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Everything posted by Robo_Grunt

  1. Robo_Grunt

    Need SCSI to USB drivers

    If anyone has gotten a SCSI to USB cable to work under win2k please send me a link for the driver. Thanks....You will be heralded as a hero.
  2. Robo_Grunt

    Diff. Win2000 2195 and "final release" ...

    Hey boneheads...your I.P. is logged. Good job telling on yourselves. I bought mine at Staples but still come here for tech stuff. You should watch what is said here....big brother is watching.....
  3. Robo_Grunt

    USB to Ethernet w/ Win2k

    At the moment...I am waiting for drivers also. I have a Sony external cd-rw drive that uses an ethernet to usb cable. Worked fine in Win98 but unfortunately there are no drivers from anyone that I can find for Win2k. The only manufacturer that claims to be developing drivers is HP for it's external 8200e cd-rw drive. Supposedly they will be released in mid March. Cross your fingers. Hopefully other manufacturers will get it together and support their customers.
  4. Robo_Grunt

    Anyone break the 24hr uptime barrier yet?

    What the hell?!! My system has been up for weeks without a single involuntary reboot. I only just rebooted yesterday and only after installing the latest security and compatability updates. My system is rock solid. Love it. Not one problem since installing it back in January. Please don't flame me...it's true. System: PentIII/450 128meg SDRam PC-100 2/Maxtor 8gb IDE drives ATA-33 Voodoo3/2000(no problems from start) SoundBlaster Live Value (ditto) Pioneer 10x DVD Abit BX6-2 (flashed bios B-4 install) Linksys 10/100 Ethernet (no probs) Cable Modem Sony 17" Trinitron [This message has been edited by Robo_Grunt (edited 23 February 2000).]
  5. Robo_Grunt

    is USB supported in W2k?

    Thanks bro...you cleared that up for me. Now it makes sense. Well, hopefully they will get off their can and do it up right.
  6. Robo_Grunt

    Sony USB CD-RW Problems

    I have a Sony Spressa USB CD-RW drive. It functions fine in Win2k as a regulare CD-Rom drive but I need compatile Shuttle USB drivers. Does anyone else have this drive and have it burning CD's in Win2k?
  7. Robo_Grunt

    Sony USB CD-RW Problems

    Nope. HP has a similar drive and I am hoping that they are sitting on some drivers for the final release of Win2k Thursday. Sony has not had any updates. The problem is that the drivers have to be totally re-written. No cut and paste. Win98 and Win2k use totally different emulation standards. Sucks! I love my drive and I am gonna wait! er...uh..I also am (shamefully) putting together a second system with Win98 installed just in case. Win2k is better...but Win98 has more device support right now.
  8. Robo_Grunt

    is USB supported in W2k?

    Unfortunately, Win98 and Win2000 uses totally different emulators for USB. That is why support is spotty right now. The drivers have to be totally rewritten. Totally. I think that win98 uses VXD's and win2000 uses something called VDM's(?). Not positive but I do know that emulation under win2000 is difficult. At least that's what driver authors are saying.
  9. If anyone has gotten their USB CD-R drive to work in Win2k can you please explain how you did it or provide me with driver location. Thanks
  10. Robo_Grunt

    What is the big difference.......

    I am sorry and I hope that this doesn't start a huge post session but I am trying to get to the bottom of this in order to help others with similar problems. What is so different with NT5 usb support and Win98 usb? There can't be that much difference as the protocols should be identical. I want to re-write my drivers to make them work with Win2k. I don't have any problems with the standard hub, Win2k accepts that just fine and probably works with every readers system...but the MSD adapter (scsi to usb) is driving me insane. Specifically it is the shuttle usb adapter. It sees the driver, knows what it is but says that it isn't specifically written for Win2k.(even after rewriting the darned thing) Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Robo_Grunt

    What is the big difference.......
