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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    Voyager Elite Force

    yea, exacly, i tried to run it with 128mb ram, boy did it studder, went to 192 and it played fine, went to 256 and it's perfect.
  2. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    i agree totally.
  3. EddiE314

    IE 6 Administration Kit

    Hmm, i got ieak5, love to get my hands on 6 though.
  4. Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cardinal: I just read the post about Windows XP being lame. You jumped down that guys throat for no reason. You are a pethetic immature creature for showing so little tolerance for the opinions of others. This forum is for discussion! If that lad who dislikes Windows XP wants to voice his opinion then you accept it. Rather then resorting to calling him a fag. No doubt you are a homophobic redneck with such poor knowledge of the windows NT kernel you can't wait until Microsoft releases their 'NT for kids' OS. Shame on you for being a forum wanker. You suck Eddie. </font> ---------- I know i am, what's even funnier is the fact that I indirectly pissed you off, so while you're typing your next reply to this I'll be living my life, and where will you be? Sitting at your 'puter, being a lamer. --------- Have a Nice Day.
  5. EddiE314

    Voyager Elite Force

    p.s. more ram couldn't hurt.
  6. EddiE314

    Voyager Elite Force

    also upgrade the game to at least v1.1, i had the problem of it locking up when i blew up a Plasma Filter on the game.
  7. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    exactly, instead of repairing or upgrading the cpu and mobo every few months, shoot for a balanced system, not a fast CPU.Back when i had dual celeron 400's, i upgraded to dual celeron 500@550's, guess how many seconds got shaved off my boot time.......2! I got about 4-8 extra fps in quake 3 arena and about 10 extra fps with SMP enabled. Not a very big difference huh? you know why it was not that big of difference? udma33 5400rpm hard drive and a voodoo3 2000. As you can see, it wasn't worth it for me to upgrade for just 2 seconds and 10 fps.
  8. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    cody - why would you spend the extra $$ on a athlon when you can get a duron 750 for $40 or an 850 for around $70-$80. You're not really gonna notice a speed difference with it anyway, you need to concentrate on a newer, faster harddrive and more ram and vid, forget getting a fast cpu until the rest of the system can handle it, otherwise you'll have a huge bottleneck in your system and the speed and performance will suffer. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 27 March 2001).]
  9. EddiE314

    WMP + DVD Playback!? WTF?!

    ok, i am using 2446, and i was playing around with WMP when i discovered it could play dvd's, well, i started to watch Hackers, and over the course of a few days i watched others, now when i try to watch a dvd it tells me i have no compatible dvd decoder card installed, WMP never worried about it before, so why is it now?????
  10. EddiE314

    WMP + DVD Playback!? WTF?!

    Down8 - dude, i really don't know man, i was playing around with it, i was ripping a dvd and wondered if WMP would play a ripped vob file, then i was like, oh what the hell and started playing around with it, it played Hackers and many other fine, now it asks for a dvd decoder. Cody - i don't know, i wouldn't ask if i did.
  11. EddiE314

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    why should you have to update your BIOS and do all of that extra work to get a sh1tty OS like WinME to work?! Use a real OS....and NT OS.
  12. EddiE314

    Tweaking the page file... Question for you!

    its a great link [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 26 March 2001).]
  13. EddiE314

    Tweaking the page file... Question for you!

    http://arstechnica.com/tweak/nt/pagefile-1.html [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 26 March 2001).]
  14. EddiE314

    WMP + DVD Playback!? WTF?!

    what pisses me off is the fact that i know that WMP will play dvd's without a decoder card because i was frickin watching dvd's without one installed.
  15. EddiE314

    Does WinXP worth ?

    well, the only builds of Whistler i have used are: 2223, 2257, 2428, and 2446. 2223 was worthless and should never have been released, 2257 was ok but i was forced to format the drive it was on because it was so slow, 2428 was the sh1t and so is 2446. i dunno about 2416, i have never used it.
  16. EddiE314

    Bootable WinXP CD

    Hmmm, ok, after you extract the iso and replace the dll file in the i386 directory, you should be able to use a program like WinImage to make an iso image of it again.
  17. EddiE314

    Bootable WinXP CD

    why not just burn the iso image, that should do it, otherwise, use the search feature, just look for bootable win2k cd's and follow the same steps, only, you'll need these marker files: WIN51IP.B2 WIN51.B2 ---------- Download here: http://users.intrepid.net/~eddie/2446mrkrs.zip
  18. EddiE314

    Does WinXP worth ?

    yea man, i gotta agree with JD on this one, and i'm sure others will also, XP (and i'm running 2446!) is already better than win2k, i don't care what ver. of 2k you are running (2195.1 , 2195.1;SP1 , 2195.1;SP2) it doesn't matter.
  19. EddiE314

    Windows XP

    yes it plays "most" old dos games with pretty good sound support. WinXP is based off the same kernel that win2k was, its not based off win2k itself. SP2 "may" incorporate new compatibility. In my Opinion XP is better, even in the beta stages. WinXP will almost run with 64mb ram, i'd say at least have 128, and for the best experience i'd have between 256 and 384. If i were you, i'd go with the pro version, its more powerful and supports 2 cpu's (incase you wanna go dual's someday) The Activation thing is BuLLsh1T!! It WILL be cracked, trust me on this. WinXP (for me) right after startup and Login uses about 103MB ram when its idling, through normal use, i usually hit a peak at about 300mb or so, as you can see, 256-384 is a must.
  20. EddiE314

    Problems with Build 2446

    really? i haven't had that problem, guess thats why its beta, i dunno.
  21. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    i agree man, it's cold as sh1t here too, i want spring, bad!
  22. EddiE314


  23. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    they're so damned small that its hard to do with a pencil, and you have to get that graphite on there THICK!
  24. EddiE314

    DVD --> mpeg

    yea, it takes forever, i use CladDVD to rip and Flask to encode. Normally you have 6 .VOB files, each are around a gig or so (except maybe the 6th one), normally iot takes about 10minutes to rip each .VOB file, and around 35-60 minutes to encode each .VOB file to .AVI or whatever. So you're looking at about 4-8 Hours worth of encoding
  25. EddiE314

    Firewalls? hmm... who has actually ever been hacked?

    I HEAR YA MAN!!!!!!!