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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    Good link to links

  2. defragging just made mine slower, so do what i do, just leave the computer on all of the time, its not like its unstable or anything
  3. EddiE314

    Why do u guys hate me so much ?

    i have heart, i cry all of the time, well...i whine, is that good?
  4. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Arin's that little prick i tried to help on here before, then he started talking sh1t. Arin, i never told you this, but you're a f*cking lamer if there ever was one. I mean...by what you said...: "Somebody hack this guy!!". Please, now how lame is that?
  5. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    i agree, coming to this thread makes me feel at home, even when i'm on the road on my laptop.
  6. EddiE314


    well, at least i have the pleasure of using the NT kernel (No Fatal Exceptions for me). I could care less if some apps don't run. Patches? I don't even use the 02.17.00 hotfixes or SP1!!! I could care less. You won't see a patch or SP for win9x because they come out with a new damned version every year, there's no use for a SP, you know why win9x is unreliable???? LEGACY. thats why, its time to move on....its time to jump on the train of progress or you'll get left behind...its time for a new age in greatness......Vote for EddiE314 for Moderator in 2000....haha [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 03 October 2000).]
  7. EddiE314


    well HarU, i'm gonna have to agree with DosFreak on this one, you're completely out of line and have no idea of what you're talking about, I'll sell you a Nintendo HarU, all of the games work on it.
  8. EddiE314

    Can't install Whistler 2257

    well, i'd just like to say that i am a Blackcomb expert, so wait til beta 2 of Blackcomb
  9. EddiE314

    Delta Force 2 and Voodoo 2

    last time i looked, DF, and DF2 didn't even use a 3d accelerator card.
  10. EddiE314

    Win2k, SP1, DUN & IIS - Help

    i don't use Zonealarm and i still have to problems
  11. yea, the installation of win2k is close to a gig
  12. EddiE314

    whistler question

    ahh Yes thegrants, he pretty much is the ruler, when i have a question, i ask him, if you would have been reading the other whistler post then you would know that he answers all of the other whistler questions perfectly. Oh, i'd like to say that i've had no problems with whistler 2257 personal, thank you. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 26 September 2000).]
  13. You know what's great? Using your computer right after a clean install of an Operating System, its so responsive and quick, not to mention it gives you a good feeling that the Hard Drive isn't full and the OS is in perfect working order, the only problem is that if you're like me, you install a lot of programs and uninstall a lot as well and after awhile your drive gets worthless shared system file scattered on it along with a hell of a lot of fragmentation, to put this into perspective, my second computer has a 8.4GB hard drive with two partitions (C Drive is 6GB (ntfs) and D Drive is about 1.5GB (ntfs) Windows 2000 is installed on the C drive and Whistler 2257 is installed on the D Drive. All i'm worried about right now is the C Drive since I use Win2k a lot more than Whistler, Everyone knows as well as I do, you can defrag and defrag to your heart's content but it will never feel like a newly installed OS, right? Defrag is a Temporary fix, and i've never had much luck with the "uninstaller programs" so what is the best way? Should people just Format their Hard drive (like me) or is there something out there that can help people, i know for example, i have 3 computers, 2 have burners and ZIP100 drives, so backing up really isn't that bad for me, but i know that many people don't have a burner or a ZIP drive, so what are they supposed to do about their "stuff"? I talk to many people and repair many people's computers for them and sometimes their computers are so full and/or screwed up that i have to tell them that they may need to format, and then I explain to them what formatting does....you could probably guess their reactions. I want the input of everyone on this one so your opinions would be very much appreciated, not just by me, but by those people out there without the ability to Back-up. Thanks.
  14. EddiE314

    Have you ever been soooo Riled up, you just wanna....

    haha, did you by any chance come across any of my posts that bashed Creative? I did alot of it!
  15. have two partitons Win2k is on C: i presume, so you're gonna need another drive or a partiton, i'll call it "X:\". Boot the win98 cd start the install of winme from whatever location its at. win2k will make the proper changes and allow you to dual boot
  16. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    you know that "I" am the Master of the Universe right?
  17. EddiE314

    APCOMPAT.EXE wont work

    looks like it doesn't work then, when i have that problem, i run it in winme.
  18. EddiE314

    Whistler discussion

    Consumer NT used to be such an oxymoron, now its finally a reality.
  19. EddiE314

    Win2k, SP1, DUN & IIS - Help

    mine is a clean install
  20. EddiE314

    MS Linux: Shipping in November 2001

    Read the website carefully
  21. EddiE314

    Whistler discussion

    thanks for the link Down8!
  22. EddiE314

    Why the secrecy???

    oh my god! hahaha, it makes your side hurt! this post made my day.
  23. EddiE314

    Win2k, SP1, DUN & IIS - Help

    man, i've tried installing in every possible order, and no, i'm not using Zonealarm