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Everything posted by Toby

  1. Toby

    And now for Toby...

    Thanks guys ! /Toby
  2. Toby

    Downloading more than 2 files @ once in IE

    http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14866 /Toby
  3. Toby

    New 3dfx drivers

    SHS, check your PM. I got a fast server for you... /Toby
  4. Toby

    mp3 ripping software in winxp?

    or freeware http://www.cdex.n3.net/ /Toby
  5. Toby

    Mcafee.com virus scanner is hopeless

    Thanks for the tip, we're using a kix loginscript to check the dat-versions in the registry - compare them to files on the server and force an upgrade with the susa-module(for admin rights) if the client files are older. I think this method sucks bigtime because alot of users never log out/in leaving the workstations with old dats. I keep the servers updated though Can't wait until our AD structure are done and all workstations got win2k, pushing out the updates with GP's will be sooooo great Cheers ! /Toby [edit] We don't use SMS anymore, so I have to wait awhile...[/edit]
  6. Toby

    Mcafee.com virus scanner is hopeless

    lol, upgrading in progress /Toby
  7. Toby

    Mcafee.com virus scanner is hopeless

    Clutch, your forgetting about the "right-click delay" in IE the two of us where whining about 6 months ago (if I remember correct that is ) /Toby
  8. Toby

    Windows XP Professional at MSDN

    Great news, grabbing it now /Toby
  9. Toby


    Do some reading over here: http://www.isaserver.org/ /Toby
  10. Toby

    rip to mp3 format in media player???

    Check out the XP FAQ on the main page, just a reghack If think you got to have the Radium mp3-codec installed, but I'm not sure about that.. /Toby
  11. Toby

    games going to fast

    Check this old post, if you got that mobo then it should apply to you It took me over a week to figure it out so I now about the frustation... http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9456 /Toby
  12. Toby

    IE 6 build ???

    The final build is 6.0.2600.0000
  13. Toby

    Hewlett-Packard buying Compaq

    I really hope this don't end up in lesser driverupdates and weaker support ala HP for my Compaqservers. Got ~120 of them now all running NT4/2k and it's been great lately. Since HP is planning of letting alot of people go from thier jobs I hope all of them work on the crappy Presario-side of Compaq... (I'm still 1½ years after Win2k's release waiting for drivers for HP printers, scanners and firmwareupgraders CDR/W from HP ) HP = CRAP ! /Toby
  14. Toby

    Boot.ini problem, I CAN'T BOOT XP, HELP

    Boot from CD> Choose repair> Recovery Console> X:\fixmbr X:\fixboot That should do it. Reboot... /Toby
  15. Toby

    Windows XP for MSDN Subscribers

    Damn, I was hoping it would be available next week
  16. Toby


    You'll find the result fróm the check in the EventLog->application log->winlogon /Toby
  17. Toby

    General Questions about the ATI radeon card

    Hi, to me this sounds like just another VIA-shitproblem like has been all over this board since the early days of NT5. I got APG-textures enabled on my system without any problems, Intel 815 (Asus CUSL2) with Radeon 64MB DDR with the latest BETA-drivers (5.13.3224).... I know the drivers are far from perfect for the ATI-crards in Win2k when it comes to fps, but it seems most problems with stability and features not working comes with the VIA chipset... Thank god Intel rules on the serverside.... Try RadeonTweaker and see what it can do for you : http://radeontweaker.sourceforge.net/ /Toby
  18. Toby

    encrypt files in win2k... how?

    PGP /Toby
  19. Toby

    Getting probed by Code Red

    While we're in the subject of pathing.. Go this site and dowload the trail *NOW* !! This is one of the best products I have ever used and I'll keep telling that to my boss until I get money for licenses And no, I don't work for them http://www.stbernard.com/products/updateexpert/products_updateexpert.asp /Toby
  20. Toby

    Getting probed by Code Red

    Quote: Cool, I thought I was going crazy for a moment there. Now it's me feeling like that, wondering why I had to reboot I got the option to reboot later but did'nt wait. Anyway I have checked them all after reboot and the patch worked so it's safe....for now Clutch you got mail... Waddy, thats strange. Have you stopped the IIS-service, not that should matter it should install anyway... /Toby
  21. Toby

    Getting probed by Code Red

    No reboot eh? You lucky bastard I've been patching 50+ servers and only a few Win2kSP1 managed to take the patch without reboot. All with NT4 and Wink2SP2 I had to reboot. The funny thing is that I was thinking about patching about 10 but when I ran the CodeRed-scanner it was over 50 boxes with IIS running 8) If any of you want the app I was talking about send me a mail. Just type a range of ip:s and the app will scan them for unpatched IIS-boxes, great for a large network. /Toby
  22. Toby

    RC2 MSDN bad files?

    If you are using Nero, be sure to check "Disc at once". /Toby
  23. Toby

    What is good about this OS?

    After have read all the downtalk on ATI, I just have to say that I got *NO* problems of any kind with my RadeonVIVO64. I have not made any benchmarks but the speed in the games that I play (UT, Max Payne, Serious Sam) are just fine...As long as it looks good with no slowdowns it's fine for me. And the imagequality when watching movies is great too. No compaints from me, just wanted to show you a happy ATI-owner Note: I hade a ASUS GF2MX before but wanted to do some videoediting, thats why I bought the card... Edit: Ali, what drivers are you using? /Toby
  24. Toby

    How do I make .exe files?

    Try WinInstallerLE in your Win2k-CD. (X:\VALUEADD\3RDPARTY\MGMT\WINSTLE) Since this is the LE-version I don't think it will let you check the registry for what direciory the user has installed a certain app to. It sucks to install a package/patch that just installs, assuming that the user had installed the original application to the default path... /Toby