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Everything posted by DosFreak

  1. DosFreak

    What to do BEFORE a system CRASH...

    Unsure what you are asking. Are you asking if your tape drive is supported by a DOS bootdisk or some other media so you can restore from tape to your HD? I haven't used NTBackup for awhile (Been using Veritas BackupExec for a long time). The programs are similar (NTBackup being a stripped down version of BackupExec) BackupExec has the ability to create recovery CD's to restore your OS but BackupExec is likely too expensive for what you want to do. It's possible that you could hack NTBackup support into WinPE/BartPe and do a restore from there but I've never tried it. The best suggestion I can give you is to use Acronis TrueImage Server, it supports SCSI tape drives but I've never used Tape Drives with TrueImage so I can't tell you how effective it would be.
  2. DosFreak

    Hope nobody was waiting for Dungeon Keeper 3

    Insulting BladeRunner's machine specs from a post made 4 years ago for a computer that was high-end 4 years ago. Good job! Thread closed.
  3. Buy it. Don't Pirate it. Thread locked.
  4. DosFreak

    Doom 3

    System Shock 1/2. Doom 3 has jack-in-box monsters.
  5. DosFreak

    Convert NTFS 3.0 to NTFS 3.1

    Partition Magic cannot merge partitions that have different versions numbers. This is from the PM8 documentation. PM8 when it crates NTFS partitions, it uses the NTFS version of whatever OS that you are using. If creating NTFS under DOS then it will be NTFS v3.1. So let's see, on installation of XP prior versions of NTFS are upgraded. Now I'm not sure if the actual upgrade does this or if it is actually required to format the partition. or you could delete the partition and remake it with PM8. Some interesting NTFS info: Windows NT 3.51 = NTFS v1.2 (NTFS v4 on internet) Windows NT4 = NTFS v1.2 (NTFS v4 on internet) Windows 2000 = NTFS v3.0 (NTFS v5 on internet) Windows XP = NTFS v3.1 (NTFS v5.1 on internet) Windows 2003 = NTFS v3.1 (NTFS v5.1 on internet) http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;Q310749 http://www.windowsnetworking.com/kbase/W...ichversionofNTF SamIrunning.html If you have access to the fsutil utility (included in Windows XP). Then type in: fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo c:
  6. DosFreak

    My list of NTCompatible games

    Updated again. Windows XP category almost done. About 40 games left to test. Have maby a 100+ more game demos I could add to the list but I'm more interested in trying to synch the NT4/2000/XP/2003 lists than adding new games.
  7. Unsure if Ghost can perform just a straight file copy. Dos can but then you'd have to hunt down the NTFS for Dos files.....WinPE could do the file copy but unsure if it would update your NTFS ver..... Probably would be best to make a Ghost backup of your HD and then try the NTFS->FAT conversion if PartitionMagic will allow.
  8. What defrag utility are you using in NT4? IIRC, NT4 SP4+ supports the NTFS ver in Windows 2000. Does Chkdsk still work?
  9. DosFreak

    Google Desktop Search (beta)

    http://desktop.google.com/ Check it out!
  10. DosFreak

    Norton Ghost v9 Disk Copy Issues

    I've hard of people disabling system restore before ghosting their system with Ghost v9 and having success. Dunno why that would work tho and sounds kind of strange to me. Have you tried booting in safe mode? Can't really help you with Ghost v9. I most use Acronis True Image. Before True Image I used Ghost v7.5 and earlier versions. I've used Ghost32 v8.0 with BartPE at work but it's hardly ideal for my uses. (Just use it for backwards compatibility with already created images.)
  11. DosFreak

    ntvdm.exe using 99% of CPU, how do I correct this?

    This is a limitation of NTVDM...most likely due to keyboard/mouse polling. Try running the program under dosbox.sourceforge.net and seeing if you get better performance.
  12. DosFreak

    JCreator Pro 3.10.009 serial

    Email the creator of the program.
  13. DosFreak

    Anyone else having strange problems after SP2?

    This thread was originally for Windows 2000 Service Pack 2...not Windows XP Service Pack 2.
  14. DosFreak

    Google Desktop Search (beta)

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Desktop then data_dir for the location of the database.
  15. Originally posted by pmistry: Quote: but I don't use that Catalyst Control Center, man its fugly.
  16. DosFreak

    Google Desktop Search (beta)

    Just found the database, it's located in your profile in Application data. Grows pretty big tho...NTFS compressions works well on it. Also the database location can be changed in the registry.
  17. DosFreak

    Local volume search engine?

    The email search works, need to read up on how it does what it does.
  18. DosFreak

    Untitled thread

    Well, using SP2 Firewall is better than no firewall at all. Some thoughts: Microsoft has never focused on boundary protection before. They do have their ISA Server product but it's basically a joke and it's intended for small business use...not home usee. Basically the point I'm getting to here is that Microsoft is not a firewall company. Third party firewalls have been out for YEARS now. Microsoft has had IP filtering in it's products for years but no real firewall capability as such. Which ver of ZoneAlarm were you using? Latest version is v5.1 but it seems to slow the internet down. Haven't had ZoneAlarm crash on me in awhile tho. Personally I use BlackIce, doesn't slow down my connection at all and it isn't as bloated. It also isn't free. The free version of ZoneAlarm is still far more feature rich than basic XP firewall. It's been awhile since I used it but I think Outpost Firewall is pretty good. You may want to try that. Shouldn't matter to ZA if you have internet up or not when you installed it. I don't even think you have to reboot either but I may be wrong. As for XP firewall turning off itself I don't know. Just disable the service.
  19. DosFreak

    External Hard Drives

    I have 13 BYTEC USB2/1394 5.25" External enclosures. All enclosures are the same model (don't have the model # at the moment). All have fans. Basically you want an external enclosure with USB2/Firewire (Firewire is MUCH faster). You want a fan included. You also want an aluminum case if you can get it...but as long as the case has a fan you should be good. You may also want a power switch on the back of the USB drive. Also the good thing about this model is the fact that the AC power cord is a standard power cord. I've had excellent success for 3+ years now with Western Digital 120, 200, 250GB hard drives. The hard drives get stuffed in my back pack and go with me back and forth to work, on airplane trips, to the desert. Only bad thing about my model is fan noise (I don't care), size (don't really care...although pocket-size 250gb would be nice!), also the front part of the enclosure pops off if enough pressure is applied to the case and the top halp of the enclosure is held together on both sides by thin strips of plastic. (I duct tape my enclosures....DUCT tape fixes everything!!!).
  20. Originally posted by ross_aveling: Quote: That's the one, well remembered Alec. Very strange why Microsoft took out the GUI based access to this setting (and many others I suspect). Stranger still why this hack works in the 9x versions of Windows. IIRC, Microsoft merged that feature into Windows 2000's Routing and Remote Access. Of course 2000 Pro doesn't have this feature so you'll have to use the reg tweak. As far as I know the reg entry dates back to Windows NT 3.5. Quote: It would save loads of money for a lot of people who bought Windows server just for this purpose. Marketing is the money killer. (Butchered Dune Quote)
  21. This is something that I've thought about for a very long time. I've always been very security minded when it comes to the Internet world and to the Real world. Better to be safe than sorry....but not much harm can come of posting my pic and a bit more info......mabye. Hmmmm, if I do post more info I'll probably change my handle since it would hardly do to have my handsome face associated with "DosFreak". But do I really dare to post this stuff? Oh choices...how I hate thee. It's going to be hard to break a 14+ year anonymous BBS/Internet habit.........
  22. DosFreak

    Help! Internet Explorer Not Refreshing....

    Are you using a proxy server/service of some sort?
  23. Quote: (You're a young man still, or @ least you look it! I had you pegged as an older, slightly heavier set & greying @ the temples kind-of-guy to be honest! Maybe in your early 50's or so... no joke!) heh. Young in body, but old in mind. Will be 25 in Jan. I'm working on getting fat now that I'm getting out and my hair is starting to gray in front....which is one of the reasons why I keep it short. Another reason I don't like posting pics is the impression people get of you by your looks. No big deal online since the first impression (at least here) has been by talking and then mabye viewing a profile. Whereas, in RL they would of course see you, judge you, and then talk. Speaking of saved pics: http://www.geocities.com/d0sfreak/APKandFamilia_copy.jpg http://www.geocities.com/d0sfreak/funnypic.jpg
  24. Well, it's done. FBI should be kicking my door down any minute........