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About N29

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  1. Does anyone know where to get CL Sound Blaster 16 dirvers for win 2000 Thanks!
  2. N29

    Sims No Sound

    I am not getting any sound when I play the sims on 2K. Has anyone else had this prob? Is there a fix? Thanks
  3. N29

    Installing 98 SE w/ 2000

    If I instal Win98 on a seperete Physical drive how can I choose which HD to boot from. Do I need to edit my boot.ini. I tried using Bootstar but I can't even boot normaly with it. I had to boot off the CD and uninstal it. Any help would be great!
  4. N29

    Force commander and Banshee

    Has anyone gotten force commander to work with a Voodoo Banshee? It runs but I have no 3D exceleration. Most likly my drivers if so does anyone know where to get any that work? Thanks!!
  5. N29

    NTFS to Fat in Win2000

    Is there any way to change my C: drive from NTFS to Fat. I want to instal a dual boot but can't because system drive is NTFS and Win98 cant write files to this drive. Thanks!
  6. How do I specify what drive to instal win98 on in a Win2K sys. When I try to instal I get a error that states that I have a NTFS drive and I need to make a MS-DOS boot partition to instal. Is there any way around this? Thanks!
  7. N29

    Please help with Dual Boot SYS

    Thanks for the segestion. I have a Fat32 partition do I boot off of the win98 or 2000 disk Thanks!!
  8. I have Win2k final currently instaled. I wanted to runa dual boot with win98 but it will not let me run setup. I get an error message that says I have a general protection fault error. Is it possible to instal Win98 when 2000 is already on my sys? Thanks!!
  9. N29

    Unreal Tour Banshee and Win2K

    Can some one please help me? I am running a Unreal T with a Voodoo Banshee and Win2k. When I run the game I get an error. It just says error!. When the game starts all of my toolbars are still present and I can't get rid of them. Thanks for any Help!
  10. N29


    I have WinOnCD 3.6 and I am getting the SCSI error is there any way to get it to work
  11. I have build 2195 and am still getting this problem with some games. Anyone found a solution? Does anyone know where to get DirectX 7.0A that will work on Win2000. Version 7.0 came with my build of 2195. Thanks for any help!!
  12. I instaled Win2000 and now my audiocatalist works but when I play back rips I only get garble out of my speakers. I have version 2.0 and ASPI Ver 4.60 Adaptec. Thanks for any help!