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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    detonator drivers make my screen blurry?!

    and you're sure it's not your monitor? do you have the resolution set too high with the refresh rate too low (i.e. 60Hz)?
  2. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    Hercules 3D Prophet II MX 32MB AGP4x (Core: DefaultMHz, Mem: DefaultMHz) when i had my p3 1ghz and 512mb more ram and this card overclocked i got 6830 3DMarks in 3DMark 2000. pretty good for a budget card. Here were my specs for the screenshot below: "abit vh6, pentium 3 1GHz, alpha pep66t 38cfm hsf, 768mb pc133 cas2, 3d prophet ii mx 32mb (core:200 mem:210), hollywood plus dvd decoder, pioneer 16x dvdrom, plextor 12x/10x/32x, Seagate 30gb, windows xp pro rc1 2481, detonator 10.80 win2k."
  3. EddiE314

    new moderators

    pet mods.....LOL
  4. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    Here is the driver comparison under 3DMark 2000 v1.1 (Default Benchmark): 1024x768x32bpp: 12.41 - 5309 8.04 - 5555 14.10 - 5188 14.40 - 5180 I had to do the benchmark on the 14.10's twice cause i couldn't believe that they were that bad. Did the same with the 14.40's, the highest i got was 5180. BTW, i might add that all of my benchmarks are done with: -cpu set at the default 667MHz (133) setting -ram is set to cas2. pc133
  5. EddiE314

    Fun with DET drivers again - which one??

    .damn you people, i'll do the 14.40's too they'll be listed in the Hardware XP section. http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=14943&goto=lastpost
  6. EddiE314

    Playing movies in W2K with DirectX 8.0a

    and make sure you turn off Netmeeting's remote desktop thing, it's a b1tch
  7. EddiE314

    Fun with DET drivers again - which one??

    i did some benchmarks: http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=14943&pagenumber=4
  8. EddiE314

    Looking for "post" -RC2 build

    anyone know the exact date for RTM yet?
  9. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    i know all about the TNT2-Detonator lockup/bsod problem, all i can tell you is to download the new 8.04's and give it a shot.
  10. EddiE314

    Butterfly Riva TNT & Windows 2000

    what drivers are you using? alot of the newer driver don't work with my TNT1 in the other machine either, i use the 14.90's though, and they work with it.
  11. EddiE314

    nVidia Detonator 14.10 WHQL

    Here is the driver comparison under 3DMark 2000 v1.1 (Default Benchmark)under WinXP RC2 2526: 1024x768x32bpp: 12.41 - 5309 8.04 - 5555 14.10 - 5188 I had to do the benchmark on the 14.10's twice cause i couldn't believe that they were that bad.
  12. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    Here is the driver comparison under 3DMark 2000 v1.1 (Default Benchmark): 1024x768x32bpp: 12.41 - 5309 8.04 - 5555 14.10 - 5188 I had to do the benchmark on the 14.10's twice cause i couldn't believe that they were that bad. BTW, i might add that all of my benchmarks are done with: -cpu set at the default 667MHz (133) setting -ram is set to cas2. pc133
  13. EddiE314

    new moderators

    it's been slow though
  14. EddiE314

    Mozilla 0.9.3

    a hell of a lot faster than 0.8, the last one that i used, seems a little faster that IE6, maybe its because i'm on a 56k.
  15. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    okay, just benched the driver under 2001, don't laugh, my scores suck big time compared to GF3 scores: 3DMark 2001 Default Benchmark: 1024x768x32bpp 12.41 - 3531 08.04 - 3668 a 137 point gain going from the 12.41's to the new 8.04's!
  16. i dunno, i thought all a regular/quick format did was rewrite the FAT. i always thought of it as a table of contents. -------------------- BTW, booting off the Windows XP cd in DOS mode, Setup allows you to do quick formats, usually what i do is delete the partition i want to reinstall to, and Quick format the RAW partition to NTFS..
  17. EddiE314

    Overclocking a P3 650MHZ to 866MHZ is it safe....

    as long as your fsb goes high enough, i have a 667 now, but i can only overclock it to 150mhz*5.0=750MHz, it's also a good idea that you have some good pc133 or pc150 ram that will survive the higher bus speeds. make sure you have excellent cooling and a lot of thermal compound.
  18. yea, tell me about it, i just thought about what you said, it is scary.
  19. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    i don't like running 3dmark 2001 because i only have a GF2MX and my scores seem very low compared to a system that has a GF3. I might install 2001 and benchmark them, i'll have to do it later though.
  20. yea true, glad i'm running XP 2526 RC2
  21. EddiE314

    Save and Open Dialog Boxes

    i've had this problem with Win98 boxes but no NT boxes, it's a wierd one.
  22. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    just benchmarked the 8.04 drivers, i got a 246 3dmark increase in 3dmark 2000 v1.1. Default benchmark: 1024x768x32bpp 12.41 - 5309 08.04 - 5555 get the 8.04's here: http://www.maxreboot.com/download.php?op=viewsdownload&sid=12 BTW, i might add that all of my benchmarks are done with: -cpu set at the default 667MHz (133) setting -ram is set to cas2. pc133
  23. EddiE314

    Save and Open Dialog Boxes

    might be a corrupted install, run a crc check on your iso and cd.
  24. EddiE314

    12.41 Drivers wont work

    Hmmm, Four and Twenty here on the boards has a TNT2 and has the same problems as you, try the 10.80's and take a look at the NVidia Driver Discussion here on NTCompatible.