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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    Isn't this Jdulmage's proggy?

    OLError: i STILL edit my sysoc file! i hate looking for cd's. Brian: yes It was a fancy Tweak UI. GemFire James: There's nothing wrong with potheads.
  2. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    Ordered a GF3 (Leadtek) but cancelled the order at the last minute so i'm gonna decide on something else. Here's my systems: mAIN sYSTEm: MotherBoard - Abit VH6 Socket 370 (1 AMR, 1 AGP, 5 PCI, 1 ISA) Fan/Cooling - (CPU) Alpha PEP66T 38cfm Heatsink/Fan Processor(s) - Intel Pentium III 1000@1125MHz (1.13GHz) Hard Drive - Seagate 30GB 7200rpm IDE (Three Partitions) Memory - 768MB Total. Three Sticks 256MB SDRAM PC133 Video Card - nVidia GeForce 2 MX 32MB AGP (Det. 12.41) Modem - Phoebe Micro 56K V.92 PCI Sound Card - VIA Audio (OnBoard) MPEG Decoder - Sigma Designs REALMagic Hollywood Plus! PCI Ethernet Adapter - RealTek 8029(AS) 10BaseT Ethernet Adapter Floppy Drive - Mitsumi 3.5" Floppy Drive DVD-ROM - Pioneer DVD-115 16x DVD ROM Drive IDE CD-RW - Plextor Plexwriter 12x/10x/32x CD-RW Drive IDE Power Supply(s) - Generic 300w ATX, Generic 235w ATX Monitor - 19" NEC Multisync (Dead!) Using 15" Compaq 1525 Now. Resolution - 1024x768x32bpp @ 72Hz (Using Cleartype) Operating System - Windows XP Professional (5.01.2481) 3DMark 2000 v1.1 - Default Settings - 6830 3DMarks Other System: MotherBoard - Abit VH6 Socket 370 (1 AGP, 3 PCI, 2 ISA) Fan/Cooling - (CPU) Generic Slot 1 HSF Combo (12VDC) Processor(s) - Intel Pentium II 333@416MHz Hard Drive - Fujitsu 8.4GB 5400RPM Hard Drive Memory - 192MB SDRAM PC133 Video Card - nVidia Riva TNT 16MB AGP Video Card (Det. 6.67) Sound Card - Creative Labs Soundblaster AWE64 ISA Ethernet Adapter - RealTek 8029(AS) 10BaseT Ethernet Adapter CD-ROM - Teac 32x CDROM Power Supply(s) - Generic 250w ATX Monitor - 14" Packard Hell Monitor Resolution - 1024x768x32bpp @ 60Hz Operating System - Windows NT 4 Workstation (4.00.1381;SP6)
  3. EddiE314

    XP Power Button Shutdown Problem!!!

    are you doing this with the actual computer's power button, or with the "Start > Turn off Computer > Turn Off" way?
  4. EddiE314

    Virtual Memory Settings

    i use anywhere from 256-768MB ram in my systems, when i have 256mb, i set my pagefile to 200min, and 200max, works great. for 384+MB, you can disable the pagefile all together and not have any problems as long as you're not doing video editing or ram intensive stuff. If you have 128mb ram, just leave it at the "suggested by windows" setting, if you have 64mb ram, go buy more.
  5. EddiE314

    Isn't this Jdulmage's proggy?

    lol, and i thought it had a price tag of $25 usd or something.
  6. EddiE314

    120 Users Online!!

    TechTV (formerly ZDtv(Ziff Davis Television)) is a technology based television show available on most cable and sattelite systems. Leo Laporte is the host of two separate show on TechTV "Call for Help" is the beginner/newbie show that explains the basics of the "personal confuser". "The Screen Savers" is a more intermediate/expert show that deals with more complicated problems and has more "in-depth" descriptions. Both shows answer questions about most modern operating systems such as: Linux, Windows, Macintosh, etc. the websites are: http://www.techtv.com/ http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/ http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/
  7. calm the f*uck down man, listen, if it don't work, it don't work, yada yada yada.....it's not like IE5 isn't good enough for you to surf with.
  8. EddiE314

    A+ Certification...

    A+ is really good to have, but it doesn't even compare to MCSE and Cisco cert's.
  9. i rememberdoing it by deleting a registy entry, but forgot which.
  10. thanks a million man, i used to keep a txt file with tweaks and stuff in it, i forgot to move it to the other drive when i recently formatted.
  11. EddiE314

    yamaha sound card no response

    we had a problem with it before, it was in PCI 1 and i told him to move it to PCI 3, and it worked for awhile then died, its not a driver issue cause it works fine on WinXP 2481 right out of the box, Cody, is the PCI bus speed too high, run Sandra and see if it gives you any warnings about bus speed being too high, other than that, i dunno.
  12. EddiE314

    Video Capture question

    if you're looking for a video capture card, check out the ATI All in Wonder series cards such as the All in Wonder, All in Wonder 128, and the All in Wonder Radeon. If you explain what you want it to do, i could probably help more.
  13. EddiE314

    I just some bad news about 3dfx and WindowsXP

    i've used Linux....quite alot infact, but it lacks 3rd party support, its too painstaking to teach people to use it, u have to f*uck with it alot depending on the machine, need i continue? I like Linux, but as a a weekend hobby, if you have the time to f*uck with your computer ALL OF THE TIME, then yea, you should use linux.......right after you get off your a.ss and get a job, i like the fact that with WinXP, i can install, crack, and use it. rather than, f*uck with, f*uck with, and f*uck with some more. get the picture?
  14. EddiE314

    Windows Update

    Windows XP really doesn't support Voodoo cards, your only hope is that WickedGL drivers will be created and released for XP.
  15. EddiE314

    DOS 6.22->Win 3.11->95a->95b->98fe->98se->

    the most i have ever done, was 3.11 to 95b to 98fe to ME to win2k. it seemed to run fine, but it was just a little test machine, i didn't really use it alot or run any tests on it, it DID seem extremely slow with a 333@416 Pentium 2 and 128mb ram.
  16. EddiE314

    GeForce 3 V8200 Deluxe

    i have had touble with anything above 12.41, so thats what i use, the 12.41 WHQL's for win2k, they run great.
  17. EddiE314

    WinXP locks with GeForce GTS 7700

    what drivers are you using?
  18. EddiE314

    Opinions on GRC.com's view on XP's raw sockets?

    i can't say that Steve is a crack-pot, you have to admit, the guy is smart as hell.
  19. EddiE314

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    i agree 100%
  20. EddiE314

    Need This File

    uninstall norton, delete registry entries for norton, reinstall norton.
  21. EddiE314

    can't install win xp on win me

    boot off the winxp cd and do a clean install.
  22. go to Start, All Programs, Startup.... you might see "reset.bat", this means you are using a reset crack for XP, i, and many others, have this problem, there is no know fix for this than to try using a non-reset crack (if you can find one that works well), other than that you'll have to keep typig in your L & P.
  23. EddiE314

    Can't install RC1!

    its hard to say what your prob is, take out that nic, and try to remove some ram, make sure you have the latest bios revision...etc...etc....it could be alot of things, try those, also tweak your bios, turn off PNP OS and bios shadowing....any of these "could" be a factor.
  24. Netscape sucks, thats why, ever since 4.xx's they have sucked bad, i don't blame windows for not wanting to install it.