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2000 User

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Everything posted by 2000 User

  1. 2000 User

    NTFS or FAT32 which is better for gamers?

    I have found through experience that FAT32 is faster, especially when dealing with many small files, but with larger files also. NTFS has a lot of overhead related ti security, as well as the peculiar "FAT" it uses. Also, I found NO difference in stability between the two. There is also the plus of being able to access FAT partitions from a diskette. I killed 2000 by accident once, and that was a lifesaver. On the other hand, my largest partition is 4 GB, and microsoft CLAIMS that NTFS is faster than FAT ahen the partition is over 4 Gigs - but between what they claim and reality usualy pervades a HUGE gap. :-) Actually, FAT 16 is much faster than FAT 32 - so you can use that if you want to. The only catch is that FAT 16 is limited to 2GB. The plus side of NTFS is that you can selectively compress directories and files - if you compress a directory, you can choose to have all included files and directories compressed. However, the compression ration isn't great - about 1.3:1 on the average. It all depends on your situation/hardware. My box: PIII 450@558, 256 MB RAM, IBM 7200 RPM 18 GB HD. P.S. You can also get a utility to get win98/95 to read/write NTFS - I use a "warez" version and it works like a charm. No, I won't post it.
  2. 2000 User

    Chassis fan stays on in hibernation

    Uh - you got hibernation to work??!!! I have a BE6 (not -II, but the original) and it doesn't have the otion of turning off the HPT 366 controller. When I try to hibernate, the machine goes into a "HD light on a few seconds - off a few seconds - on, off, etc" loop, and doesn't respond to anything except reset (not even ctrl-alt-del). My HD is on the hpt366 controller, BTW. Anyone else with an ABIT BE6 have any luck? (I know this isn't exactly the thread subj - sorry! But I just kind of got fired up . . . )
  3. 2000 User

    Abit BE6 mainboard and Win2k

    Yeah, there IS an easier way. Give it the driver when it says "press F6 to install SCSI drivers" . . . in text-mode setup. Just change the contents of the hpt366.tag file to read: HPT366 Ultra DMA Controller and everything should work. Worked for me . . . forgot to add - the diskette must not be bootable, or setup won't recog the file system! sounds crazy, but true . . . and one more thing - you only need to install the driver once, not twice. It will work for both controllers. HOWEVER, for some crazy reason, you still have to install the driver AGAIN once in gui mode - the driver you add during text-mode setup works fine, but then gets lost somewhere along the way. You'll still be able to boot without errors, though. [This message has been edited by 2000 User (edited 07 February 2000).] [This message has been edited by 2000 User (edited 07 February 2000).]
  4. 2000 User

    Win2k Adv Server Problem

    You have to reinstall the whole thing and install the driver for the HPT 366 controller during DOS mode install, at the point where it askes for SCSI drivers. I had the same problem (W2k Adv. Ser.) - Its just that W2k doesn't find the driver at boot time and fails to find the HD. You have to format a floppy, make sure it ISN'T bootable (or you get a screwy "Unknown file system" error) and copy the drivers to it - ALL files. One VERY important thing - the hpt366.tag file is INCORRECT!! Its a text file that originally reads something like "This is a tag file for the High Point 366 Controller" - it SHOULD read exactly like this, no quotes: "HPT366 Ultra DMA Controller" Took me a damned 3 hours to figure it out. If you don't change the file, the install will insist that the diskette is incorrect!! THESE COMMENTS ARE REGARDING HPT 366 DRIVER VERSION 1.22 ONLY!!
  5. 2000 User

    acpi - PLEEEEEASE help!!!

    If you have an ABIT BE6, DON'T DO WHAT JERRY SAYS! W2k will fail to load on the next time round!!!!! It might have to do wit the fact that the UDMA/66 controller in the ABIT is external, and W2k "looses" the boot driver - don't know. The only way I've been able to get ACPI to work on my machine was to explicitly tell W2k to set it up as ACPI during DOS mode install. When it says "Press F6 to load SCSI drivers" (or something like that) press F5 instead, and you get a menu of different systems you can install. Remember Win 95/98 install? Same sort of thing. The catch is that if you need to force it to install ACPI AND you need to install a SCSI/UDMA66 driver at boot time, you have to write an answer file. Dig around on the CD under Deploy (or Support - memory loss!) for quite specific instructions.
  6. 2000 User

    Tiberian Sun won't run - Help!!!

    Am I the only one who can't get TibSun to run? I get kicked right back to the desktop with an error message "Failed to Initialize - Please reinstall Tiberian Sun" Newest patch, newest drivers, W2k 2195 RTM, other DirectX and OpenGL games run just fine. What's up? PIII, ABIT BE6, 128 Megs, TNT2 Ultra 3.75, SB Live!
  7. 2000 User

    Can anyone comment on the speed of your games under Win2k

    One point you've all been forgetting to make - what version of w2k are you using? Anyway, my observations - Using - W2k RTM (2195) Adv. Server, Nvidia TNT2 Ultra with 3.75, PIII 450@558 - Fast both in W98 and in W2k. But SMOOTHER in W2k (better multitasking because of NT kernel). My other machine is a 166MMX @ 266 and 64 megs, crappy 2MB video, $7 sound card - BIG difference - HalfLife @ 400x300 in W98 is just OK (15-25 FPS), @ 512x348 in W2k very smooth (AT LEAST 20 FPS - usually around 30). Note - I don't actually PLAY on that machine (I'm not a masochist), but it was interesting to compare the performance difference. Another Note - BareBones W2k is MUCH faster than NT4.0 with all service packs and drivers - not only in games, but in general performance.
  8. 2000 User

    Games and some apps too dark! Help???

    Yeah - same here, just the Ultra version. Try Powerstrip - works like a charm. reg it in astalavista.box.sk Find it at www.entechtaiwan.com
  9. 2000 User

    "mod-numknown == max_models" What does this mean

    I had the same problem. Different machine - PIII, TNT2 Ultra, 128 Megs, SB Live! Value. The problems went away when I installed from a different CD - I think the versions were slightly different (don't remember). Anyway, its not installed now, so can't check. Borrow a CD from a friend and try that - it's the only thing that worked for me!