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About sidewalk

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  1. sidewalk

    Win2k and DMA on a Maxtor 292720U8 HD

    Bios is set up right, and the drive does support udma.
  2. My computer... athlon 550 fic sd11 mb w/ bios nc608 64 mb ram 27.2 gb 5400 rpm Maxtor hd running win2k For some reason win2k won't use dma mode on my hd, even though it does support it. I already checked "use dma if available" but it keeps using PIO. Sucks, uses all my processor and only gets 3 mb/s of throughput. Please list any suggestions you may have.
  3. sidewalk

    To all you "wonderful, l33t" Sr members

    That's all fine and good, but why have I searched and searched for drivers in windows 2000 for my diamond stealth III s540 xstreme and haven't found anything. I've checked every site possible and sifted through all of the forum. Other people have had the same problem, and all you say is "use the SEARCH button". It gets kind of annoying, and none has ever been directed towards me because I haven't ever posted anything. I'm just saying that if a silent observer gets this annoyed and frustrated then maybe you should lay off.
  4. I would like to curse all of you Sr members that instead of just helping people out...you tell them "use the SEARCH button" ect. A lot of the time the member is not asking for something hard...one sentence would help them...but you l33t members seem to think you are too good to help people, your interpretation of help is to bash people for asking. Why send people on a wild goose chase when you could help them? If it really bugs u so much...don't answer then!!!!
  5. sidewalk

    Unreal Tournement and Win2k

    ok that's all well but have you tried the patches from ut to fix some stuff did you have any problems afterwards???
  6. sidewalk

    Voodoo 3 3000 TV Out

    If there any way to get the TV Out on the voodoo 3 3000 to work in windows 2000 :-(