PIO mode-4 Meaning? It does? In win2k device manager it seams it does not. Its choosed to be dma if available but still it says PIO mode only.. Any ideas? Thanks
  10. After i upgraded to the latest liveware 3 that was just released, i've gotten all these weird sound problems with winamp 2.61 and 2.64. So i dont think it's winamps fault. What can i do? Any ideas what is at stake here? Are there workarounds? Diablo 2 have now finally fully functional 3d-audio enhancment but and theres no weird sound in that game, but winamp is just awful. Thanks for hearing me out.
  11. radx

    New MIRO PCTV drivers

    Glad to help, I belive that support is what makes a company stay around. No one buys products from a company who can't have a decent support. And i belive miro just so happen to be one of those. Their sites are extremly german and worthless support for english talking people. Just take this issue here for instance. File exists but webmaster has been slackin around (not the first time). Oh well, no more complaints tonight
  12. radx

    New MIRO PCTV drivers

    Ok, going to make this short.. I found the link you refered to: ftp://ftp.pinnaclesys.de/driver/pc/pctv/pctv401pg.exe Right.. So i kinda checked the file name, hmm "pctv401pg.exe" PG as in portuguese.. And i kinda though, isn't there suppose to be a file named like pctv401en.exe ???? Guess what there is, it's on the same addy. Here download this and you'er all set: ftp://ftp.pinnaclesys.de/driver/pc/pctv/pctv401en.exe Ain't i smart? =) enjoy
  13. radx

    New MIRO PCTV drivers

    I hate miro, i really do.. They suck badly. even their "contact form" doesn't work.. Atleast not on the UK site. And when i used the one on the german site (i had to translate stuff using my webtranslater) i sent they a mail and never got a response to it. And you get like 404:s and stuff like that too!!! Who has the energy to mess with that sorta stuff? I HATE MIRO! never ever am i gonna bye anything from any company called miro/pina. God bless serious companies like, matrox, ati, nvidia :-) There.. heh, finally got it out of "my system"
  14. Just a little thing i'd like to share with you people. I used to have 6hdds in my computer. When i droped one my system got all stable. I had to little power left in my power supply. Just something you might want to check over if you have sudden shutdowns that are unexplainable. MY Specs incase you are wondering: p3-600@800mhz 5hdds 3cd's asus p3v4x 3ram modules all filled up with isa and agp cards. There, clean and none bragin specs
  15. radx

    Detonator 2

    Hey, drivers are workin great here.. Though i don't have any dxdiag to run to check for agp support.. but as far as games are concerned they are working great whoohoo
  16. radx

    Restart & Shutdown to Black Screen

    Hey, back in the house again!! I'm back from a lot of hours with sweat and curses. Actually i've reinstalled my entire OS and everything and everything works just great now. Actually i kinda installed the VIA drivers once again and they are not the "badguy" in this case. I still can't figure out though what caused this from the begining. But i'll be sure to let you guys know if i do figure it out. "Windows - Just another word for reinstall"
  17. Anyone had this problem when you have alot of programs up runing, like, Photoshop chat programs, webbrowsers, iis, ftpserver, outlook 2000, etc.. Once you have these up and rúning win2k drops the Network connection. It keeps telling me, "insufficient quota to preform requested taks" or something like that. It says this everytime i try to access the computers over the Lan. The damnest thing really. Because if i just shutdown Photoshop or anyother huge memory consuming program it works again!!! I've got 256megs or ram, swap file 512Meg! so it's a bit over 700meg in a total. So what's cooking doc?
  18. radx

    Restart & Shutdown to Black Screen

    Yes, i'm having the exact same problem here! I have an Asus P3v4X mobo and i got one of my hdd's attached to the udma66 controler and i boot my os on my uw-Scsi. I never had these kind of weird symptoms before i kinda installed those VIA chipset drivers. But i'm not really sure that they are to blame here, might as well be something else. I don't quite remmember what i did that day when it first started. One thing though, once it goes down to this "black screen" you can't push the "power off" button on the computer either!! I always have to choose, shutdown - wait till the back screen - push reset button - wait till bios popups - push power off. Weird thing. I guess i ought to try that SP1beta out or something, maybe that'd fix this. Oh well life is full of problems...
  19. radx

    Detonator 2

    Sorta bad eh? I've ought to try em out here... Be back once i've checked em out.
  20. radx

    SB Live!

    Any news about the Soundblaster Live drivers for windows2000? still nothing at www.sblive.com thanks
  21. radx

    Ram test program, anyone?

    Hi folks, I bought some new ram and i'd like to test it all, to be absolutly sure that they are working right, is there some program (besides just booting windows2000 and run all program i can find simutaiusly) i can use?
  22. radx

    Adaptec 7890 drivers for 2K?

    have you tried the drivers for Win NT4? just a thought though.
  23. Howdy How do you disable it? I've got both scsi and IDE cd-rom. And i'd like to disable auto-audio and auto-data run. Thanks ´lot /radx
  24. What is the best hardware equipment for runing games under win2k? (let's asume nvidia get's their stuff working soon enough). Then, would perhapes a Dual-P3 system with a phat Geforce and loads of Ram and a phat scsi ultra wide2 disk be the best? Just curious, cuz my sys isn't even near that. It's pretty kewl though that you finally have an os such as win2k that actually support two cpus. I was just thinking, does it really help boosting the games? Or do they get boost only if they were especially written with 2cpus in the back of the head of the coder? Thanks for any input about this!
  25. radx

    Chock-full of events in the viewer.....

    heh, i have no idea, but i saw a funny message in my events "The C: disk is at or near capacity. You may need to delete some files. " LOL! i had 3kb free. The drive is 17gig