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About spwolfx

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  1. spwolfx

    win2k problems, please help

    problem number one: it happened 7-8 times with different rebots and I cant see any connection problem number two: I hosted win2k v3 developers drivers myself problem number three: even in safe mode I get "config intialization failed" message and I need to re-install win2k all over again. And it aint pretty. All of my hardware is recognized and fairly new & brand name, I run win2k previousl for a week or more w/o restarting... as soon as I turned it off, puff, its gone... ideas?
  2. spwolfx

    use better proxy?

    well this was the answer to ICQ promlems with ICS - and I know ICS is not really advanced transparent proxy - for instance you can play most (if not all) multiplayer games with it. While for instance WinProxy is a peach
  3. spwolfx

    ICQ 99b and Internet Connection Sharing

    posted response http://ntgamepalace.3dfiles.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000259.html
  4. spwolfx

    use better proxy?

    What about using real proxy application? I jsut tested fe myself and your good free choice is proxy+ which has been easy to setup and supports socks 4&5 http://softwarecenter.net/Proxy.shtml Or you might want something fancier than that with WinProxy 3.01 - really great application, supporting everything out there. I use it myself right now. http://softwarecenter.net/WinProxy.shtml Both of them work great with win2k,
  5. spwolfx

    win2k problems, please help

    I am having huge problems with win2k - I installed it on ntfs formated drive and everything works - until I turn it off. Then on start up I get error (missing winnt/system32/config/*) and blue screen - I cant proceed, or do anything but reinstall the whole thing since it doesnt work in safe mode either (I tried safe mode, and everything else) - I have gold cd version. Should I install drivers in safe mode or something? I had to f@ reinstall the damn thing 8 times so far, but then again it run fine for a week (until I turned it off unlike my win98 which needs restart every 4 hours. Please help - I mean should the installation of NT drivers corrupt win2k? (last time I installed v3 drivers, epson & canon instalation programs for NT)...error there?. thanks...
  6. spwolfx

    Fifa2000 on Windows2000

    yep - the damn thing doesnt work....my roomate cried for days after finding out
  7. spwolfx

    Voodoo3 3000 / Win2k / Quake 3

    you need to use drivers from here and exactly follow the instructions provided. Quake3 works very nicely for me. I use oc/ cel 464 V3 3k o/c 190 mhz win2k pro