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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    Disabling Product Activation

    cool man, i totally agree with you DosFreak, try before you buy.
  2. EddiE314

    Man....what am i doing wrong??

    try the 8.04's man, i love them, i know what you mean Brian, for the the 12.90's were a little better than the 12.41's. now the 8.04's woohoo they're so much better for me.
  3. EddiE314

    Disabling Product Activation

    i am buying XP Pro eventually, when that time comes, i'll install and and crack it, i care nothing about WPA nor do i see a point in Activating it.
  4. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    i think it may be safe to assume that it's the video card, it was a good one too, but i can hear a GeForce calling you name, especially that GF2MX for $90 at pricewatch.com.
  5. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    lol, the lobby scence crashed for me too, i have not been able to complete the benchmark with the 8.04's and 8.03's.
  6. EddiE314

    Disabling Product Activation

    that disables the popups and sh1t, you need to replace some files in the i386 dir in order to fully crack it, the new RC2+ autopatches work great, no reset cracks here. File sharing works too!
  7. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    the problem is that i'm not going to install a 600-700MB game just to run a torture demo on my system, 3dmark is the most logical thing for me to use, i agree that it IS synthetic, but thats all there is.
  8. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    I have gaming XPerience, i have noticed a gain in speed after switching to WinXP with the 8.04 drivers.....i happen to thnk 3dmark is a very good benchmarking utility, others would seem to agree. Quote: .....Don't stick with 3DMark results cause we meant to play games, not watch fancy anymations (hmmm, sounds like Diablo 2 ), so relay more on gaming XPerience than syntetic b*ll $h!t.
  9. EddiE314

    GUI Corruption

    i thought they were "eye-candy". now that i look at it it is corruption becuase it's not always like that. sometimes it looks normal
  10. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    try a different set of drivers, like the 8.04's, i found the 14.20's to suck compared to the 8.04's.
  11. EddiE314

    GUI Corruption

    i'm using RC2 2526 and its still there, i don't think its corruption though, i think its there so you can see an outline of the directory above.
  12. EddiE314

    internet downloads

    any number of things could affect your phone lines, from bad wiring, line noise, modem problems, isp problems, etc. try this: when you open your dial-up dialog where you click "connect", instead click "properties", located the drop down menu where you modem is selected, click the "configure" button and check the following: -Enable Hardware Flow Control/LCP extensions -Enable modem error correction -Enable modem compression try doing that and if it don't help come back and i'll give you a few more tips.
  13. EddiE314

    Motherboard won't boot...

    just go with XP man, its just a test rig i know you'll come to love XP, and if the kiddie themes make you sick, turn 'em off, ya know?
  14. EddiE314

    just a question

    RTM is the copy that all of us pirates will have before legit customers do; Although i do actually plan to buy XP Pro.
  15. EddiE314

    Who says games run badly on XP- check this out

    in win2k i always had to install the VIA 4 in 1's, in XP i don't, i think this is the reason that XP is faster for me in d3d apps/games. On an OpenGL side...... DosFreak: OpenGL is significantly faster in XP over 2ksp2 w/4in1's and hotfixes. (but all of this is for me, might not be the same for others) If you have no problems with Windows 2000 then stay with it, it's a great OS with a lot of potential.
  16. EddiE314

    Video decompressor not found

    then its probably DivX, follow the link in my initial post above to download the dixv 4.0 codec, if that don't work, try the 3.11 divx codec.
  17. EddiE314

    Who says games run badly on XP- check this out

    first of all, Mooxooh, calm down before you p1ss a lot of people off. second, i had a 31fps gain in q3a in Windows XP rc1 over my crap scores in win2k/9x. just because you don't like NVidia or Win XP is no reason to yell at others who have come to like them (myself included). if you don't like the thread, don't reply.
  18. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    what you you mean DosFreak?
  19. EddiE314

    monitor clicking on and off....

    i can understand how it annoys you, especially in games that switch modes a lot.
  20. EddiE314

    Video decompressor not found

    honestly i've never heard of it.
  21. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    its strange, my scores in 3dmark 2000 jumped 1900points going from Win2k to WinXP.
  22. EddiE314

    Video decompressor not found

    Cinepak? Indeo? i don't know man. he could have also downloaded a .rm file and WMP won't play them.
  23. EddiE314

    monitor clicking on and off....

    Have you actually installed drivers for your Voodoo3? the monitor clicking on and off is normal, now if it just clicks off then you need to lower your refresh rate cause you monitor doesn't support it.
  24. EddiE314

    Video decompressor not found

    it was probably encoded in DivX ;-), go here and download the latest divx codecs: http://www.divx-digest.com/software/divxcodec4.html