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Everything posted by DosFreak

  1. DosFreak

    Have you ever been soooo Riled up, you just wanna....

    "their support is the lowest on the scale" Hardly, there are ALOT of other companies that are even worse. It's not unusual for a company to focus on their latest products. In the case of Live! which has been out for close to 2yrs......
  2. DosFreak

    EVENT ID 37 - Win2000 Adv Server

    Here ya go: ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/reskit/win2000/exctrlst.zip
  3. DosFreak


    "What ever happen to the MacOS that was going to run on pc's" Obviously he hasn't been keeping up with the news. It's been known for months that OS X would run on X86's. Also ID is porting Quake 3 to it. I don't much keep up with Mac's but at least I TRY to stay up with my enemies advances.
  4. DosFreak

    Anyone know if Baldurs Gate 2 will run in Windows 2000?

    Yep, I guarantee that it will work in Windows 2000. Baldur's Gate I does. Baldur's Gate II is based on the same engine with a few graphics tweaks.
  5. DosFreak

    huge problem with wmp7

    Go to www.flexion.org and download ForceASPI.
  6. DosFreak

    Whistler 2257....

    Neptune Build 5111 has been out on the net for awhile....
  7. DosFreak

    WinTV PCI-FM

    Sharing IRQ's?
  8. Hmm, The latest version of Creator is 4.02d. Try that. This is almost certainly a software problem. (Not a problem with 2000). Most likely it's a problem with the Adaptec software. So up[censored] to 4.02d should work. My HP 9100 8X4X32 works fine in 2000 and I've never had a problem. Even with the original 4.02. You could also try up[censored] the firmware of your writer. Also try Nero or some other software and see if those work.
  9. What version of the Adaptec software are you using? 3.5c and above have worked great in 2000. As of 4 Creator uses it's own internal ASPI.
  10. DosFreak

    Win2K SP1 and the netstat command.......

    Hmmm, just ran Netstat and it ran fine. With SP1 in Windows 2000 Pro.
  11. DosFreak

    Still Waiting For Rage 128 Win2k Final Drivers!

    Normal ATI business practices. They have to focus ALL of their business on the RADEON because that's the product that can make or break them. Alot of people who have used ATI before are waiting to see what ATI's next product will be and are totally ignoring the Radeon. I wouldn't expect much from them for their older cards.
  12. DosFreak

    WinME drivers

    Yep. ME is 9x and 9x is ME.
  13. DosFreak

    For IT Professionals Only

    Or copy the .VOB's using CladDVD to the hard drive and then play them over the network from there or load up some software to play DVD's on the source drive. Let it start playing the movie. Now pause it and try to watch the DVD from the client computer.
  14. DosFreak

    Whistler discussion

    ??? Windows 2000 Advanced Server boots up in 1m 5s from the time I press the Power button until it asks me to press Ctrl+Alt+del. Whistler 2250 didn't seem to boot up any faster.
  15. DosFreak

    Playing Unreal under Direct3D or OpenGL

    The is no reason to use the Unreal Tournament Engine hack for unreal if you use the latest patch for Unreal.
  16. DosFreak

    new build of Win2k?

    1. Download Winzip 8.0 from www.winzip.com. Install Winzip 8.0. 2. Copy the Windows 2000 CD to "?":\W2PSEL_EN on your HD. (?:\ = Drive letter, W2pSEL_EN = Volume Label of CD 3. Right-Click on Sp1network.exe and extract to the sp1network directory. 4. Go to the Update directory in the sp1network directory. 5. Make a batch file called update.bat and place these lines into it: update.exe -s:"?":\W2PSEL_EN "?"=Drive Letter What update.exe looks for is the i386 directory. So change the F:\ to reflect the drive that has the i386 directory from the Windows 2000 CD. W2PSEL_EN is just the directory where the i386 directory resides. In case your wondering why mine is different it's because I have the SELECT version. 6. Save the batch file and run it. 7. It should update your files and it will tell you when it is done. If it doesn't then you have done something wrong. 8. Download CDRWIN from www.goldenhawk.com. Install cDRWIN. 9. Get the CD-ROM boot sector and CD Marker files from here: http://www.angelfire.com/de2/w2kcd/neededfiles.zip 10. Place the appropriate files from neededfiles.zip into the root directory of W2PSEL_EN. Place CDROM_NT.5 into the root of the CD. Place: CDROM_IP.5 - If you are doing 2000 PRO then place this into the root. CDROM_IS.5 - If you are doing 2000 SERVER then place this into the root. CDROM_IA.5 - If you are doing 2000 ADVANCED SERVER then place this into the root. 11. The root of the directory should now contain only these files: Autorun.inf cdrom_iX.5 cdrom_nt.5 read1st.txt readme.doc setup.exe 12. Open CDRWIN and choose the File Backup and Tools option 13. In the BACKUP/TOOL Operation Choose the Build an ISO9660 Image File 14. in FILE BACKUP List click the DIRECTORY button and choose the directory where you copied the Windows 2000 CD. Click OK. Then click the ADD button. You should see the directory in the big box now. 15. Check the INCLUDE HIDDEN FILES,LONG FILENAMES(JOLIET),INCLUDE SYSTEM FILES,RECURSE SUBDIRECTORIES. Uncheck PRESERVE FULL FILE NAMES. boxes. 16. For IMAGE FILENAME click the three dots at the right and choose a directory and a filename. Then click Save. You should see the pathname and the filename of your .ISO in the box. 17. Check the DISABLE VERSION NUMBERS box. 18. Click the ADVANCED OPTIONS button. 19. For Volume Label use the name of the original Windows 2000 CD. Ex: W2PSEL_EN For Volume Set Name use the bame of the original Windows 2000 CD Publisher Name: MICROSOFT CORPORATION PREPARER NAME: MICROSOFT CORPORATION, ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND WA 98052, (206) 882-8080 20. Choose the BOOTABLE DISC tab. 21. Check the MAKE BOOTABLE DISC box. 22. For MEDIA EMULATION CHOOSE Custom 23. For Image File name use the boot.bin from the neededfiles.zip. 24. For DEVELOPER NAME use MICROSOFT CORPORATION 25. For Load Sector Count use the number 4. 26. Click OK and then START. 27. When it's done open up any CDR burning program that supports .ISO's to burn your IMAGE to CD.
  17. DosFreak

    Out of these which is better and why?

    At least one more SP will be out for NT4. Service Pack 7
  18. DosFreak

    Need to deny Guest access to Drives

  19. Yes it is but you have to be able to access the NTFS partition in DOS/Linux to copy over the files.
  20. DosFreak

    Infamous DXR3 beta drivers....

  21. DosFreak

    Need to deny Guest access to Drives

    heh. ren DOS ALT 2+5+5
  22. DosFreak

    Need to deny Guest access to Drives

    But if you make an extra partition you can convert it to NTFS and then delete it later.
  23. DosFreak

    Need to deny Guest access to Drives

    Yep, you have to use NTFS. You could put all your stuff on a separate partition and convert it to NTFS using Convert X: /FS:NTFS /V
  24. DosFreak

    Good job SHS

    I like the changes! Keep up the good work.
  25. DosFreak

    Need to deny Guest access to Drives

    Right-click on each drive in My Computer and go to Security.