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About Deider

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  1. Deider

    system speed and FPS

    Speaking of names, kwei is a radio station where I live. You're not from Idaho are you?
  2. Deider

    Can't boot to an NT based OS

    That is exactly what it was. Dude, I really appreciate your help. Just when you think you start knowing a little, something comes along to humble you right down. Thanks for the insight and advise.
  3. Deider

    Can't boot to an NT based OS

    I just installed an Epox motherboard. EP-7KXA with a VIA-KX133 AGPset and an Athlon 700 cpu. I am running a triple boot with Milly, Win2k, and XP. The only os that will boot is Milly. With the other 2, I get a blue stop error screen that says Windows has been halted to prevent damage to my computer. I've been given different possible solutions from my local guru's ranging from a Bois flash to not enough power. I have a 250 watt power supply. Do I need 300 watts? I would like to solve this, because I love XP. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated....thanks.
  4. I have a Creative Labs Modem Blaster 56k which is isa, and it works flawlessly in XP. Just my 2 cents worth.
  5. I had a problem logging on also. I would get an error msg that would say that Windows files were either missing or damaged and that I needed to repair or re-install. This registry tweak fixed the problem. Thanks alot!!!
  6. Deider

    Quicken Backup to Zip Drive

    I backup Quicken to an Iomega 100 meg Zip drive. Are you using Quicken 2000?
  7. Deider

    Memory dump blue screen crashes STILL!

    I get the physical memory dump blue screen if I try to shut down or reboot. Mine was caused because I have a usb device attatched to my system. If you have one also, double click on the green arrow in the system tray and bring up a window that will allow you to highlight the device and click stop. Once you've done this, you should be able to shut down or reboot without a problem. Hope this helps .
  8. Deider

    ATI W2k

    Well, the installer still said my card wasn't compatible, so I just used the upgrade driver Wizard, and pointed to Rage 128 GL AGP (English) and it worked. Now I have the option to use the TV out again. I use it with a DVD Rom. Thanks again Doc
  9. Deider

    ATI W2k

    Thanks for the info Doc. I'm going after them now.
  10. Deider

    ATI W2k

    Those special purpose drivers on ATI's site have been available for almost 3 weeks. ATI says they won't offer Tech support for them and not to run them on mission critical machines. I tried to run the installer and got the msg saying my card isn't supported. I tried to get around it and got the drivers updated, then my machine wouldn't boot. I got a blue screen with the msg "bad pool caller". I had to go in in safe mode and revert back to WDM drivers to get the machine back. Any thoughts on this?
  11. Deider

    LiveWare 2k Problems! Urgent Plz help

    I'm grabbing the creative update as we speak. I had a similar problem with the blue screen associated with up[censored] Adaptec Easy CD Creator to 4.02. The error msg. on the blue screen said "Bad pool caller". I tried several remedies, including uninstalling Dell's Liveware, and removing the card from the device mgr. The only time I could boot to the desktop was if I physically removed the card, then it booted up just fine. I finally attempted re-installing Windows 2000. It worked, and now I have WDM drivers and a working computer(for now). An interesting note, I tried putting the card in a different pci slot and I still got the blue screen, but with a different error msg.(something to do with irq errors, but i honestly can't remember). Hope this info helps.
  12. Beavis, you're such a Butthead.....hehe. Believe it or not, I really appreciate the fact that you took a minute to answer my question. I migrated over from Win 98 and, as you know, there ARE differences in settings and configuration. I've learned a ton since I started frequenting this board, and I hope I can be of some help to someone in the future. Everybody learns at a different pace and not everybody thinks on the same level, so I hope those on here who like to be demeaning and sarcastic to what they think of as a "stupid question" will take a moment of pause before lashing out at those who are just trying to learn. I was taught that the only stupid question is the one you don't ask. It's just a thought. Again, thanks Beavis, for taking the time to help me.
  13. Where in Windows 2000 do you set up an account for network access?
  14. Deider

    Piracy, 2

    You guys know any good warez sites? ;o)
  15. Deider

    Dual boot between Win2K & 98 doesn't work anymore

    We're you using Partition Magic to resize the partitions? I did that and had the same results as you are having. When I would select Windows 98 from the boot menu, I would get "invalid system disk" with no floppy in the drive.