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About skrause

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  1. skrause

    Media Player kills me !!!!

    i have a strange problem , i started a corrupted asf file by media player. it couldn´t start so the media player connected itself to the internet an download about 10 kb from a site i could find out . since then i can watch asf files but when i want to watch mpg files the sound and the video didn´t run in the same speed . avi files somtimes hang up an the player crashes. i could find a reason -- the files in the media plyer dir seam ro be ok - i check date and size by afriend with the same os installed ( 2195 final ) is it possible to reinstall the media player, i could find a option the choose deinstall or reinstall ? pls post help or email me stephan_krause@hotmail.com stephan_krause@t-online.de for german guys
  2. skrause


    tanks for your help guys, but still want to know if it is better to make a min /max files of maybe 500mb or let the os choose the size. some people think it is nonsens to create a swap file in ram , well i have lots of programs that use the swap file even with 384mb . also i use the ram disk , with is about of 128 mb as a temp dir , so that the garbage of installation programs and all other files with the os puts in the temp will be deleted after reboot - the installaion of programms is also much quicker , cause packed files will be unzipped in meomory ..
  3. i have a p3 500 with 384 mb of ram . even with that much ram w2000 makes a swap file sized 550 mb !!!! -- do i need a file that big or can/should i make it smaller ???? under nt4 i used the programm superdisk to create a virtual swap drive of 100 mb in ram -- is this also possible under w2000 ??
  4. skrause

    Which Scanner for Win2k?

    i have a mustek ide scanner called 1200 CU , works fine with w2000 mustek released new w2000 drivers