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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    IRQ Problems with GeFORCE 2 MX...HELP!!!

    what version of detonator drivers are you using? you might consider using different ones.
  2. EddiE314

    Anthrax Infested Topic....do not open !!!

    yea for real man, the Media needs to learn when enough is enough, i mean, it's good to let people know whats going on but these networks have had this crap on for 30 hours a day!!!
  3. EddiE314

    win xp registration

    thats why i hate SP's, i'll stick to Hotfixes for severe problems/patches.
  4. Quote: Makes no difference here whatsoever (which leaves me unsurprised). There seems to be no evidence of anything even reading such a registry key. Ok. But things are a bit faster in WinXP for me.
  5. EddiE314

    UDMA on XP !!

    a stupid question, but you ARE using an 80pin ide ribbon cable right?
  6. EddiE314

    Voodoo5 5500 PCI Drivers For WindowsXP

    no problem man
  7. EddiE314

    How is your pc shack?

    whoa, i got that same case but mine's a mid-tower
  8. maybe Phillip is up for the challenge and bandwidth.
  9. A friend and I are building new computers for a few people, now, the OS we'll be using is Windows 2000 Professional and since these computers are for....lets say...."Not so computer literate" people, How can i make the OS not ever have to ask for the Win2k cd? With all Win9x OS's we'd copy the .CAB files over to the hard drive and then point to them via the registry and the user would never have to use the 9x cd. How can I do this with Win2k or Winxp for that matter?
  10. EddiE314

    Simple Quaestion - No use of Win2k CD?

    i just tried it with XP on my second machine....works great.
  11. EddiE314

    alt+ctrl+del = Task Manager?

    and if you just want the task manager hit "Ctrl+Shift+Esc".
  12. EddiE314

    Simple Quaestion - No use of Win2k CD?

    thanks Dos, exactly what i needed
  13. EddiE314

    Simple Quaestion - No use of Win2k CD?

    Hmmmm, simple as that eh? well, if you have the registry key(s) on hand, please give them to me because i can't have any margin for error. thanks man.
  14. DosFreak's method works flawlessly for me.
  15. EddiE314

    Happy B-Day Inferno!

    Happy Birthday
  16. EddiE314

    Windows XP remote users limitation

    First of all, you triple posted!!! no help from me now, that pisses me off
  17. EddiE314

    Help: mouse doesn't work in WinXP

    Never upgrade man.
  18. EddiE314

    Det 4 21.85 Leaked

    i still get bsod's with D3D with my Hercules 3d Prophet2 mx. oh well, back to the 8.04's
  19. ok, i use Morpheus to download mp3's and stuff, well for some reason i can only download bitrates as high as 128kbps while on my friend's computer i can download higher bitrates, my question to you guys is........why? BTW, i'm running WinXP and He's running Win9x.
  20. EddiE314


    ROFL, i think thats how i'm gonna be for awhile, the man-hoe, i mean, i just turned 21 for god's sake, time for some fun.
  21. EddiE314

    Music City Morpheus Bitrate woes.....

    apparently not man, i just downloaded about 35 mp3's at my friend's house, all songs were 192kbps except one.
  22. ok, when i get a call on my phone line, i'll answer it like normal, then my modem decides to pick up also and tries to communicate, so i run back to the computer, open up my DUN connection and click Connect and it stops....any suggestions of how i would correct this? I have no extra telephony software of anything installed...it just recently started doing this and its very annoying (except when telemarketers call. LOL). Thanks
  23. EddiE314

    Modem answers phone when people call....help. LOL

    yup, at this point and time a modem (56k) is my only means of net access.
  24. EddiE314

    Modem answers phone when people call....help. LOL

    i found out what it was, it was a problem with RRAS apparently, i tried and installed that app you suggested called Triangle Boy i think, after i uninstalled it the modem no longer kept answering the phone.
  25. EddiE314


    lol, my gf and i broke up, now she's doing my friend...lol, his problem now, she was a hoe anyway.