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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    UT doens't work
  2. EddiE314

    When are we going to have Detonator Drivers.....

    different people like different versions, i like 6.62 myself, someone else might like 7.17. At lease nVidia has driver support, unlike other companies.
  3. EddiE314

    Best review of whistler yet!!!!!!

    i thought it blew
  4. EddiE314

    How do you get menu fading in ME?

    Here's mine, not much though, i don't feel like listing everything so here's the short version Celemine 667@1133MHz 640MB ram cas2 pc133, 2x256, 1x128 30.6gb hdd GeForce 2 Ultra
  5. EKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haven't seen you here in awhile, it's coming up on Newbie time like last year when they released Win2k, this time it'll be with WinXP, *sigh* Remember the people whining about the Detonator drivers?
  6. EddiE314

    DVD in W2K

    Hey Accord2k1, you have the same burner and dvd-rom as me, is yours a Pioneer DVD-115? Oh, DosFreak, i have an H+, it was givin to me by a friend )actually i stole it from him because he owed me $$ and i was pissed off, its almost useless, wasn't i supposed to have gotten a vga/s-video cable with it? without it i can't see any playback on my monitor, anyone help?
  7. EddiE314

    CD burner don't work

  8. EddiE314

    Direct3d Problem

    i'll second that. Most likely your video drivers. Why don't you just continue to run the game in OpenGL instead of Direct3D?
  9. EddiE314

    UT doens't work

    what version of DirectX are you using? Have you tried to use the WHQL Det. 6.62 Drivers?
  10. EddiE314

    why does my trash can empty so sloooowwww?

    because sometimes you delete things by accident.
  11. EddiE314

    I just got a new Mobo,processor , and case

    yea, Maxtors are really good but noisy as hell, I use nothing but Seagate.
  12. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    ...hmmm...yawn....burp....just bumping up this thread.
  13. EddiE314

    Newbie 2K Pro startup Q

    try a clean install, after its done, install your apps one by one using the process of elimination to find out if a particular one is causing this.
  14. EddiE314

    After IE 6.0 2403 Beta install .........

    nope, already tried that along with recustomizing the folder itself, no good.
  15. EddiE314

    No more Napster :-(

    yea, saying that you'll have to pay for downloads and crap, i'm not giving a penny when i can get them elsewhere. I love Napster, but i ain't payin'
  16. EddiE314

    Recomendations on a new Videocard

    how much?
  17. EddiE314

    Old Win95 games

    DosFreak has a Game Compat. list, do a search for it, its alot of help.
  18. EddiE314

    PROBLEM FOUND!!!! "devldr32.exe" ATTN: ALL SBLiv

    covered about 3 times already. Use Search Feature.
  19. i get alot of crap in my event viewer as well, unless its hindering you from using your computer i wouldn't worry about it, i don't.
  20. EddiE314

    Win2000 SP1 installation

    just download the 87mb sp1network.exe file from the microsoft site and burn that file to disc or make a slipstreamed win2ksp1 cd
  21. EddiE314

    After IE 6.0 2403 Beta install .........

    same thing here, can't seem to fix it.
  22. EddiE314

    CD-RW recommendations?

    when i installed EZCD4 Deluxe a while ago it would only let me burn at 1x, how do you fix this issue?
  23. EddiE314

    UT Game of the Year 2nd CD...WTF?!

    screw the 2nd cd, i only install the 1st anyway.
  24. EddiE314

    Discussion an 2416. Anyone tried it yet.

    Unless the manufacturer is Creative Labs, then you might see driver releases about 6 monthes after the RTM of XP.
  25. EddiE314

    Need recomendation for bet dual proc mb

    Abit VP6 dual Socket 370, uses VIA chipset btw.