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Dbl Tap

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About Dbl Tap

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  1. Thanks!! I knew it was something very simple but couldn't remeber what it was.
  2. I just did a clean install on Win2K and now My Documents are what is expanded when I open exploere. How do I change htat to the C drive?
  3. Dbl Tap

    Clean Dos boot??????

    THanks for all your replies. What I did was use an old boot disk (a system boot disk i made with Win98) and then had the bios update on another disk. Booted to the Dos promt with the one and then updated with the other. It worked fine and no need to have Win98 installed
  4. Dbl Tap

    Clean Dos boot??????

    Can anyone tell me how to do a clean boot into dos at startup? I need ot flash my TNT2 card and need to have a Native Dos Environment but hitting F8 only gives me booting options without any dos prompt options. THanks
  5. Dbl Tap

    Distinctive ring & any modem

    HELP! I have now tried 2 different modems, The Modem Blaster DI5601 & a SupraExpress 56K sp and with Windows 2000 it seems as if Distinctive ring no longer is there. Is this true or is it just drivers that are not there yet? Please help me I use WInfax for work and need to to tell the dif between rings
  6. Dbl Tap

    MX300 in W2K: Which drivers?

    I am getting really fed up with Diamond. Their excuses for not up[censored] the drivers at first was that Aureal's drivers were still beta. Now it's their merger with S3 taking up their time. I am sick of them and have gotten rid of every thing Diamond except my MX300 and that will be next believe me. Creative seems to be the only ones whom release drivers more than once every 2 years. I did a clean quick install of Win98 using the latest drivers from Aureal. THen installed W2k. The control panel no longer works but the drivers do. I know this isn't much help but thought you'd like to know out there.
  7. Dbl Tap

    What took msconfig's place

    I know I just read this somewhere that something else takes the place of msconfig in W2K. Can anyone help me? Thanks