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Kalie Ma

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Everything posted by Kalie Ma

  1. Kalie Ma


    I'm having trouble with a few (two) of my Riva TNT cards in Win2k 2195. Neither of them want to work. In both instances, I've tried every single Win2k driver I could find on the web - about 5 or 6 of them. On boot, it just reverts to the VGA driver and 640x480x16color. Are there any drivers our there that would work fine? Anything?? ------------------ Are we here? Are we unique?
  2. Kalie Ma


    wow.. You rule man. I had my BIOS set with "PNP os installed" on.... doh. I had done that to get BeOs to like my mouse, but forgot to set it back.... Thanks. But i wonder why the other card worked... odd. ------------------ Are we here? Are we unique?
  3. Kalie Ma


    Dunno about the PCI card - haven't messed with it lately, it's in the GF's boxen for now... The Herc detects as TNT in the Device Manager, but has a "!" by it. In the display properties -> advanced thingie, it says "VGA". so that's why i'm like "WTF?!"... I've tried reinstalling 2k several times, and it's become extremely frustrating... Any ideas? BTW, don't know if i've said this before, but the card works fine in 98SE and BeOs, so that rules out card damage...
  4. Kalie Ma


    Ahh... Well, I've got 3 working cards - an CL TNT1 AGP, a Hercules TNT1 AGP, and an STB TNT1 PCI. The Herc doesn't like Win2k, and even has a few driver issues in Win98.. The STB works fine now after a few changes to the ole' BIOS (vga frame buffer setting to OFF) As for the Herc... After playing with a few BIOS settings, I resolved the problems that Win98 was giving me - primarily texture artifacts (very bad) in Quake2 - but in Win2k, it still won't take a driver change. It always defaults to the VGA driver for some odd reason. I do know that the Herc doesn't use a reference design for the board, as it looks radically different (and much smaller) than my other TNT cards. My mobo is a Diamond/Micronics C200 [bios rev 1.06] which is actually a BCM/GVC board, but I can't remember the BCM model#. I'm using BCM's 1.06 reference BIOS at the moment, because Diamond's latest rev is 1.04... Anyway. The current status is that changing drivers to the TNT driver on the Herc card has no effect at all. I've tried changing from the one that comes with windows to every driver version I could find for Win2k - from 3.53 to 3.69. It just doesn't want to work. It works fine in '98 and BeOs, but not in 2k.... Thanks for the help... ------------------ Are we here? Are we unique?