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About dang

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  1. dang

    NHL2k problem!

    Someone posted something about getting nhl2k to work in win2k earlier on the board. Do a search and you should find it. I think what that person did was import the reg entry for the game from 98 into win2k. The earlier post might explain more. sorry I can't remember.
  2. dang

    WinOnCD in Win2k

    Mitsumi 4804TE works fine in win2k rtm with WinOnCD 3.7 "Power Edition". Using Adaptec ASPI 4.6(10.21). No problems here. Go to http://win2kbox.cjb.net/ to find other aspi's for win2k. dang
  3. I don't really have an answer for you yet, but I am investigating and experimenting with the various nVidia drivers. And just a note, nVidia seems to be one of the best for at least working on their drivers and releasing them as fast as they can. Most companies are letting us sit with the 2k reference until win2k is out officially. The whole idea behind beta drivers is to test them and fix what is wrong, so send them your bug report and help get them fixed. I hope to see what is going on with the drivers this weekend. Maybe a fix for your system can be found. dang
  4. dang

    install norton systemworks2000 in win2k

    Win2k is not letting you install that software because it was not meant for this os. It does not support ntfs as far as I know so if you are using that file system you wouldn't want to install it anyway. Systemworks 2000 was built for 95/98 and not nt. Win2k looks like 98 but it ain't. What do you want system works to do for you that you want it installed? There may be better options to use with this os. good luck, dang
  5. dang

    Win2k DVD player install?

    I tried the search function to see if this was asked before but it doesn't seem like it's working. Anyway, does anyone know how to get the default dvd player installed in win2k? I just installed an add-in DVD decoder card into my system and can't seem to find the install option. I have edited my sysoc.inf file and still can't find the option to install it. I know that the win2k install will find the decoder card and install the software but I added the card after my install. Any ideas would be appreciated. TIA dang
  6. dang

    Unreal Tournament.. for real now.

    Well, any of the tnt2 drivers released so far have yet to enable agp, so effectively the tnt2 is running in pci mode meaning no extra memory for textures. I think that this is part of the problem. Some games want to go off the card for ram and this is causing the crash. This is all speculation at this point. I think that the agp enabled drivers from nVidia will help these problems. At least I hope they will. I'm having the same problems. dang
  7. I've been trying to get Battlezone II working under win2k and I am getting an access violation in what appears to be a memory address (can't remember what it is exactly don't have my machine in front of me). I do believe it's to do with my tnt2 card and the drivers. It may be fixed when agp is finally enabled but I am not sure. Has anyone with any video card been able to get this running? TIA Dang
  8. dang

    Disable/Enable DMA in W2K

    Thanks Winger300, I appreciate your help. I have a crappy hard drive that doesn't respond well when I overclock and a dvd-rom that needs dma on to work properly. I am going to try to change them now, hopefully it will work. Thanks again for your help. dang
  9. dang

    Disable/Enable DMA in W2K

    Could someone tell me how to disable/enable dma for a hard drive/dvd-rom in Win2k? I want to disable for my hard drive and make sure it is enabled for my dvd. I can do the hard drive in the bios but I can't seem to find the option for the dvd in the os itself. Any ideas would be appreciated. TIA Dang