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Everything posted by EddiE314

  1. EddiE314

    win xp skins

    we already know about that link, it was posted on the last page
  2. EddiE314

    win xp skins

    StyleXP doesn't HAVE to be installed, but you DO need a modified uxtheme.dll file, and yes, you can use shellstyle 2600's in place of the 2505's
  3. EddiE314

    mouse jumps on cs

    ok i just got a new mouse and it an ibm sroll point pro in counter strike when i try to turn around real fast it jumpand put me in some odd place any have any ideas Posted by pimpin_228
  4. EddiE314

    win xp skins

    well, it would seem that i had StyleXP installed and it had already modified the system DLL "uxtheme.dll" which is why my skins worked. I found this out by formatting my computer and then after reinstalling, my skins wouldn't work. So, i WAS mistaken. But, the 2600 shellstyle.dll's DO work.
  5. EddiE314

    Better Styles XP or Window Blinds XP

    same here, native using old dlls
  6. the one in my other machine works flawlessly
  7. EddiE314

    Happy Birthday Brian

    Happy Birthday man!!! GET F.UCKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. EddiE314

    win xp skins

    no, the shellstyle file is still there but it carries a version number of 5.1.2600, it's not hacking the .theme file, you can easily create a .theme file, and the other night i just found out that the calls to themeui.dll do not have to be removed, i trying to get the themes working properly now by using the 5.1.2600 version od shellstyle.dll so i don't have to keep the RC1 version around as for name calling, i was pissed because people are saying that you have to mod/hack files to get the themes working ...So, sorry for that.
  9. EddiE314

    win xp skins

  10. EddiE314

    win xp skins

    Quote: For the people that do not want to alter/hack/replace original Windows DLLs, Windowblinds XP is the only way to add more skins. ok [My Bestest Buddy in the whole wide world], you don't have to alter/hack/or replace ANY files, all you have to do is copy one file and one folder over to c:\windows\resources\themes\. How many times do i have to tell you that. Mildly Adjusted by clutch
  11. EddiE314

    win xp skins

    the trick with the old .dll files is to using an RC1 (2505) version of shellstyle.dll and to remove the calls to themeui.dll in the .theme file, nothing is hacked and i have no programs installed, no WindowsBlinds, no StyleXP. It's as simple as that. And no, using an old .dll is not the same as using a hacked one, each theme uses its own shellstyle.dll file, my themes NEVER came with a 2600 version of that file, i just decided to use an old version, and even the old version isn't hacked, it comes from a failed attempt to do Native skinning back when i was using RC1.
  12. EddiE314

    just testing...

    some type of RPG?
  13. EddiE314

    win xp skins

    funny, cause i design my own "NATIVE" XP skins without "hacking" any .dll files.
  14. EddiE314

    Native XP Skins

  15. EddiE314

    Native XP Skins

    I have a few skins in the works also, its been going kinda slow but they should be done soon, i also have a few custom logon screens and .cpl files. ------ I honestly don't like StyleBuilder's interface, it's easier for me to edit the msstyle's files by hand then to use this program, however, i do like the fact that a company released such a wonderful tool. If you guys would like my instructions on how to make Native XP skins, just let me know.
  16. EddiE314

    RAM problems with Windows XP

    are you sure you guys aren't using high density ram? thats the only thing i can think of off hand. Sorry.
  17. EddiE314

    Back to Fat

    Yes, boot off the XP CD and when asked where you want to install it, select the partition you want to format and hit the "D" key, then "ENTER" then the "L" key, then select the unpartitioned space and Quck format it to FAT.
  18. EddiE314

    WinXP 'nv4_disp.dll' Infinite Loop Crash

    Quote: Thanks for the offer Alec, but looks like BadBoy has found a solution to the problem here Rgds AndyF Can anyone verify that this works and also, can the file for the GF3 be used on a Gf2MX-400?
  19. EddiE314

    WinXP 'nv4_disp.dll' Infinite Loop Crash

    i know exactly how you feel, my friend Cody (pimpin_228 here on the forum) has the same problem with EVERY driver
  20. EddiE314

    battle of the computers

    well Cody, at least you can stare at my fried Hercules 3D Prophet II MX, has a nice blue color, looks good on the wall.
  21. EddiE314

    Advice on dealing with Telemarketers

    usually i and a few friends pass the phone back and forth telling the telemarketers to hold on that they have the wrong person, or i'll give the phone to someone else who proceeds to tell the telemarketer that if he agrees to anything or even talks to them that he will be beaten by his drunk father.
  22. EddiE314

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    you actually "wash" your mail?
  23. EddiE314

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    sometimes if you post too big of a description, a lot of people will over look it cause they don't want to read it all. ther have been times that i've posted stuff and only recieved 1 or 2 responses or even none at all. its not a matter of how long you've been here or how manyh posts you have or how much a.ss you kiss, it's all about the way you conduct yourself and explain your problem.
  24. EddiE314

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    that ROM didn't take too well to my card, after the flash, the screen was all distorted, i had no choice but to boot into Windows and put another rom on the floppy and re-flash it.
  25. EddiE314

    XP Plus Pack

    www.stardock.com WindowBlinds XP, if you download the beta version of it, open up desktop properties and go to Appearance, you'll see a grayed out color wheel selector, and when clicked it display a "not in the beta version" message, or something like that.