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Everything posted by CUViper

  1. CUViper

    Looking for a Win2k Friendly GamePad

    I have the Gravis Xterm USB working just fine without the beta drivers. In fact, I think it says NOT to use the beta's with the usb. You have to set it as a HID-compatible Game device, or something like that. I can't remember exactly, and I'm at work right now so I can't check. But it does work with all of the features, just no gravis utilities
  2. CUViper

    I need a good freeware program to extract BIN & ISO file

    Try IsoBuster
  3. CUViper

    *DO NOT* Install IE 5.5!!!!!!!

    well I have yet to notice any problems with IE5.5; what bugs have you guys run into?
  4. CUViper

    Where can I get Setwin95.cmd

    try apcompat.exe, which should be on your win2k cd. If that won't work, search the message archives, as this has been a topic in the past as well....
  5. CUViper

    Viper V770 brightness

    if it's too bright for you, why don't you just turn down the brightness on your monitor? Personally, I find I have to turn up the gamma on my v770.....
  6. CUViper

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    there's a word for people like you jdulmage: TROLL If you don't have anything worth saying, then why are you here?
  7. CUViper

    Ice WInd Dale in W2k

    I've been playing for hours on end with no lockups.... I love this game! Are you running the beta patch? Which Liveware are you using? The new 3.0 or 2.0? Also, is this problem exclusive to IWD or are other games having lockups too?
  8. CUViper

    Windows 2000 friert ein ... more INSIDE

    I've got 5.32 installed with 2x AGP working just fine.....
  9. CUViper

    For those *****ing about SP1

    since when are you such a close buddy with the admins that you can get somebody booted?
  10. you don't have to reformat, but you do have to reinstall the os.... just boot off the cd, choose enter to continue, F8 'I agree', R to repair. This will redetect all hardware, chipsets, etc. and should work just fine
  11. CUViper

    New Liveware, same old problems

    it's not ACPI causing my problems..... i'm sure because it didn't work with standard mode too I don't get crackling ar anything.... my problem is that any 3d-sound effects seem to be at full volume. Because it is so loud, it also distorts a little. I've been diggin through the registry trying to find a key that controls the volume, thinking that the mixer isn't handling it right. All volume controls work okay, but anything that uses 3d-sound is much louder than everything else. For instance, in UT firing the gun, which doesn't use positional sound, is at normal volume. the ricochet (sp?) of the bullet off the wall, which is 3d positioned, is about twice as loud. Turn 3d-sound off, and everything is the same volume...... annoying to say the least........
  12. CUViper

    64 Bit Windows 2000?

    64-bit Windows 2000 is for.... well.... 64-bit processors. In layman's terms, not for you. All pentiums, athlons, etc. are 32-bit. Intel's new Itanium processor will be 64-bit, and that is what the news releases are talking about.
  13. CUViper

    LW 3 finally out!!!!!!!

    cool... i haven't installed them yet, but i must say that creative's servers were prepared this time. Last liveware release, the servers were so bogged down that i was lucky to get 10 k/s. This time though I was able to get all four files downloading at the same time at about 70 k/s each! (280 k/s total!) Hope they're at least a little better than the last set....
  14. CUViper

    Quick question about RAM

    i think your studies were for a different os..... isn't the minimum on win2k 64mb? i went from 128 to 256, and i still noticed improvement in performance.... the way i decide if i have enough: in the performance tab of the task manager, if the 'peak' at the bottom of the page is routinely above your physical memory, you may want to upgrade. the more you can avoid swap-file usage, the better....
  15. CUViper


    wow, that's pretty cool.... I had never played with the mmc before. I wonder why it's not in the administrative control panel?
  16. CUViper

    Faster Startup

    WARNING: Do NOT try this at home!!!
  17. CUViper

    Win98 and win2k... but

    While there are a lot of people that will scream bloody murder at the mention of two OS's on the same partition, it will actually usually work just fine. I currently am running 2k and 98 on the same partition. After you have finished the 98 setup, you will need to repair the nt boot loader though. You can search the archives for one of the many ways to do this....
  18. CUViper

    fighters.net and ntcompatible.com same IP?

    Because they are on the same server.... I don't know what kind of servers the Gamefan network runs, but in IIS, this is very easy to do using headers. If you don't send a header, like when you enter the ip directly, then it will go to the default web page. In this case the default would appear to be fighters.net Why are your friends trying to get to it by the ip?
  19. CUViper

    UT won't run on Win2K

    UT likes my system just fine in windows 2000: p3 700, tnt2u.... maybe it's your amd pos jk.... not trying to start a flame war...... DigitalDude: did it work before you applied the patch? Also tell us a bit more about your situation: what's in your computer, are you using direct3d or opengl, etc.
  20. CUViper

    Game Patch for Win 2000

    in internet explorer, go to tools->windows update......
  21. CUViper

    Windows ME questions.

    1. yes, ME can upgrade 98 2. don't know 3. I would imagine yes I personally will not be changing my 2k/98 dualboot to 2k/ME. The only reason I keep 98 around is for those games that won't run in win2k. A few of these require pure-dos mode to run, which ME won't provide. So I'll just stick with my Win2k/Win98 setup
  22. CUViper

    What is it with lack of SCSI devices?

    I think you guys missed the fact that he wants a slot-loading DVD for SCSI. AFAIK, pioneer is the only company that makes slot-loading cd/dvd drives. I have the 10x DVD atapi version, and it's great! Don't know about your scsi problem though.... maybe you should contact pioneer. They're not going to make scsi drives if they don't seem to be in demand......
  23. CUViper

    Has this been covered?

    to do a direct serial link, it has to be a NULL modem cable.... a normal serial cable will not work
  24. CUViper

    Professional vs server

    If you decide to go for Server, 64mb ram ain't gonna cut it. You need at least 128mb, and the more the merrier.....
  25. www.bootdisc.com may be dead..... but www.bootdisk.com , with a 'k', is alive, and is probably the site he really meant anyway.