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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    OK, so whats so dandy about WinXP

    you're forgetting the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard.......IT ACTUALLY WORKS!!!! LOL
  2. EddiE314

    Antivirus program for Windows XP

    i advise against using any "Norton" products as they seem to screw things up and hog memory.
  3. EddiE314

    Butterfly Riva TNT & Windows 2000

    no, i have a Creative Labs Riva TNT "IN MY OTHER SYSTEM" like i said above, of course it won't be listed in my specs, i cant use an AGP GF2MX and an AGP TNT1 at the same time now can i?? No, i'm not sure that it will work, i'm giving you tips, if you sit here and ask me over and over if it'll work and then you don't try it, you'll never know right? so give it a try, it can't be that hard man.
  4. EddiE314

    Should i?

    in my opinion, Win9x doesn't have the ability to manage memory well if it's over 128mb, it just sucks bad and should have never been created, we all could have lived with NT.
  5. EddiE314


    no one would ever knock at your door unless you were distributing illegal/cracked copies for $$$.
  6. EddiE314

    Random BSODs with Abit KT7-RAID

    the old GF's sucked a lot of power out of your system, try another video card and see if that helps.
  7. EddiE314

    20.80 Detonators will NOT be release this week!

    i know....it sucks.
  8. EddiE314

    nVidia Detonator Drivers 14.61

    My personal Benchmarks here: http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=14943&goto=lastpost
  9. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    Alot of people and newbie's to Windows XP have problems reguarding which Detonator Drivers are best to use. Post your comments about NVidia Drivers here. Feel free to also post 3DMark scores, Sandra scores, screenshots, computer specs/mods, and Pics of your computer. ---------------------- In my eXPerience using Windows XP, i have found that the Det. 12.41 WHQL's for Win2k seem to work the best. What are your thoughts? ---------------------- For all of your Detonator Driver needs, Visit The-Ctrl-Alt-Del.com's Driver section at: http://www.the-ctrl-alt-del.com/Drivers.htm
  10. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    Detonator 3 and 3DMark2000 Benchmarks (8/17/2001) ------------------------- Settings for Benchmarks: Pentium III 667(133) 256MB SDRAM PC150 CAS2 3D Prophet II MX 32MB AGP (No Overclocking) 1024x768x32bpp@85Hz, No-AA, VSync-OFF, Triple Frame Buffer, 16Bit ZBuffer Depth Windows XP Professional RC2, Build 2526 ------------------------- 8.04 - 5555 8.05 - 5518 12.41 - 5309 14.10 - 5188 14.40 - 5180 14.61 - 5243
  11. EddiE314

    Heavy Gear 2!

  12. EddiE314

    XP Window & Button styles

    can you elaborate? tell me what you need to know for and what you plan to do.
  13. EddiE314


    9.2 works fine here on 2526 RC2, same thing happens like OLError said.
  14. EddiE314

    XP RC2 Startup

    nice setup i might say. try taking out a stick of ram, remove all unimportant software/hardware, make sure that you don't have your gf3 overclocked....did you start noticing this when you first installed? or did it recently start happening?
  15. EddiE314

    XP and Divx

    seems to work fine for me, i am running 2526 though.
  16. EddiE314

    Unattended.doc for Windows XP

    my mistake
  17. EddiE314

    Unattended.doc for Windows XP

    the app that makes the unattend.txt file is on the XP cd.
  18. EddiE314


    crack it and send them $250 USD cash with no return address.
  19. EddiE314

    Stop Error HEEEELLLLLPPP! pleaze?

    might be a problem with ACPI and/or APM. check those.
  20. EddiE314

    Who says games run badly on XP- check this out

    think of it this way, you're getting the same framerate in XP as ME, plus XP is built on the nt kernel, personally i couldn't ask for more, besides no Activation.
  21. EddiE314

    Disabling Product Activation

    well, all i know is that it doesn't take 25-45 seconds to start my car up. LOL
  22. EddiE314


    LOL, gotta love Monty.
  23. EddiE314

    nVidia Detonator 8.05

    i posted some new benchmarks. Windows XP hardware Section... ...NVidia Driver Discussion
  24. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    i beleive the 12 and 14's are geared toward DX8, while the 8's are geared toward DX7, i could be wrong though, i found the 12.41's and the 12.90's to be very good, the 12.90's are a little faster that the 12.41's.
  25. EddiE314

    Radeon 8500, ATi flexes some muscle

    yea, they need to flex some drivers, not muscle, who cares about a good card if it doesn't have good driver support, you buy the card and a year later some crappy drivers come out that barely work....reminds me of Creative Labs for some reason.