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Everything posted by radx

  1. radx

    How functional are the Tvtuners in win2k

    My Miro PCTV/PCTV PRO card with stereo-tv and fm-stereo recetption is so-so. I haven't tried the video capture-feature yet though, but when runing the latest drivers for the card i get no FM-radio drivers any more and the support at pinnacle.co.uk sucks too, they don't even have a working email adress So i guess i'm busted, it wasn't that expensive though. NEXT TIME i'll check the support for drivers and stuff like that BEFORE i buy anything unkown. Never ever i'm gonna buy anything from those germany company, they just don't take support and drivers as serious as the US company does. Atleast it doesn't look like that, this isn't the first time. I had probs with my mirohighscore for ages ago too.. but that's another story
  2. radx

    DMA66 vs DMA33

    Howdye peeps, What is the big deal about upgrading to DMA66 compatiable ide-controller? Especially since you nowdays usually have to change the entire motherboard to get it. Ofcause you buy an expansion card but that will occupy a free pci slot and that stinks when you need all those 5 (like me). How large is the diffrence between dma66 and dma33? is it really noticable? I haven't seen any benchmarks on the net, so if you have any i'd appreciate getting the link. Does dma66 work better under win2k than dma33 does? And a last question, which is the best dma66 controller if you recommend upgrading? is it the new abit motherboard? I've got as of current a stinkin BH6 mobo. Thanks!
  3. radx

    How to enable Hibernation?

    what is the big deal about hibernate mode anyways? i mean it takes a long time to load that stuff up too.. It's strange though, i mean in what way can the graphic drivers have anything to say or do about the hibernate mode not working? My hibernate option is all gone, i had it before not anymore though, i guess i'll wait till all hardware vendors have released decent drivers for the os and then i'll reinstall the whole os. It's prolly the best deal, huh? I mean then you wont need to worry about drivers not beein uninstalled proplery and stuff like that, it's just a clean and sweet os with all the greatest drivers and stuff installed :-) Just the way i like it man!
  4. Some specs huh? Well, here are mine, h/w: celeron300a@450mhz, 196meg pc100, 9gig uwscsi, 3xdma33 & 1xdma66 ide hdds, TNT1 16meg agp, abit bh6 rev. 1.0, 3c905b-tx (pci), miro pctv/pctv pro (pci), adaptec 2940uw (pci), plextor 32x scsi, panasonic 7502 scsi (cdr), iomega zip 100mb scsi, SB Live! 1024. s/w: Win2k, 2195.1 no time limit. win98se 2222.2a (think it was .2a not sure though). Using dualboot. I guess that does it, i never menation about my printer and other stuff but i guess thats not the point of this. oh yeah and my 21" monitor with 1280x1024.. hehehe, but i shouldn't have mention that huh? /radx [This message has been edited by radx (edited 28 January 2000).]
  5. all i can think of is perhapes that the 20gb drive isn't put as "active"-partition, is it? Just a thought. Bout the other prolem i've got no clue since i've never encounted the problem my self, i dont have a dma 66 controler, though i have one dma66 hdd, but i use scsi too, so i'm not to iger to get a dma66 controler =)
  6. radx

    Are you all idiots?

    How would you define an idiot? Isn't life all about learning. So if idiot = not knowning, then we all start out as idiots. And some of us ends like one too
  7. radx

    Disable Auto insert notification in Win2k?

    thanks folks i appreciate ya help
  8. radx

    UDMA 66 in WIN2k?

    Yes, it is >I just wanted know that is UDMA33 enabled >by default in w2k?...
  9. radx

    How to enable Hibernation?

    I had the very same problem, first time it was there, but when i tried to use it it never actually worked.. Yes the computer shutdown successfully, but when i turned it back on it reloaded everything from the dump file into the ram, that's whell all hell broke lose and the puter hang. I've got Abit Bh6 revision 1.0. Bios version: unkown, i think it was MN (i'm aint home right now).
  10. radx

    Troubles with TNT1 @ 1024x786 res

    What res. do you use in windows it self?
  11. radx

    Disable Auto insert notification in Win2k?

    Well, that's better than nothing, so where can i find it? their are quite alot of those tweak things out there... Thanks
  12. radx

    Disable Auto insert notification in Win2k?

    Ok, but where can you get it?
  13. radx

    No "Force" with MS FF Wheel, PLEASE HELP !

    mmmmm.... Mouse with force... Are they Nice?
  14. radx

    Disable Auto insert notification in Win2k?

    Sure, i'll probablt find it sooner or later.
  15. radx

    Disable Auto insert notification in Win2k?

    Sure, i'll probablt find it sooner or later.
  16. Hi folks, I'm a TNT owner, i don't have a TNT2 or Geforce card, but i've done some observations of the latest drivers out there.. And i've found out a few problem related to the drivers (these issues does not necesserly apply to tnt2 and geforce). When using the latest un/officially drivers from nvidia, i can't get any fullscreen gameplay in the game Unreal Tornament under windows2000. But when i install the 3.53 drivers, it works flawlessly under win2k. I've tried all the latest drivers, because i wanted to see if there were speed improvements. I my self couldn't see any though. So i'd recommend for those using tnt1 to actually stick with the 3.53 driver till nvidia release some descent drivers. And for windows 98 SE i recommend ref 2.08 (yes these are old, but they are the ONLY one working in Grand theft auto 2, GTA2.) Why? I'm not sure, GTA2 flicks and acts real weird with the other nvidia drivers. And since Nvidia doesn't have any kind of support on their behalf, i can't really figure out the reason. If you'd like to see something else strange, try the latest drivers from nvidia in windows 98, and go in under Additional Riva Tnt properties, more direct3d options, and under there somewhere there is something called, "disable vsync" or something (i don't have it infront of me as i speak). When you click on that. The game Dungeon keeper 2 will start acting really weird, the menu will flicker and stuff wont look right any more. But to get to the real reason why i'm writing this anyways, is because i'm looking for input from someone who have tried the latest TNT drivers for win2k and win98, and who also can recommend what to do to get stuff working with those latest drivers. Win2k, Try: Unreal tornament in fullscreen Direct3d. (i've heard from a friend that has geforce ddr, that it works great with the latest drivers from nvidia, but what about your tnt1 card?). Win98, Try: GTA2(menu's blinking and weird gfx bugs). Dungeon keeper 2, menus blinking here too, and very weird game graphics. Sorry for bringing up Win98 in my post. But it could somehow be an intressting topic. [This message has been edited by radx (edited 18 January 2000).] [This message has been edited by radx (edited 18 January 2000).]
  17. radx

    My TNT Observations, Care to comment?

    Okey, but is this with TNT 1? as i've said before, my problems are only when using the TNT 1, like my friend who has a geforce doesn't have any of my problems with the same driver versions as i use. /radx
  18. MousePad, I don't quite agree, windows 2000 runs good on 128megs of ram too. Saying 194megs is the smallest ammount you "should" use is just bull, i use Windows 2000 Pro home and at work, home i've got 194megs and at work i've got 128megs, and well, let me tell you, i've been using windows 2000 for a few weeks now and i don't suffer from any extreme swapping issuses. It feels like windows2000 is better at handeling the memory than windows nt4 was, but that's just a feeling and not a fact (not that i know of anyways). So i'd say 128megs will do, if you use office programs and run games. But if you plan on having word, excell, outlook, Unreal tornament runing at the sametime, i'd say, heck, 128megs wont even get close though ;-) /radx
  19. radx


    Not like i'm a bright and aspi-programer or anything, but i have a Advansys pci scsi card, and a adaptect 2940uw card. When i installed adaptec's aspi drivers for my adaptec card it checked and veryfied that i in fact actually had a adaptec card (othwerwise it wont install). But when i wanted to insatll the very same driver for my Advansys scsi card, adaptec's aspi driver refused to co-operate. SO i had to install Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4 Delux (dumb name), and after that, i installed the ASPI driver update from ftp.adaptec.com (as the aspi drivers that came with adaptec easy cd creator 4 was sucky, and not really working to well.). Now though, the aspi drivers from adatec worked great! The filename you want to look for is called, ASPI32.EXE or something, ther's also a ASPICHK.EXE that veryfies that the aspi installation was successfull or not, also note that when you've installed adaptec easy cd creator 4, aspichk.exe tells you the aspi layers are installed, but there are some problems.. after the aspi update it works. If you don't find the driver, email me and i'll send em to you, radx@hotmail.com.
  20. Hi folks, Ive got a Apple LaserWriter and i've got a weird problem, see when i reboot my machine, everytime i need to turn off the printer too and after win2k has boot up i can turn on the laser once again. If i don't follow these steps the connection with the laser printer is broken and will never be restored no matter what i do. Btw, win2k has printer internally for this printer. So does win98, winNT4 etc... When i used windows NT4 everything worked sweet never had any kind of problem with the printer, now it refuses to work like it should unless i restart the printer. Kinda bummer... Please, if you know anything about this most utter weird symptom. Radx
  21. Hi folks, I'm having a problem here.. I've got a OKIDATA 4W (not the plus model). And when i install the NT4 drivers for win2k the printing works fine, but then after a few secs the computer starts to "hang" every 5secs for about half a sec.. And that's very annoying, any ideas to why it does this? When i look in the taskmanager i can see about 3squares between every peek.. The program using all the memory is reported as "SYSTEM". So i guess it means "not displayed", huh? Could it be a setting in my register that i can do something about? currently i've uninstalled the drivers and the computer acts like normal. Thanks alot
  22. radx

    Anthony Toste ! You little @#!@!

    How come you folks all have these problems, cant you wait for the creative drivers and just use the drivers that came with win2k?
  23. I've got a major problem here.. which i cant figure out.. Well, let me try to explain it.. I have a computer that i mainly use with nt4. And when i boot it up, it's configured to use a DHCP-server and a DNS-server to get the ip adress and subnet mask etc... Now everything with my winnt4 installation is great, it works and my lan and everything about my share are great over the lan. This is where the weird part begins: When i installed win2k on this very same machine and configured it properly just like i've done with my nt4 machine. The DHCP-server for some reason have changed my Subnet mask, no its not anymore now it gives me !!! Why??? This makes me uncapable of using my lan towards the other computers but still i'm able though to connect through my gateway and reeach the internet. Whats up with this? Could it be the dhcp-server that doesn't quite know how to "handle" windows 2000? So it kinda gives the wrong subnet mask? This is the very same computer i'm using, nothing else. I'm looking forward to hear what you've got to say about this most utter weird symptoms. Thanks folks, really appreciate your help /radx
  24. radx

    DHCP-server problems with Win2k

    it's runin on a Machintosh.. (ugh)