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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    just installed RC2 2526, the 12.41's work fine here, so do the 8.03's and 12.90's.
  2. EddiE314


  3. EddiE314

    Happy Birthday Philipp!

    hope you have a great birthday man.
  4. could be worse, i messed my RB up and now its ALWAYS full, i can choose empty, but its ALWAYS full!!!(just thinks its full, it actually has nothing in it)
  5. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    the 10.80's are still really good drivers, they're on my "Favorite Det." List. A GF2MX is a great card, i recommend the Hercules 3D Prophet II MX, it has a ***y blue color to it and overclocking it great, even with the stock Heatsink.
  6. EddiE314

    No Blue on Dell Monitor

    okay, i just got a 9-15 adapter cable for my Dell D1728-LS (Samsung) 17" monitor, it works great except for the fact that there is very little or no blue color at all, i took it apart and adjusted the hidden "Blue Bias" control, i can adjust the color blue, but it seems that i can't turn it far enough to get enough blue to mix with the Red and Green, i also played around with the "Blue Gain" and tried Powerstrip to adjust blue through software, all of which failed, i hit the degause button on the front, no effect on Blue, i degaused it manually....no effect. Just wondering if anyone has any experience repairing TV's or SVGA Monitors and if there's anything i can do, its a really great monitor becuase it has a good picture and i got it for free. Thanks. -Eddie
  7. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    i have not completed the download of 2526 yet, i will let you guys know what luck i have with which drivers, i'm going to install the 8.03's first to see if they lock exiting OpenGL games, then i'll most likely go back to the 12.41's.
  8. EddiE314

    GF2 drivers and halflife

    try the 8.03's or the 12.90's
  9. EddiE314

    ctfmon.exe/mdm.exe - spawn of satan. How do I remove the evi

    this will fix your problem: INSTALL LINUX!
  10. EddiE314

    What is good about this OS?

    yea, gotta get another video card, ATI's cards are great but driver support is going the way of Creative Labs. I suggest you get a Matrox or NVidia based card, i know you're all p1ssed off because one thing that doesn't work in win2k, when i first started using Win2k in Dec 1999 my DVD decoder card, that was made by Creative Labs, had no drivers at all, not even for NT4! It pissed me off as well, i had to dual boot Win2k and win98se just so i could watch a dvd with hardware decoding. 256MB ram is a good suggestion from Brian, i suggest more for WinXP though. Sorry no one can help man.
  11. EddiE314

    Windows XP always freezing with my games!!!

    maybe if you post your system specs someone would try to answer your question, just off the start, i'd go into my bios and lower my AGP Aturture size to 32mb, restart and see if that helps.
  12. ok, get this, this problem messes with my mind. Installed HL, the 1107 update and CS 1.1, now whenever i exit the game and return to the desktop, my mouse speed is sooo d.amned slow that i have to go to Mouse Properties and crank it all the way up, if i restart it goes back to normal. Anyone else? Note: my Microsoft USB Optical mouse turns off sometimes and i have to unplug it and replug it and then it works fine. Is this a Hardware or Software problem??
  13. EddiE314

    Anyone eXPerience this problem yet...?

    i installed the 3.2 drivers and it works great now, also seems more responsive.
  14. EddiE314

    Anyone eXPerience this problem yet...?

    THC: i'd like to keep it on the USB port and only use the usb>ps2 adapter in emergencies, I'll probably try it anyway. Russell: My cursur shadows get turned off as well, yes my light in my mouse dims, but i'm talking about it goes black and i get no response from the mouse. 420: I'm using the WinXP drivers, i guess i'll switch to the Intellimouse 3.2 drivers to see if that works.
  15. EddiE314

    Web Gifs

    Photoshop 6 comes with ImageReady 3.0, i find it to be a very good program for creating animated gif's.
  16. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    i know that the 14.20's have been out for awhile, my question is...are there really 12.90 WHQL's for win2k?
  17. EddiE314

    How to disable product activation..

    hard disk cloning....LOL, MS comes up with some dumb excuses for sh1t, i'm running 2505 with no problems or Activation Reminders
  18. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

  19. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    actually the Tualatin (New P3) runs as fast if not faster than the Athlons, i suspect that the new celerons will compete with the Durons. I agree that AMD forced Intel to push out faster cpu's and i'm guessing there will be another price war soon, good, cause i wanna upgrade for cheap. Personally, i like intel chips, the new p3's have a .13micron chip wafer and the athlons have a .18 or something, the plus side to having a .13 chip is the low power consumption and lowered heat issues, i don't like amd products because most of the time the amd cpu will run at 125F+, i can't see having a chip that runs hotter than 95F, with my PIII, i only hit 89F at full load, it's great, a cooler chip = better performance.
  20. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    i read on some 3dguru site that there were 12.90 WHQL's!! anyone else see this? Here's the site: http://www.guru3d.com/ it said something else about 14.10's, but i'm guessing thats a typo.
  21. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    i still gotta go with the 12.41's. Aren't we due for some new drivers?
  22. EddiE314

    Just picked up 2517

    i'm on a 56k, and i downloaded XP 2505
  23. EddiE314

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

  24. EddiE314

    How to change the MTU (pppoe in winxp) ?

    try using Tweak-XP or X-Setup 6.1, they both have tweaks that can change the mtu settings.