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About Toby

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  1. Toby

    The forum looks great!

    Wow, the forum looks amazing now a days. I'll visit more frequently for sure. Great work Philipp BR Toby
  2. Toby

    Knoppix 3.7 Pro

    Knoppix is based on Debian. Debian won't read the rc.local even if you create it yourself (don't exist default). You could try this for running scripts/programs just after boot. http://www.desktop-linux.net/debian-rclocal.htm Hope it works for you /Toby
  3. Toby

    Knoppix 3.7 Pro

    Hi, you could try to use ndiswrapper. It make it possible to use windows-drivers for your nic i Linux. http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/ /Toby
  4. Toby

    .dat file

    It could be a file from a (S)VCD, try open it up with mplayer and see if it works /Toby
  5. Toby

    Help with setting up my own server

    That should not be a problem. How is your box secured? If you have a firewall and forward port 21 to your server that usually is not enough since ftp uses at least other port (22? correct me if i'm wrong) for the actuall data transfer. However, why don't you serve the files on your webserver? It would be for the best IMHO. What is the reason for having another (unsecure) service running on your box when the webserver could do the task? I'm on my linux-box right now using mozilla-firebird and I don't see any links so I can't try them myself. Also, make sure you try the links with "passive mode" enabled in IE. If you you use MSN-messenger I could try to help you, my msn addy is in my profile /Toby
  6. Toby

    Help with setting up my own server

    Hi, make sure that you allow at least 2 connections for each ip/user since IE uses 2 threads for ftp downloads. Not sure if that is the problem but it could be. /Toby
  7. Toby

    Gnome 2.4 on Debian unstable

    apt-get install gnome-core Then you can add what apps you want. (not cnucash for now) /Toby
  8. Toby

    need drive imageing program

    While Partimage is a very good app I would not trust it for restore on a NTFS partition. It may corrupt the data since there is no 100% safe way to write to NTFS in Linux /Toby
  9. Toby

    need drive imageing program

    Both Ghost and DI will work with bootfloppys you can create. Just install the apps once on a 2k Pro and you can use the floppys on any system. /Toby
  10. Toby

    Awesome RPG (Online based)

    Quote: Please refer me, least you can do, after the "I don't mean to piss everyone off post" back from Oct 2000, haha. LOL, ok then. I'll do it for old times sake /Toby
  11. Toby

    NDIS Proxy, what is it?

    This is a long but good read: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treevie...rt4/tcpappb.asp My guess is that you have disabled a service that this driver depends on. /Toby
  12. Toby

    win2k admin group

    YES !! All user with an account on the domain will be local admin = VERY BAD THING !! /Toby
  13. Toby

    Which Linux is Better and Why?

    Debian gets my vote. It feels faster than both RedHat & Mandrake and I really like the packagesystem. There are LOTS of packages too. I have also used Gentoo and like it, but I just don't have the time to wait for the compiles. A disaster recovery on Gentoo seems like a nightmare building up the OS from scratch. /Toby
  14. The reason for setting it to half duplex is that hubs do not support full duplex. At least they did not 2-3 years ago, I have not seen a hub since then (and i'm glad for it ) And that you brougt your switch from home can still suffer from the same problem. We have Intel nics and 3com switches here at work and have to set them to 100/full duplex on both or the performace goes way down, lots of crc-errors on transfers. No Auto ! Hope you get it to work. /Toby
  15. Set the nics on ALL machines including the server to 10/half duplex. Since the hub is only 10mbps the nics cant do anymore than 10/half duplex. Too many times I've seen nics that don't work with auto-setting to ever use it. Some nic sets itself to 100 or full duplex and make the network to have extreamly bad performace just as you describe. /Toby