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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    TheSims and Windows 2000 locks up

    got that problem too not the vid card! i used these with the Sims, all ending in a lockup: Creative 3D Blaster Banshee AGP Creative Graphics Blaster Riva TNT AGP STB Voodoo3 2000 PCI
  2. EddiE314

    I just got win2000 Pro in the mail free?

    yea, i'm signed up with sdk, it comes with win2k pro, server, and adv server and another sh1tty disc. they are 120 day eval's
  3. EddiE314

    Office 2000 SP1

    yea seriously, SEARCH people! SP1 is sh1t!! everyone knows that, don't you read the news?
  4. EddiE314

    Adaptec Easy CD-Creator 4.02 & Win2000

    i have a 4x cdrw and adaptec excd creator 4 deluxe, in windows 2000, it'll only burn at 1x, but ezcd 3.5c burns at the full 4x, same with CDRWIN 3.8a. Any comments?
  5. EddiE314

    bp6 and win2k

    i had that problem, i had to reinstall win2k, and then smp worked fine win2k 2195.1 abit bp6 mobo dual celery 400's @ 550 384mb ram etc...
  6. EddiE314

    MP3 Ripping

    I use AudioCalalyst 2.0 (full) and it works great, however, if i try to rip with my 5x dvd drive, it ALWAYS rips at 13x+ and i get about 900 speed problems, i ususally use my burner to rip, it rips at 8x and i get no speed problems, anyone else have this problem?
  7. EddiE314

    Windows 98!

    Unkoon2000 - You let me know if you want a copy of Windows for Workgroups. Okay people. Read this post, its a prime example of a dumbass that doesn't know how to use an operating system. If you don't like it. Don't come here to b1tch and complain. Have a Nice Day. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 16 March 2000).]
  8. Quote: Originally posted by grimm: For win2k For company who did not deliver drivers on time ! Grimm - As for the company that didn't deliver the drivers on time, i think we should nominate Creative Labs. Quantus - Were you picked on in school alot? Were you one of those kids that wasn't happy with anything? If so you should have the hell kicked out of you for dumb. When i read one of you posts, i think i lost 10 IQ points because it was so dumb. Thank you. Have a Nice Day. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 16 March 2000).]
  9. EddiE314

    Just face it.....

    Do people post these stupid as hell comments just to get replies to them? Quantus - Why don't you go somewhere will someone will appreciate your constant whining. If you don't like it then don't use it....Okay people...you know how we told newbies to use the SEARCH feature? Well the same applies here. Just search for people that cry and b1tch as much as you and then you guys can go install Windows for Workgroups and play Doom, and together all of you cry-babies can b1tch and moan about windows 2000 sucking as much as your little hearts would like. Have a Nice Day.
  10. EddiE314

    Crashing in win2k

    could you be a little more specific?
  11. EddiE314

    NTFS to FAT32?

    D@mnit Yuppie, didn't i ask you about that in the chatroom (#NTCompatible on Undernet )? No one told me it wouldn't convert back to FAT32, haha, i had to format and reinstall Win2k and WinME. As for partition Magic, don't use it, its sh|tty and would probably mess up win2k. c:\> convert c: /fs:ntfs <---thats the only way (Fat32 to Ntfs)"Convert" only works on FAT drives. Have a Nice Day. [This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 07 March 2000).]
  12. EddiE314

    "Critical Update" on winupdate site!!! Very strang

    I got an Abit BP6 and all is well sorry about your luck
  13. EddiE314

    BP6 + Win2k and Peltiers??

    I use a BP6 with 2 Celeron 400's @500MHz, i want to get peltiers, but i was concerned with condensation, i just have 2 crappy Socket 7/Socket 370 fan/heatsink combos, While playing games, it gets pretty hot and i have to do something about it soon. Have a Nice Day.
  14. EddiE314

    w2k data corruption?

    personally i would just reinstall win2k over top of your current installation, that usually fixes most problems. I haven't had any problems with CRC errors other than ones with a bad burn i made of Office 2000 (Backup copy of course!)
  15. EddiE314

    shut down problem with 98se

    Just let it restart, when it gets to the Video Bios screen, hit the power button. Damn, thats what i did for the longest time, Win98se sucks a$$
  16. EddiE314

    Dual Processor vs Single Processor.

    Just be safe and try to run the same processor and same speed. You'll be fine
  17. EddiE314

    Liveware 2000 beta for Win2k HERE

    I get a no go for that IP here, it doesn't work.
  18. EddiE314

    Switching back to good ol' win98

    I believe i'll have to agree with Seldzar. SHUT THE F*** UP PEOPLE!!!!!
  19. EddiE314

    Suggested LAN Card Settings

    Haven't you noticed Awaxx? I am not the Man anymore either, nor are you. Even newbies are Senior members
  20. EddiE314

    3com US robotics Winmodem in win 2000

    My friend has the same problems with his 56k v90 US obotics modem, cannot open port, he's tried every driver that win2000 has, thats what he says anyway
  21. EddiE314

    Shutdown Problems

    go to Control Panel/Power Options/APM and enable APM, if it doesn't work try a BIOS update or you'll have to live with reaching on the back and flipping the power switch
  22. EddiE314

    Advanced Server -vs- Professional?

    No, stick with Professional if you're not doing anything productive like running business apps.
  23. Just wanted to say for all of you people out there that insist on saying that Windows 2000 sucks, just follow what the topic says and you'll no longer be troubled by all of the stability of the operating system. **Example** "Win2k sucks, i can't even get my Britney Spears nude screensaver to work under it, Win2k is the sh1ttiest version of Windows to date." This is what your posts complaining about Win2k sound like to me. By all means, switch back to an older OS, you know what they say, "Ignorance is Bliss" Have a nice Day. Win2k Forever!
  24. EddiE314

    Anyone break the 24hr uptime barrier yet?

    yea, every three days or so i restart for some reason or another, either changing hardware or i just feel like powering down, other than that, i'm always breaking the 24 time barrier.
  25. EddiE314

    Performance with nVidia's new Win2000 drivers?

    Excellent, and i am using a TNT1 agp card