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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Count me in Inferno2k, i'll be there, you gonna have some beer?
  2. EddiE314

    DX8 - Report problems here if any.

    Here's my story. After installing DX8b, i can no longer play 3dDoom witrhout it crashing, UT (4.20) crashes in D3D mode. I was wondering....anyone know how to revert to DX7?
  3. EddiE314

    Alright then lets make it simple

    dunno, but you don't really need a hub, just a crossover cable`
  4. EddiE314


    Fddfd ffdfd ddfdfff? Dffd ff d dddfd fdffdf. ffdffdd. Fddfdf ffdffdddd. -Eddie
  5. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Quote: Originally posted by jdulmage: my attempt to make this a long running post is still going....let's hope this is still happening a few months from now in order for it to keep going, you have to say something stupid and we have to make fun of you.
  6. EddiE314

    Network Cable Unplugged

    a crossover cable is alpha on one end and bravo on the other alpha= GS, G, OS, B, BS, O, BrS, Br bravo= OS, O, GS, B, BS, G, BrS, Br the only thing that is different on the terminated ends are the transmits and recieves.
  7. EddiE314

    Stupid question about Fast Ethernet

    it doesn't matter what color the cat5 is, its the same throughput. if you're only connecting two machines, just make or buy a crossover cable and connect either end to the two 10/100 cards.
  8. EddiE314

    DX8 - Report problems here if any.

    yes DosFreak, please mail it to eddie@intrepid.net, i'll post a link if its not tooooo big.
  9. EddiE314

    Direct X 8.0

    i'd e-mail it but its 6.71MB, and i'm on a 56k crapper.
  10. EddiE314

    Dual 850's - anyone running them?

    not really much faster with Games unless they support SMP, i had dual celerons overclocked to 500, and i noticed a he11 of a big difference with my overall system performance.....multitasking actually worked for once. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 21 May 2000).]
  11. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Quote: Originally posted by jdulmage: geez, for someone with only 10 posts, you sure act like you own the place. Read my messages, it's called an "act". Has mommy told you what an "act" means? come back when you have a brain Since when does the number of posts a person has make them stupid, at least he didn't post a sh1tty little faerie tale like you did. BTW....you only have 54 jdulmage, does it make me smarter than you?? I think not, you could be the next bill gates or linus torvalds, but instead you post crap on here. Nice website BTW...lotsa good stuff...haha, i hope your company takes off. http://www.webtoolsplus.com/ Stop being an ass and at least try to help people...or is it all an act?
  12. EddiE314


    No, this is a serious topic.
  13. EddiE314


    Personally i don't think piracy is bad if you don't make a profit, i don't try to sell anyone burnt copies of win2k...i just give them away and at the same time i tell the person, "its well worth $250-$320 US dollars" so if you like it....buy it. I just bought my boxed version last week.... Hey, at least i have a pretty CD now.
  14. EddiE314

    Windows eval. 120 day copy.. How can I fix it?

    i wonder if you could do that to the 2223.1 alpha release of whistler....just for fun?
  15. yea, you had beer bottles instead of a spaceship. I had it on this 10000001 games disc back when i had win95b, but the cd got so scratched that it couldn't be read anymore, anyway, if you know any download sites please tell me, its an oldie but goodie, just wondering if it'll run under win2k...of course Wolfenstein 3d still runs.
  16. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    ahhh man, thats a good site: www.uglypeople.com oh, this thread better go to 10 pages...or else. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 16 May 2000).]
  17. EddiE314

    When will Creative Release there S3 Savage 4 Drivers?

    to answer that question.... "When is the world going to end?"
  18. EddiE314

    Win2k CD key in the registry somewhere??

    haha, yea, i know that the "all 1's" work with Plus!98
  19. EddiE314

    Old problem scenario I am sure....Voodoo2 & Win2k.

    My girlfried is using a creative labs voodoo2 pci with drivers found on the www.3dfxgamers.com site and she has no problems, quake 3 runs fine.
  20. EddiE314

    Is there any uptime limit on win2k pro?

    My second computer has been running for 3 weeks with Win2k 5.00.2195.1, i'm powering it down so i can install Windows Whistler 2001 on it, i DID have it on this maching but it pissed me off because it kept having explorer.exe errors/crashes, be aware, if you upgrade win2k 5.00.2195.1 to win2k 5.10.2223.1, you cannot uninstall it, you have to format and reinstall.
  21. EddiE314


    i booted to dos, installed Quake, came back to Win2k, installed GLQuake, ran perfect. You cannot just install Quake under Win2k, at least, i couldn't.
  22. EddiE314

    Taskbar annoyance

    yea, upgrade to Windows Whistler 2223.1, i haven't seen it yet in Whistler, i know because it annoyed the he11 out of me too. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 11 May 2000).]
  23. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    And i would just like to claim responsibility for bringing jdulmage back to good 'ol NTC.
  24. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    DarkSiege 5/9/2000 8:45 PM yeah, it was all an act there buddy, it was all FAKE. I merely did it to put some laughs on the message board. I probably know more about computers and software then half the people signed up to NT Compatible EddiE314 5/9/2000 8:46 PM maybe you do, so why are you getting pissed, you say you did it for laughs, all of us on NTCompatible are also doing it for fun. Is that wrong? Everything that we say is fake as well.