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Everything posted by papercut

  1. I am running the 120 eval version of win2k. I did not have problems with the earlier release canidates. I went from RC 2 to the final version and also added an epson stylus Photo 1200 printer at about the same time. Ever since then I have one processor worth of system load all the time (with a fairly constant 33% 67% split of the load). I looked at the number of interupts in the perfmonish app and they seemed high, but I do not know of any way to see what is generating the interupts. The rest of my hardware is a SB live value, voodoo3 3000, adaptech 2490 scsi 2 F/W controller a couple of IDE drives, a USR modem, and a realtec ne2000 PCI network card. The system is responsive, everything seems to work (printer, mouse, internet connection, graphics.), but I would still like to find out what is causing the problem. I will probably start yanking cards out of the computer tonight if no one has any other ideas.
  2. papercut

    SMP system, 50% cpu utilization by interupts

    Problem solved!!! After much reinstalling and nashing of teeth I finally changed the "computer" driver to MPS multiprocessor from ACPI multiproccessor. After that everything cleared up. BTW, when I said I had a lot of interupts I meant that it pegged the perfmon program at something like 100,000 interrupts/sec, far more that what I thought would be normal. --Jason
  3. papercut

    SMP system, 50% cpu utilization by interupts

    There is no process that is taking up the cycles (The idle process is at 90+%). The time is going to the OS (aka it the red and green graphs basically overlap.) This leads me to believe that it is a huge number of serviced interrupts that is taking all the time, but I don't know for sure. Could anyone let me know what a somewhat normal interupt/sec rate is?