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About ReV

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  1. ReV

    Yet another sblive question

    hehehe... sorry for another 1..im curious if there is a way to get my digital four point surrond system to work...i need the digital jack on the i/o card to work? r there any drivers i can get for this to work? i would really appeciate the help thanx!
  2. 366 cel.,tnt2, 64 megs ram (192 tomorrow),sblive(which i cant get my din jack to work with win2k)
  3. i cant get any game requireing a 3d accelerator working right...graphics r fine but very choppy and i get a ping of 2100 om my own server....and worst off i cant play Soldier of Fortune!!!!i got it and i cant play it...this sux cuz i went through a ton of trouble to get it too... can anyone help me?
  4. thanx for all your help...im gettin a 128 strip tomorrow so i will have 192 megs so i should be able to play games again(thank god for Soldier of Fortune and Counter-Strike)once again thanx for all your input!!! thanx ReV
  5. sorry i just found out bout the search...if there is a topic bout this out thtere....also plz forgive my ignorance bout win2k
  6. i need help bad..... my comp sux ever since i put win2k on...i think i need more ram...i cant run games at all they r just way too choppy, i get the low virtual mem warning every tem mins(it seems like) i need the answer to my question(whats the best ammount of ram to have for win2k while on a very limmited budget?) plz help!!
  7. ReV

    Anthony Toste ! You little @#!@!

    i cant even get 2 speakers working....i'm crying right now