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About tvchris

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  1. tvchris

    Got quicktime 5 working in IE6?

    Nope. Haven't figured out a workaround, but am experiencing the same problem. I really don't want to have to reinstall 2000... I saw on deja.com that someone said he was able to fix it by installing IE 5.5, but didn't say HOW he installed 5.5, cause I can't seem to be able to do it...
  2. tvchris

    Q3A doesn't run for me! I get this error....

    I've had this happen to me... Did you install the patch and then install new .dll's? Either way, the only way I could get this problem to go away (I tried most everything including replacing ALL of the .dll's) was to reinstall Q3... Once I did that, I installed the point release, and left it at that... and all was fine.
  3. tvchris

    System Shock 2

    Anybody else having problems with their Geforce+Win2K+System Shock 2? I'm using the new 2.75 drivers, but it really doesn't matter what drivers I use, once it hits the direct 3d portion (ie. the actual game) it locks up... Any ideas? ------------------ Chris O'Neal