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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. 5t3ph3n - what are you talking about, no one has told me to leave. You worry about the littlest thing. Pathetic? oh, not me, i believe thats you. And yes, i do have the s/n, but my friend already registered it. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 24 April 2000).]
  2. EddiE314

    How do u copyright your website?

    there! i just bought myself a little more time, now its 293
  3. EddiE314

    How do u copyright your website?

    true, i put ©2000 EddiE314 on mine, but thats just for the he11 of it. Does this guy mean © the graphics too? I guess you could use Digimarc for that, but thats if he wants to pay.
  4. didn't go after ge0ph, he's cool. i know people assume, "I" assume that 80% of the people on this site have pirated copies of win2k (i know "I" do), maybe i'm right and maybe i'm wrong. People make mistakes and people have bad days. But thats no reason to say: "...Now he tries to turn NTcompatible into a warez site... I thought this guy was banned from NTCompatible... SHS? Philipp?..."
  5. EddiE314

    NEED only the most intelligent and clever!!!

    yea, i saw lots of screenshots, are they doing away with the START menu in the gold version of Whistler, i heard the gui was supposed to be totally revamped
  6. EddiE314

    How do u copyright your website?

    Syncope - i'm misinformed? I think not. I never told him not to put the text on his site. If he wants to spend $$ to copyright his site, by all means, go ahead. But i can assure you he will not care about it in a year or two.
  7. i own Partition Magic 5 retard, i bought it from my friend but he already registered it (that makes it "pirated" as far as PowerQuest is concerned), therefore i cannot gain access to the download section to get the 30MB patch. As far as turning NTC into a Warez site...thats your opinion. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 23 April 2000).]
  8. EddiE314

    Where can I get a beta copy!

    Arin, if you have ICQ, my number is 6062909, message me and i can give you a link for winME beta 3, as for Windows Whistler, i'd also like to know. WinME b3 expires after a certain amount of time WinWhistler (build 5.01.2223) is an evaluation copy. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 23 April 2000).]
  9. EddiE314

    CDRW Software

    Nero Easy CD Creator 3.5c (with the patch) Easy CD Creator 4.02 CDRWIN 3.8a
  10. EddiE314

    DirectX 7 update

    what are you using to extract them? i used WinRAR, i right clicked on it and chose "Extract to dx7w2k/" then it made a folder, i have no problems with DirectX so i never had to used it, i just posted it for him. Are you logged in as Administrator or an account with administrative rights? You are double clicking "dx7w2k.exe" right? [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 23 April 2000).]
  11. EddiE314

    NEED only the most intelligent and clever!!!

    Seldzar, when's the expected release? What has been done so far that make Whistler better?
  12. EddiE314

    NEED only the most intelligent and clever!!!

    well SHS, you DO have a point, but i don't think we'll ever get a perfect OS unless most, if not all, legacy crap is dumped. I mean, i'd be happy to use a DOS emulator in an OS.
  13. EddiE314

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    haute...man...nevermind......haha when i look at that picture, one question crosses my mind.."what made him go find that pic?" thats about the funniest thing i've seen in awhile. Thanks for the laugh man.
  14. EddiE314

    NEED only the most intelligent and clever!!!

    Quote: Originally posted by r0cko: Attn: Admin RE: Ban EddiE314 He posts crap just so he can say, "look I got lots of posts i must be cool." You warned him once now i think its time for action. Here's an idea r0ck0...Grow up. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 22 April 2000).]
  15. EddiE314

    AGP not Supported???

    probably 2183, that's what happened to me. I had a BP6 and no problems [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 20 April 2000).]
  16. EddiE314


    Adaptec 4.60 drivers. you need those, i find it hard to believe that you couldn't find it via SEARCH, clicking the actual search link may help a bit. But i'll be nice and put up a link from my site, next time read thoroughly. http://www.intrepid.net/~eddie/w2kaspi32.zip [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 20 April 2000).]
  17. EddiE314

    How do u copyright your website?

    basically all you can do is put the Text in that YuppieScum told you, there's no need to copyright it when you won't even care about in a year or two.
  18. EddiE314

    NEED only the most intelligent and clever!!!

    Win2k was never designed to be a gaming OS, but the did discover that people liked having an OS that didn't crash all of the time. They implemented DX7 among other things to satisfy the gamer. I don't know why they are keeping the 9x kernel alive, i think they just want to make a cheap os that the novice consumer will buy, poor novice consumer, if they just did away with the 9x kernel all together, there wouldn't be newbie questions like: "What does Illegal Operation mean?"...How is a newbie supposed to understand that his/her operating system is a piece of crap and that there is no way to keep it from crashing, i mean, i've had win98 crash just from minimizing an app for god's sake. whenever i first used win95, i though something was wrong with it, i didn't know that it was supposed to do that. I reinstalled it 5 times before i found out that i wasn't the only one. Sorry if i'm rambling but i've heard too many questions about win9x crashing and i'm tired and i need sleep. So if what i just typed doesn't make any sense, i'm sorry, if thats not enough..b1ow me. Thank you. Have a Nice Day.
  19. EddiE314

    Win 2k and V3 2k PCI Help

    i have the same problem, it IS refresh rates all i can tell you is to adjust it on your monitor.
  20. EddiE314

    AGP not Supported???

    I posted the modified DirectX7 Debug Drivers, DosFreak Modified them. here's the link: http://www.intrepid.net/~eddie/dx7w2k.cab
  21. Okay, i had the sims installed on my dual cel 400@550 w/ 384mb ram (pc100) and 3 different vid cards (Voodoo3 2000, Riva TNT, Creative Banshee) and it would always hard lock right in the middle of the game, since then i sold my celerons and and getting ready to buy 2 500's or an Athlon 800 and mobo. I am NOW using a PII 333@375, 128MB ram(pc100) and a voodoo3 2000. I AM STILL GETTING HARD LOCKS! I swear to god i can't figure it out. i have tried everything. I don't know if its a driver issue or what, in the past i used the Det. 3.78 drivers for the TNT, beta hacked drivers for the banshee, and the supposed RETAIL drivers for the V3 (1.000.000 i think). I ruled out not having enough power with my crappy 250w PSU. I remember posting the faq's from www.thesims.com and i think it did help one person on here but it didn't help me. Here's my original setup and my present temporary one: ----------- Original: Dual Celeron 400@550 Abit BP6 mobo 384MB SDRAM PC100 Generic 8.4GB HDD IDE Voodoo3 2000 PCI (retail 1.000.000 drivers) *3D Blaster Banshee AGP (NT4 beta hacked drivers) *Graphics Blaster Riva TNT (3.78 Drivers) Creative 5x DVDROM IDE 4x/2x/24x CDRW Drive IDE Internal Iomega ZIP 100 Realtek 10Base-T NIC PCI Soundblaster AWE64 ISA Phoebe 56k v90 Modem ISA ---------- Present Temp Setup PII 333@375 Elite p6ba-a+ MObo (440lx chipset) 128 MB SDRAM PC100 Generic 8.4gb hdd IDE voodoo3 2000 (retail 1.000.000) " " " " (Same as above for the rest) --- Oh, I have tried running the cpu's at the normal speed too and they are not getting too hot. Thanks.
  22. EddiE314

    ok, here are MY "The Sims" Problems. Help if you c

    my voodoo3 was pci, the banshee and the tnt are agp and the aperture size is 64mb
  23. EddiE314

    ok, here are MY "The Sims" Problems. Help if you c

    haha i installed the TNT and the creative drivers, it played for awhile, then it froze, i have no clue of what to do. It has to be a hardware problem though, i've done 3 installs of win2k and 2 installs of win98, in both it freezes, i took out any cards that i don't use or need, disconnected any devices that i could (cdrw and int. ZIP drive). I lower the clock speed of the GPU from 110 to 100MHz, closed any progs that weren't in use, lowered resolution, lowered refresh rates, blah blah blah.. Hmmm, what to do...what to do. F*ck it. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 19 April 2000).]
  24. EddiE314

    ok, here are MY "The Sims" Problems. Help if you c

    I hate active desktop, i never use it anyway, actually, Unreal Tourny and Q3A hardlock too, but GLQuake (1.09) works fine. I have the Voodoo3 in now, i'll download the creative drivers and install the TNT later, i hope that works, i was thinking of doing that anyway.
  25. EddiE314

    Thumbs up 3dfx 1.04.05 BETA !

    I'm sorry, but...what language are you speaking, i know you probably don't speak english that well, but can you be a little clearer? Thanks