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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    svchost.exe question

    now just how many of these do i need running?? I got 4 of the running under SYSTEM, 1 under LOCAL SERVICE and 1 under NETWORK SERVICE, each is using about 1.5 - 2MB ram and it doesn't seem like much, but they add up, i can understand one or two, but do i really need 6-8 of them running? and is there anyway to have Windows not start so many of them? One of them is using 15.7MB ram for god's sake. BTW, running build 2428. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 21 March 2001).]
  2. EddiE314

    svchost.exe question

    have you actually counted the services? there's like a thousand of them, screw using the trial and error method, takes too long, don't have to worry about that now i got 768mb pc133 cas2 ram (3x256), and besides, in 2481 i only have four of them now and it they only use 14-20mb total. thanks anyway.
  3. EddiE314

    Autologin in 248x

    because maybe he wants to lock his workstation, he does want SOME security, i have also tried here in 2481 , you're right, it always says that the system could not log me on. no clue on any fixes, sorry.
  4. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    its not overclocking a modem, and no you can't btw. its called upgrading a modem, the modem i gave you cody has already been upgraded from 33.6 to 56k.
  5. EddiE314

    win2k re-sign in

    i'd just reinstall windows. no biggie.
  6. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    someone else on these boards had that problem with his AMD setup, to my knowledge there's no fix.
  7. EddiE314

    XP System Requirements

    i'd agree with you on a 500MHz and at least 256MB ram, a nice vid card couldn't hurt.
  8. EddiE314

    Inconsistent Windows XP UI

    with sarcasm i hope.
  9. EddiE314

    Autorun.ini PLEASE HELP!

    Been playing around with autorun.ini's and was wondering if there was a program available to fool Windows into thinking that a folder is really a CDROM, the reason i want to do this is because i am gonna make a few custom utility cd's and want to test the autorun files. if there are no programs avail. then i would like to know where i could find extensive info on AUTORUN files. Thanks.
  10. EddiE314

    Inconsistent Windows XP UI

    yea, i'm using XP 2465 and IE 2465 and they're skinned like Four and Twenty's
  11. EddiE314

    Help me install this damn thing!!!!

    well, i see no other options for this guy than to do clean install.
  12. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    MotherBoard - Abit VH6 Socket 370 ("YY" Bios Revision (05.03.01)) Fan/Cooling - (CPU) Alpha PEP66T 38cfm Heatsink/Fan Processor(s) - Intel Pentium III 1000@1125MHz (1.13GHz)(150*7.5) Hard Drive - Seagate 30GB 7200rpm IDE (Partitioned into three) Memory - 768MB Total. Three Sticks 256MB, SDRAM PC133 Video Card - nVidia GeForce 2 MX 32MB AGP Modem - Phoebe Micro 56K V.90 ISA Sound Card - VIA Audio (OnBoard) MPEG Decoder - Sigma Designs REALMagic Hollywood Plus! PCI Ethernet Adapter - RealTek 8029(AS) 10BaseT Ethernet Adapter Removeable Storage - Mitsumi 3.5" Floppy Drive DVD-ROM - Pioneer DVD-115 16x DVD ROM Drive IDE CD-RW - Plextor Plexwriter 12x/10x/32x CD-RW Drive IDE Operating System - Microsoft Windows XP 2465 Post-Beta 2
  13. EddiE314

    Microsoft and AOL Partnership?

    Quote: Microsoft, AOL consider new alliance Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 Microsoft, AOL consider new alliance Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 America Online and Microsoft are in preliminary discussions to revise their long-standing partnership agreement, a move that could see renewed cooperation between the technology giants after a period of apparent discord. Hmmm, is this the beginning of the end? I thought XP Activation was bad, if Windows starts to become bloat-ware like Netscape, i'll ditch it. What do you think?
  14. EddiE314

    Win2k SP2 and Win File Protect

    could someone post the actual tweak?
  15. EddiE314

    Kenwood 72x in win2k

    Have you tried installing Service Pack 2??
  16. i'd say if win2k is working fine and you CAN still access Admin . Tools, don't worry about it. Do they show up in the Cont. Panel when logged on as Admin.?
  17. EddiE314

    XP Product Activation

    not communism, reality.
  18. EddiE314

    XP Product Activation

    i agree with most of you guys in saying that anything can be cracked, there's always a loophole, of course, when XP SP1 is released, i won't be upgrading. If this whole MS activation thing gets too far outta hand, i'm going back to NT4 or 2000, its not worth all of the trouble to crack, reinstall, crack, reinstall every other day because everytime you change hardware or apply service packs and/or hotfixes it (in a sense) breaks Windows. All of this is Bullsh1t, what stinks even more is MS's plan to release an OS every fu*kin' year just to get more $$$, i have paid for countless MS products, not this time Mr. Gates, i'm stealing from YOU b1tch!!!! Wanna know why? Check your bank account(s), thats why. When i gotta pay $1.79+ USD for a gallon of gasoline and $300 USD for an OS just so i can fu*kin play Quake, the money in my pocket dries up pretty quick. Between the two "butt-f*ck" kings....Mr. Gates and Mr. Bush, i dunno who's worse. I also smoke Marijuana. Thank you for robbing me blind. -EddiE314
  19. EddiE314

    Best XP Build So Far

    2465 for me, reason? I haven't used 2474 yet.
  20. EddiE314

    amd patch

    go to AMD's website, search for patches, read about them to see if your setup requires it. I believe there's a Win2k AMD patch at M$'s website, but just download and install SP2, the patch should be included with that.
  21. EddiE314

    Pre-RC 1 Build 2474 out

    yea, tell me if D3D is better.
  22. EddiE314

    Need help with xp plz.

    Hmm, i dunno man, i use the 2462 crack by Silent (i'm running 2465), and it works great.
  23. EddiE314

    Anyone here use Linux as 2nd OS?

    not as a 2nd OS, maybe my 4th or 5th choice for one. There's hardly any support for it, hardly any third party support...nah, i don't use Linux unless i'm feeling creative or desperate.
  24. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    do a search for the model number on the Maxtor site.
  25. EddiE314

    Service Pack 2 broke SMTP

    try uninstalling sp2 and/or rechecking all of your settings. if all else fails, reinstall windows .