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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    Need the red desert moon wallpaper

    i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, i'm lost without the funcionality of my Hollywood Plus Card, i might attempt a dual boot between winxp and win2k.....on question though, which do i install first? 2000? Which repair do i run? 2000 or XP? Do I have to manually edit the boot.ini? Need help here guys.
  2. EddiE314

    ie6 beta link

    better yet.... -------- Win2k_ie6b 2462: -------- WinMe_ie6b 2462: -------- Win9x_ie6b 2462:
  3. EddiE314

    What beta version has run best?

    i got the latest drivers from SD, they work in 2k yes, in XP? No.
  4. EddiE314

    Best DivX performance in XP beta2 - Drivers (which?)

    3.11 Alpha here.
  5. EddiE314

    Voodoo3 3000AGP + XP

    that card is also listed in the WinXP Beta2 HCL (Hardware Compat. List)
  6. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Hmm.... [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 01 April 2001).]
  7. EddiE314

    Best DivX performance in XP beta2 - Drivers (which?)

    i use 7.58WHQL and have no probs in WinXP 2446, for drivers, go to: http://www.the-ctrl-alt-del.com/Drivers.htm
  8. EddiE314

    Best DivX performance in XP beta2 - Drivers (which?)

    try the 7.58 WHQL or the 11.01 Beta.
  9. EddiE314

    CD burning question

    ok, i'm gonna burn a cd in 2446 and see if it leaves it open and if its readable by other os's as well.
  10. EddiE314

    Improvements to NTCompatible

    don't forget screenshots, sometimes people don't get it unless there are screenshots.
  11. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    its hard to believe that it was a whole year ago that JD posted that.
  12. thanks everyone for taking up for me.
  13. EddiE314

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    all i have to say is.....JJ32, STOP USING CAPS YOU DUMB MOTHERFU*CKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. EddiE314

    What beta version has run best?

    ok, but has anyone tried a Hollywood plus dvd decoder card with it, 2446 won't run mine.
  15. EddiE314

    Improvements to NTCompatible

    yea, clutch is on the right track, i'd like to see articles/how-to's on RAM/Pagefile optimizations and such. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 28 March 2001).]
  16. ATTN: Admins ------ Please add Blackcomb section soon, sooner the better, won't have to do it later.
  17. EddiE314

    Who wants me (EddiE314Banned?

    http://www.ntcompatible.com/ubb/Forum9/HTML/000322.html ----------- Examples of the hate people have for me (see above link)makes me think that people want me banned, if you want me banned, voice it here, i accept all flames. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 27 March 2001).]
  18. EddiE314

    Am I an Idiot?

    now i have been flamed alot man, did you know that i have no knowledge of NT? I'm also a flame starter, you were always in my good book man, never had a prob with you, just don't ever visit A$$holeville, it sucks there, its cold as sh1t and they have no Burger King. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 28 March 2001).]
  19. EddiE314

    Who wants me (EddiE314Banned?

    no, that was Four and Twenty man, i don't have a helicopter
  20. P.S. Then voice your opinions to SHS and Philipp, get them to Ban me. (go to "Other" Section)