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Everything posted by DeepRandom

  1. DeepRandom

    H-P 7200i and Win2K

    Will the old drivers work for the 7200i under Win2K? I need to know A.S.A.P. Thanks
  2. DeepRandom


    i don't want to overclock. i need to underclock my herc tnt to get it to run stable for some reason. ------------------ Jay: "Why the long face, Horace?" Holden: "Girl Trouble." Jay: "***** pressin' charges? I get the a lot." from Chasing Amy
  3. DeepRandom


    thanks all of you...i have been having a terrible time getting my herc tnt to work in win2k pro as well. like a dumbass, i didn't check the "pnp os.." setting either. i forgot about disabling it when i installed freeBSD a few months ago. damn that smarts! when i went back and switched it to "enabled" and rebooted...it works like a dream with nvidia reference drivers. my next challenge is to get the overclockign/advanced features enabled with the ref. drivers.