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Everything posted by CUViper

  1. CUViper

    The new Apple Commercials

    Yeah, but unfortunately, I think that actually was part of Intel's marketing for the P4...
  2. CUViper

    Fan Stacking: Ever heard of it? Your opinions please...

    Quote: those motors are not traditionnal DC motors. There is some electronics inside the hub. When you reverse the polarity, nothing happens. I did say that this would work on a simple DC motor, but I guess I've never tried it on a computer fan before...
  3. CUViper

    Fan Stacking: Ever heard of it? Your opinions please...

    Quote: NOW, I need some "EE" experience here: Can I reverse the wires on the Stock fan into its motor to make it go in reverse? I know squat about these things... to achieve this "jet turbine" effect?? Yes, reversing the wires on any DC motor should make it spin the other direction. This wouldn't work on an AC motor, because you are just changing the phase, but with a simple DC motor you should be ok. I don't know about the whole jet turbine effect though... after all, I'm ECE, not AE...
  4. CUViper

    Happy B-Day CUViper

    Thanks guys.... I'm a little, shall we say, "under the influence", right now (after all, this is #21 for me ), but it's all good...
  5. CUViper

    Stupidest Customer/Person You Know (Computers)

    Quote: This is my favorite and a clasic: Program says to 'Press "any key" to continue'. I have looked everywhere, on the keyboard, box (CPU), mouse, and printer and I can not find anything that says 'Any Key'. I have acually heard one help desk person tell the customer that it was the 'n' key on the keyboard. The folks at Compaq were kind enough to answer this one....
  6. CUViper

    battle of the computers

    Couldn't resist... and for anyone looking to try for more, that is the maximum post length allowed on this board. Don't know why it put that space in at the beginning though. It's not there if I go to edit it... As an aside, I read somewhere that by using only ~50 digits of pi, you could produce a circle large enough to surround the entire universe without any part deviating from a true circle by more than the width of a proton. 8)
  7. CUViper

    battle of the computers

  8. That's very impressive, but being the true nVidiot that I am, I hope that this will pressure nVidia into bringing the NV30 out sooner. I haven't completely sold my soul to nVidia though... if the NV30 can't beat the r300, then I would be more than happy to buy an ATI card. However, even Anandtech says that the NV30 should be a step above even the r300...
  9. CUViper

    New to Win2k

    From the perspective of an everyday user, Windows 2000 is exactly like Windows 98 (only more stable). She should be able to hop right in and find everything she is used to. The differences in Windows 2000 only become apparent when you start doing administrative tasks, like adding devices, changing users, etc.
  10. CUViper

    Monitor Hz

    It's not like overclocking your processor, where you can make things run faster by taking them out of spec. When you try to feed the monitor the video signals too fast (i.e., use too high of a refresh rate), then the monitor will be unable to synchronize the incoming signal to the screen. Older monitors would show a bunch of garnage on the screen when this happens, but most newer monitors I've seen will just revert to sleep mode if it receives a signal it can't handle. Besides, the only way you could see an improvement by increasing the refresh rate is if you were able to notice the flickering at the old frequency. In this respect, 75Hz is perfect for most people, and you would have to be superhuman to see a problem with 85Hz...
  11. CUViper

    Windows XP FIX, IS IT TRUE

    Yes, but while that other post is funny in retrospect, at the time it just made a lot of people angry/annoyed with you...
  12. CUViper

    Stupidest Customer/Person You Know (Computers)

    Going back a ways, I seem to remember that someone on here claimed rather adamently that Win2k ran games better if you did an upgrade installation from 98, or something like that. Come to think of it, wasn't that you jdulmage? AHA! I found it! (see here) No offense jdulmage, but MAN, that was one of the better ones I've seen...
  13. CUViper

    M$ users.......read on

    If you are intent on being the ******* of the forum, then you might as well just leave now...
  14. CUViper

    All your benchmarks are belong to us :)

    Hmm, I wonder what my first "rig" would have scored on 3DMark? That C64 really screamed!
  15. CUViper

    Xp And Lego Creator

    First of all, please turn off your caps-lock... this is equivalent to shouting, and is annoying at best. If the program is already installed, you can try running it in compatibility mode. Right click on the shortcut of the program and choose properties. Go over to the Compatibility tab and check "Run in compatibility mode." Your best bet is to try setting it to the Windows 98 compatibility mode.
  16. CUViper

    What books have you read recently?

    The Last of the Renshai, The Western Wizard, and Child of Thunder by Mickey Zucker Reichert... one of my favorite series
  17. CUViper

    FTP server and XP's IIS

    Hmm, I would have thought that would work... Here's another way: Download TweakUI from here. In the logon section you can select and deselect users to show on the welcome screen.
  18. CUViper

    Necessary or Just a War?

    Quote: what's this? Jdulmange trying to stur up another huge thread. So long as it stays civil, what's the harm?
  19. CUViper

    How much bandwith would hosting pictures for..........

    Since I didn't directly answer your question, I'll venture a guess. For the kind of traffic it sounds like you're talking about, you will probably be just fine with your dsl line for serving those pictures.
  20. CUViper

    How much bandwith would hosting pictures for..........

    It really depends on how often those pictures are accessed. You could have thousands of pictures taking up gigabytes of space, but if someone only looks at one picture every other day, then it will use virtually no bandwidth. On the other hand, a single 50kB picture that was accessed a million times a day could easily bring down your entire line. The thing to keep in mind is that when someone wants to look at a picture, your server has to send it to them, and if 100 people look at the same picture, it has to be sent out 100 times.
  21. CUViper

    Recommendations for an ftp /http server

    He's just talking about the windows license. Depending on how many client licenses you get, Windows 2000 Server is in the range of $800 to $1500. And forget about Advanced Server - that's about $3500 and up. But unless you are going to get a lot more traffic then what you imply, you would see absolutely no benefit from getting Advanced Server.
  22. CUViper

    Resolution problem

    I found a project that should help you out: ResSwitch. This is just source code, so you will of course need to compile it before use. It is written as an MFC-class, so you can easily incorporate it into your own code as well if you're feeling ambitious...
  23. CUViper

    Resolution problem

    Nope, XP and 2000 don't touch the resolution when you log in. One way I can think to fix this would be if you could find a utility with parameters that let you set the resolution when you run it. Then you could put this in each user's startup folder so each user gets the resolution they want. I don't know of any utility like this, but I don't imagine it would be very hard to write...
  24. CUViper

    Xp2100 512 Ddr

    Well sure, AMD looks awesome when you've only had a Cyrix to compare it to...
  25. CUViper

    Help with weird XP networking issue

    Glad I could help!