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Everything posted by Spree

  1. Spree

    Hitachi GD2000 DVD-ROM

    I've done some research, visited most websites, and what I've read is that I cannot play my dvd movies with my current DVD-ROM drive unless I buy a decoder card. But my question is, is this a fact? Must I get a decoder card, because I have no pci slots free. So it'd be great if someone had win2k beta drivers for Hitachi DVD-ROM drives. Thanks, Spree
  2. Spree

    Another Q3 Problem

    This may sound odd, but if you have A3D audio enabled on your system it can serverly f up your game play
  3. JimmyK my quake runs a 1024x768 with 16 bit, I never said quake runs at high detail only UT. Quake runs okay, it's on LiteMap and the detail slider is at like second to last notch. Just thought I'd clear that up.
  4. In reply to MarksmanX and some of the others, I spent $100 bucks on a Voodoo3 2000 PCI it runs Quake3 in 1024x768 with LightMap at 45 FPS, to me that's good enough. I run UT in 1280x1024 with High detail textures, if I knew the FPS command for the command console I'd tell you that one, but I can assure you it runs smooth as hell. If you're thinking about buying a video card, and are willing to wait a little while and shell out about $600 get a Voodoo5 6000, I've all ready got my money saved for this one. And MarksmanX glide technology is definitely not out of date. Besides it's constantly being improved. In my editing of my message, I will state this, these are only my opinions. Do what you wish with your money. I myself may buy a GeForce and a Voodoo5 6000 just to test them out, 'could always write them off as business expenses, heh just kidding. [This message has been edited by Spree (edited 05 February 2000).]
  5. Spree

    Please help with sound problem!

    If you check out the hardware section of this page, not the message board, you will find a Registry Key fix for the TOS_LINK output a.k.a Spdif
  6. My friend owns a TNT2 and can only run UT at 800x600 and gets about 15 frames per second. Me on the otherhand I have a Voodoo3 2000 PCI which only cost me $100 and I can run UT at 1280x1024 with High Detail Textures and it runs smooth as hell. I believe it's about 30 fps (I don't know the console command). It depends I've never taken an average on my machine. So my opinion is if you have atleast a PII 400MHz and 128MB RAM you'll love a Voodoo3 I've seen a lot of problems with the TNT2's the GeForces but not the regular TNT's Good Luck, Spree [This message has been edited by Spree (edited 05 February 2000).]
  7. Spree

    Anyone get Battlezone II working?

    I have a Voodoo3 2000 PCI and I get the same error, so I don't think it has anything to do with AGP. It might just be that it doesn't like the drivers you're using. Or it might be just that it's looking in the wrong place at the wrong time, heh. In checking now, I also get an error in a file that's not even there BZONE.sym [This message has been edited by Spree (edited 04 February 2000).]
  8. Spree

    UT comments at the moment..

    I own a PII 400MHz with 128MB RAM, with Build 2195 FREE (as it says in safe mode) and a Voodoo3 2000 PCI my Unreal Tournament loads super fast and I don't have to wait for that lame ass precaching, Why do you think God made 3dfx? When I skip UT's intro it loads in about 5-8 seconds to load a map it takes about 8 seconds every time. I don't know about you, but that seems fast enough for me. How long are you considering long peaje?
  9. Spree

    win 2000 pro, voodoo3 3000?
