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Everything posted by DosFreak

  1. DosFreak

    Day of the Tentacle and SoundFX/VDMSound

    Hmmmmm, I don't remember if I got sound to work in that game or not. I've usually just been going through every game I can get my hands on and first seeing if the game actually runs. Then later I'm gonna go back and not the odd problems with them in 2000. (No sound/vesa). According to the VDMSOUND Compatibility page: http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/ntvdm/compat/index.html It works. I'll see if I can test it out to work today or more likely I'll have to play around with it tonight at home. oh. here's my email. Don't wanna give out my work but here's my yahoo one: d0sfreak@yahoo.com
  2. DosFreak

    3DMark2000 scores Win2k VS Win98ME

    or download the refresh rate fix for Nvidia cards from www.tweakfiles.com for more control.
  3. DosFreak

    3DMark2000 scores Win2k VS Win98ME

    1. Need to install VIA drivers if VIA mobo. 2. Need to install 6.34+ drivers. 6.47 for a little more speed at a slight loss of stability but still very stable. 7.17 for the fastest speed, very unstable. 3. Install latest bios. 4. Perform necessary bios changed for stability. Probably need to disable AGP 4x and or sidebandding and fast writes. (Probably not necessary but I'm haven't been keeping up with Via mobo's lately) 5. Download Microsoft Via AGP fix.
  4. DosFreak

    SimCity 2000 - WinNT 4 (Sp6a)

    Log in as user and reinstall game.
  5. DosFreak

    Liveware 4 for Win2k: Any rumors or info?

    Weird. I've been using the LW3 drivers since they came out on dozens of 2000 installations with all the latest games. Works fine for me. /jdulmage on IT WORKS PERFECTLY FINE FOR ME IN WINDOWS 2000 AND WHISTLER. YOU PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP. LIVEWARE 3 IS THE ANSWER. BY NEXT YEAR IF YOU DON'T HAVE LIVEWAR 3 YOU WILL BE SOL ON ALL THE LATEST GAMES! /jdulmage off ROFLMAO!
  6. DosFreak

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    I am the most intaligent persan in this whole thread.
  7. DosFreak

    IE download location??

    It copies it to your Temporary Internet Files directory in your profile.
  8. DosFreak

    Disable Scandisk Autoscan

    Don't disable scandisk.
  9. heh. Guess home users don't need multiple monitors or a network. I can see alot of w@rez copies of Whistler Pro going around. hehehehhe
  10. DosFreak

    3DMark2000 scores Win2k VS Win98ME

    "3dMark has not been FULLY optimized for 3dmark!!" See the little button there where you can choose different thingies. "Hardware T&L. Software T&l, AMD, P3) Well. If you choose those then it'll be "optimized" for it. To explain in baby language run Software T&l on a P3 and run it on an AMD and you can't argue about SSE or 3DNOW.
  11. 1. Which res? 2. Are you sure your processor is 933? 3. Are you running dx8 and SP1 + all Windows update updates? 4. Have you reinstalled MM2 since upgrading to 2k?
  12. No 6.34 should do it. Hmmmmmmm.
  13. Verify that the drivers installed properly. Mabye your still using older drivers and it didn't update....
  14. http://zoiah.m3dzone.com/
  15. Try the 6.34 drivers from www.progtec.com
  16. Hmmmm, check the agp440.sys file out. See if it's the same as the one in NT5.
  17. DosFreak

    CDR/RW Burning with Whistler

    Why is it that every feature in Whistler is always better? ;(
  18. Hmm, try replacing ddraw.dll witht he dx7 version.
  19. DosFreak

    new forum

    Wow. You spam your site in every forum except OTHER. Amazing.
  20. DosFreak

    Win ME and sudden HD access

    Not sure...but changing to ME would most definetly not fix your problem. Mabye you need to upgrade/downgrade soundcard drivers? Upgrade to latest game patch? Mabye this is normal for the game?
  21. Actually anything place in the DLLCACHE folder is protected. I'll try to find the knowledge base article.
  22. DosFreak

    QUESTION-Please answer

    Go buy a console.
  23. DosFreak

    Nortons Internet Security 2.5 and ICQ problems

    Use ZoneAlarm (Free) or BlackIce. Much better.