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About Daddyd

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  1. Daddyd

    problems problems Win2k+games :(

    Ahh ,I see, Still seems that some games like to kick out when the visual demands are put on the video card, IE: BattleZoneII. This game runs for hours in 640*480, but will kick you out very quickly in 1024*768 with some bells and whistles on. Same goes for Unreal Tournament. Maybe its just a Tnt2 thing as i have not heard or seen reports of Voodoo 3, Matrox, or Savage2k performance. Any Ideas??
  2. Daddyd

    problems problems Win2k+games :(

    Relax guys, Beggars can't be choosers. Like most of you we are running Warez versions or internal beta versions. I for one am very happy with the direction of Win2000. While its not for everyone. It is very powerfull and stable. Most of the game problems can be attributed to video drivers, as Tnt cards and most others don't yet impliment AGP support, But most games do not know this. That is what is causeing the Access violations and Crashes in most games, Its the game going for AGP texture memory from RAM, and failing to do so. SO far though, extremely good driver support for an OS that has yet to go live.