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Everything posted by Maverick494

  1. Maverick494

    What a pity, buggy W2K...

    Look I would consider myself very knowledgable in the computer arena. I still will give no guff to anyone who wanted to try and teach me something new, I know I have lots and lots more to learn. However, I have thrown everything I could (i.e beta drivers, hacked drivers, MB change out, Misc. Hardware Change out, numerous know bad progs, and numerous questionable progs.) at win2k final, and it just smiled at me and kept on running....with one exception that was a known issue....Nero and the driver that it loads that is imcompatible causing a blue screen on boot. I solved that with a console repair and disable of the of the driver and not only was win2k up and running again pronto, but it was also using nero to burn with ASPI from adaptec. The only thing Win2k ever did was generate an error log and hum slong. So if you think that it is unstable then perhaps you don't know what you are doing, and need to leave well enough alone and stick with Win 98 or 98 SE which crash often, but you need to know exactly dick to run.
  2. Maverick494

    My Photoshop 5.5 wont run...

    Yeah get PSP 6.02....it's better and it runs perfectly from the get go.
  3. Maverick494

    where is my drive?

    Does Win2K show your scsi card in the device mngr? if it doesn't did you press F6 in the installation sequence to install a thrid party SCSI card....?
  4. Maverick494

    Can't download from the net.

    Yes you will lose all the settings if you delete the User.
  5. Maverick494

    Nero Works, but doesn't work

    I found that that didn't work for me, it unloaded some of the other stuff needed buy nero that doesn't interfere. However what is you system setup? maybe you are having some other problem.
  6. Maverick494

    Nero Works, but doesn't work

    I have used nero with no problems. I would try this however, instead of deleting the nerocdnt file, reinstall nero, then when you get that error, use the win2k cd and boot from it....choose repair, then choose console mode....once you get to the prompt, type Disable Nerocdnt.sys....it will give yiou a message saying that the reg. entry has been changed and to write it down. Then reboot as normal. then make sure you have an ASPI driver from either Adaptec (i use this one) or I think that Nero has one. And it should work fine.